Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica

So, again here I am discussing Jessica Simpson. I didn't want to, but this time felt like I needed to. In an interview she gives to Elle this month Jessica was asked if she had ever been physically abused because there is a song on her new CD called Remember That which deals with abuse.

This is what Jessica had to say: "I don't want to talk about it, but I have definitely experienced abuse in a way that I would tell people to take their heart and run."

Here is the relevant portion of the song:

"It doesn't matter how he hurts you / With his hands or with his words / You don't deserve it / It ain't worth it / Take your heart and run."

Here is what ticks me off about this. First of all you should know by now that I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes towards any abuse whether physical or verbal or mental towards any person, man or woman except for Joe Francis.

When you read the quote it sounds as if Jessica sat around and opened her heart and wrote this song about her experience. Problem is that according to ASCAP at least, Jessica Simpson doesn't have a writing credit for this song which means she didn't even contribute one word or thought to it.

Then when asked about abuse she just waffles. The way she answered the question says to me it could have been a guy at Starbucks who used whole milk instead of soy. I think her answer and the way she is trying to imply that she wrote the song because she had been abused does a disservice to the millions of men and women who are abused in their relationships.

To me being evasive is the worst thing she can do here. People look to her for guidance. I know, I know, but they do. So, she could have said, "I haven't been abused in my relationships but so many people have and I hope they will listen to this song and take its message to heart and get help or just get out."

See. Simple. Kind of like her. Now, people will assume she has been physically abused when she is not actually saying she was. People will then start looking at all of her relationships and accusing those people. She needs to clarify what she was talking about or not talking about because people are going to start wondering who she is referring to and then those people are going to be under a cloud of suspicion. Publicity is one thing, this is another.


Dead Angel said...

Her career is almost over and nobody is buying any of this. When women do things like this, it hurts the credibility of the women who do come forward. She can't name the person? Why because of retaliation? I don't think so.

She should lose her career as punishment. She'll live nicely on endorsements, so don't feel sorry for her untalented ass. It's daddy who will suffer. I hate all of them including Pete.

Anonymous said...

I always said the girl has no brains and this just proofs it.

I don't think she realize how people are going to react. And probably since she just put her foot in wonder who she is going to take it out.

califblondy said...

What got me is that I think alot of people will blame Nick. While I hope she wouldn't lie about something like that it sounds like BS to me. What guy would risk the wrath of Joe?

Ellen said...

Good post EL.

She's just doing all she can to cling to that 15 minutes. Hopefully this time next year it will be "oh, I remember her, what happened to her?" I wish....but how desperate is Elle to even put her on the cover? Was Lauren Conrad busy or something?

Anonymous said...

If she admitted she hadn't been abused before, I suppose her lyrics would have been taken to task for being from a perspective she herself has never seen. Who are we to say she wasn't abused at some point? When I read the quote,I thought to myself she sounded like a girl who knew what it was like to have a guy verbally push her around. I don't think for a second she was ever physically abused and I don't think her quote indicated that, either. At least, it wasn't the first thing to pop into MY mind. As for whether or not she wrote any of it, even if she DID have credit, it would be very little considering that most artists insist on writing credit even if they did not write a single note or word. But she hasn't done that, here. I'm not saying they wrote her song with her experiences in mind, but just because she didn't write the song doesn't mean she hasn't had a poor experience that could be related to the song.

mooshki said...

"First of all you should know by now that I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes towards any abuse whether physical or verbal or mental towards any person, man or woman except for Joe Francis."

Enty, are you trying to make us fangirls swoon for you even more? If so, it's working.

jax said...

i beleive the bitch was abused in some way by John M. IMO.

But i agree with Bad Fish on this one, she may have not written the song but had the experience.

either way its a good message to wmen out there-get out. to me that's most important not the messenger.

RagDoll said...


and don't forget Daddy. Who the hell knows what THAT freak did to her, his own child?

a full circle said...

I completely agree. The excerpts I read from that article were entirely nonsensical; she spewed some words which could have been decently intelligent, had there been meaningful intention behind them. All of her comments sounded as though they had been fed to her by publicists, but she forgot the exact wording and mumbled what she could remember instead. Each new piece of information I hear about her makes me lose more respect for her.

lutefisk said...

I think she will say or do anything to try to sell her cd, regardless of the truth.

jlb said...

