Monday, July 28, 2008

Kerry Katona Not A Hooker - And Never Has Been

I've written some posts previously about Kerry Katona, but I understand most of the readers in the US probably don't know who she is or even give a crap about her. Fair enough, I really don't give a crap about her either usually. Oh sure she's fun when people are accusing her of drinking or doing drugs while pregnant or trying to keep track of which guy knocked her up this time or if the guy in question even has a job. She can even be interesting when she has put herself into treatment centers to deal with abuse or her various mental issues. She's kind of like the Britney Spears of the UK except for the fact that for some reason companies still continue to give her gobs of money to promote their products. Iceland above signed her up for another $500,000. Apparently they think she is a fine role model for their customer base. I'm surprised they didn't use the first shot of her smoking while pregnant in their ad campaign. Would have been a real winner I think.

Anyway, she won a court ruling today that said she is in fact was not a hooker before she joined the group Atomic Kitten. The Sunday Mirror had heard that Kerry's mom was going to write a book and call her daughter out as a hooker and so they reported it. Turns out it wasn't true. So, despite your thoughts that she fits the stereotype of a hooker you would be wrong. Well wrong in the sense that she wasn't one previously. I have no idea what she does with her free time now. I've seen enough made for tv movies to know that some people have very strange hobbies.

For now though she is about $100,000 richer thanks to the award. No doubt her husband will be glad of that because I think he was about to go back to driving a cab or whatever it is that he does. Wait, is that guy even her husband? I don't know. Is he the father of her most recent baby or the one before the most recent? Who is the father of the current one? I know she had a different father for or two for some of the other ones but I thought when the photos of her smoking and drinking while pregnant and naked this time around that for some reason it was a different dad. Or was this the same pregnancy where she was doing drugs? So confused.
Oh, but she wasn't ever a hooker. Or at least got her mom to stop writing a book that says she was.


  1. (yawn). No one really cares, Ent.

  2. Hmmm, which post is getting more comments, the one about the hooker or the non-hooker? Gotta know your audience. :)

  3. She's such an unpleasant chav - who cares really....
