Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Vague

Jennifer Aniston just can't win for losing. What does that mean exactly? I mean it is a popular saying but to me it really doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense. I just know when you are supposed to use it and this time seems appropriate.

By my calculations, Jennifer Aniston spent about two days away from John Mayer on his entire European tour. The remainder of the time she was like Melanie Griffith and just glued to his side. She kicked other women out of the backstage area and basically acted as if this was her very last chance to get a guy under 60 with four ex-wives.

Well somehow in the two days they weren't together, John Mayer found himself a little honey. You go all the way to Amsterdam and you end up hitting on a woman from California. That has to suck for John because you know she is going to come back and just dish. Apparently when John decided to hit on the woman in an Amsterdam coffee shop he really thought she was Dutch because he asked her how much it cost for a kilo of pot. No, instead he introduced himself as John and called himself a singer.

In Touch has an interview with the woman who named Chaton Anderson. She claims that John kept trying to get her to go to dinner with him or have some drinks after dinner, or perhaps go back to his place where they could watch taped episodes of Friends and listen to Jessica Simpson songs.

When Chaton asked John what his relationship status was, he said "it's vague." She asked him what he meant and he said, "it's very vague."

I'm sure that Jennifer will be thrilled to know that John considers their relationship to be vague, especially since she just followed him like a dog around the world for the past month. John asked Chaton for her cell phone number, but her cell phone was later stolen so she doesn't know if he called.

See, that last part. Little dicey about that last part. See, if she says he called, then there are phone records to prove it. Right now, nada. What the hell? It's a great story and as insecure as Jennifer appears, this one should push her over that edge and send John looking for a new lady to start rumors with.


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