And this is exactly why I wish she would just go away, get married and live happily ever after outside of the public eye.

But the first thing that came to my mind was that JM had told her one too many times she was an idiot etc.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

This reminds me of the whole Christian Bale "abuse" thing -- which was total bullshit, and his mother should honestly be charged for taking up the time and other resources of the police dept (constable? jargon help needed here) who handled that case.

There's a pretty big difference between verbal abuse and physical abuse. I'm not claiming that one is worse than the other, but in this instance and the Bale situation, it seems as if there's WAY too much ambiguity going on. And the fact that Jessica didn't WRITE the song? UGH. Come ON, Jessica. Dumbass.

What? Did Nick call her a slut or something because she got a rim job from Bam Margera? That's not the same as tossing her into a chandelier or running her over with a golf cart.

Emma31 said...

yeah she knows her career is in the shitter so she is holding on anyway she can. Double D's is getting desperate.

Unknown said...

ENTY, you're putting too much importance on her. She obviously knows how to take care of herself and left whatever situation that was, and no one looks to her as role model anyway.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Jax, that the message is more important than the sender. I took comfort when I read the lyric simply because I've been in that situation before, going through a little of it now with an evil ex trying his dastardly best to win me back, and I think its important to put the message out there that you're worth more than that as a person and that you have to protect yourself.

selenakyle said...

I haven't read any of y'all's posts yet, but I just know this underexposed, undereducated, naive creature has been abused in some way.

Certainly perhaps in ways that she willingly let happen for the wrong reasons at first...then, Lo and Behold!

Those who survive hopefully DO eventually grow and learn from mistakes and life experiences.

And, no, she probably hasn't "written" anything in a long, long time, song or otherwise.

But a gorgeous woman, gotta say. Just MO.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she had a nanny that cursed her. Maybe she had an uncle that flashed her. Maybe a singing coach felt her up once. Maybe her MOTHER, who we never hear about, told her everyday she wished she never had her.

Point is: we just don't know, do we?

Judi said...

Wrong, Enty. She doesn't "need to clarify" anything. It's personal and private. Not for public discussion or a PSA. She's free to tell what she wants, and doesn't need anyone's permission regarding who, what, when, where or why. No one here is owed anything. Honestly! You really surprise me sometimes.

Lulu said...

Wrong, judi. To whom much is given, much is required. She has a platform and she has an influence. That comes with some sort of responsibility.

To be cryptic about domestic violence to promote music, which she stands to profit from, is insensitive if not careless.

newsgrrl said...

I'm not getting "implied" from this.

What could be the thing is that she heard the song - could relate to it - and recorded it. Fine, she plagiarizes the verbiage to describe something that happened - perhaps.

The question of the moment is - for me - Is she saying she wrote this? [And for the record, I think she's worthless as an artist.]

violet said...

Bad Fish: Stay strong sister!!

LULU: Nicely put!!!!
"To be cryptic about domestic violence to promote music, which she stands to profit from, is insensitive if not careless."

Jessica Simpson has kleenex for brains. Beautiful but IQ of a tissue.

Wil said...

Certainly not to defend "Chicken of the Sea" Girl or anything .. but this is a total lose-lose question. Anyway she answers it will make her look like an idiot .. and she really needs no help in that department.

[Prefacing this with .. by "we" .. I am talking the world .. not here at CDAN ..] If she says she has, we wonder if she is lying or who it was who abused her and what the abuse was. If she says she hasn't, we will have some people who will no doubt question her right, motivation - or whatever [can't think of the right word at this hour] - to sing the song. And if she refuses to answer the questions as too personal .. speculation runs rampant.

So .. even if I transfer this question on to another singer .. I am still coming up with the same points being valid. I think it is just a crap question to ask someone. "So Miss Theron, have you ever had the living shit beat out of you??" .. ya know?

Or maybe my logic is crap because I am too damn tired? That is also a total possibility!

bionic bunny! said...

no offense meant, but there really isn't that much difference between verbal/mental abuse and physical abuse.
i tried for a long time to actually get my first husband to hit me, so i could finally leave the constant mental abuse. i thought that was my only way out.
my son had to have visitation his entire live and deal with the mental and verbal abuse.
maybe if someone had explained to me that forced sex in marriage is still rape, i wouldn't have had to put my son (whom i love dearly and wouldn't trade for anything, but you get my drift) through all that.


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