Monday, July 21, 2008

"It's Crap"

Those two words best summed up Jessica Simpson's first country concert which was on Saturday night in Twin Lakes, WI. Look, I know there are lots of Jessica Simpson fans who read the site. You should also know that although it may seem like I give her a hard time most of it is directed to her dad and his antics. I will say though that in every article I have read so far about the show, there was only one positive comment from a fan. I clearly think that fan had been drinking because she called Jessica adorable.

Jessica's country songs are not that bad. Honestly, I know all of you have heard worse. Here is the problem. She tries too hard. "I don't know what your perception is of Jessica Simpson or what tabloid you buy, but I just want you to know that I'm just a girl from Texas; I'm just like you. I'm doing what I love and dating a boy."

You know? Who says that stuff? She also made it a point to dedicate a song to Tony Romo who was there, and even tried to talk with more of an accent than she normally does. I think the problem she is having is that country fans are not ignorant and know when they are being played. Pimpa and Jessica are trying to force the idea that Jessica has always been country and the fans aren't buying it.

Another issue was although Jessica was opening for Sara Evans, she actually played AFTER Kellie Pickler and the fans were pissed about that because Kellie is more popular and has been a country singer longer. Plus there isn't anyone on this planet who doubts Kellie's country roots. And in full disclosure, Kellie is my buddy and so I kind of tend to stick up for her.

As one fan put it, "Just because she's dating Tony Romo it doesn't make her country." Tell that to Jessica who as often as possible wears something with the Dallas Cowboy logo on it. I'm surprised she hasn't tattooed the damn star on her forehead and changed her name to Patsy. She will do anything to be accepted. I also get the feeling that Tony Romo is expendable and if some guy with more country credentials popped up that she would run faster than Kim Kardashian after a guy with a wallet.


  1. Enty, are there really fans of hers here, or just people who feel sorry for her?

  2. Dukes of Hazzard doesn't count here?

  3. quote::: "...she would run faster than Kim Kardashian after a guy with a wallet."

    Ooooooh, SNAPPPITYsnapSNAP!

  4. I was amused that she also sang one of her pop songs "With You", which she wrote for Nick.

    What a classy girl.

  5. Well shit. If I had known she was in town I would have braved the rednecks and gone to see this train wreck. I hate the whole idea of Country Thunder, but that would have been a classic.

  6. there are a lot worse people out there and the worst this girl has done to any of us is make shitty pop music.

    im over the jessica hate.

  7. "and even tried to talk with more of an accent than she normally does"
    So, she got all 'southafied' on purpose?

    I know I lose my accent when I'm away from home for a while, but as soon as I go back, my French accent kicks in, LOL! Oh, and I've certainly been known to use it to my advantage. ;)

    It's a wonder if either of the Simpson girls will ever get a [real] break in the business. I don't think they'll ever be taken seriously.
    I yearn for the days where artists go back to having actual skills, as opposed to being 'marketable'...

  8. I hated her dip shit act when she was married to Nick and hate pop music in general, but damn if I don't feel sorry for her too.

    I think she should give up singing and find a sitcom or a game show gig, like Vanna White, and just call it a day. She's not talented but she is pretty. There's got to be a job for her somewhere.

  9. I have not a fan of Jessica's but.......

    I am so ovah the Jessica hate. Move on Ent.
    You gave her the publicity you dont believe she deserves by bloggin about her.

  10. Ooops, left out a word....

    I have not been.......

    Even perfect peeps make mistakes sometimes.

  11. i don't hate her or feel sorry for her. i just find her annoylingly fake- oh, and the fact she threw Nick away as soon as she thought she was going to be a big movie star. She has a ton of money,she doesnt have to work again in her life if she doesnt want to. she is attractive with a great figure, and she tends to date attractive men. people i feel sorry for tend to have a few more real problems.

  12. jessica simpon and kelli pickler on the same stage .. wow .. whose brain exploded first?

  13. There is just something about her I don't like. Maybe its the lack of talent. She doesn't sing bad, its just not quality singing you would pay for or make an effort to go hear at a concert She also can't act. I think she should just give it up. Maybe just go back to reality tv where you don't need any talent. All she needs to do is be her ditzy self, perfect!

  14. Jax said: "there are a lot worse people out there and the worst this girl has done to any of us is make shitty pop music.

    im over the jessica hate.

    EXACTLY. I'm NO fan, believe me. I'm a fan of Cate Blanchett, because she's gorgeous and mesmerizingly talented. I'm a fan of Brad Pitt, even, because I still maintain that his role in Fight Club is one of the best performances in cinematic history. I am NOT a fan of Jessica's, though, because she has yet to produce any sort of work that I love. Still, she's NEVER pissed me off, not even once -- not even that meat shirt she wore a few weeks ago -- EVEN THOUGH I'm a vegetarian. She just comes across as completely sweet, if not totally manipulated by Papa Joe and manufactured by the industry or whatever.

    I'll focus all my loathing towards deserving subjects, like Paris and Eva and Avril. Those bitches can suck it.

    Oh, and I almost forgot to say that I have a secret love for Kellie Pickler. I love her new Tammy Wynette meets Dolly Parton look, too. Straight outta the seventies! But it kinda works.

  15. As one fan put it, "Just because she's dating Tony Romo it doesn't make her country."

    Can I just point out that while Tony Romo does play for Dallas, he grew up in Wisconsin. Because I grew up in Southern Wisconsin, does that make me country too? :)

  16. Does anyone have a video of her at this concert?

  17. I'm sure Tony Roma loved being referred to as a "boy".

  18. jessica just needs to face the fact that she cannot sing. seriously, it's embarrassing.
    i'm not one, but i think country fans are a pretty accepting group IF you really have a voice and are convincing with the material. many singers have made that transition and not been trashed like she was.
    they just know she's looking for a niche and once again, she hasn't found one in country.

  19. I'm a big Kelli Pickler fan; all I can say is that I hope Kelli and her crew got some big gimme to "open" for Simpson.

    It probably gave the audience a good laugh. Simpson should be careful; if she tries this again with the same lineup on her "tour", once Pickler works her magic much of the audience will get up and LEAVE.

  20. lol @ donna. Kelli Pickler may be sweet, but I saw her on Are you smarter than a 5th Grader and let's just say it was not pretty.

    I agree that Jessica hasn't done anything to deserve all the hate. I just wish she would stop talking about her relationship and her love for her "boy." Just shut up already. You just end up looking like an idiot when he dumps you a few weeks later.

  21. I guess I'm in the minority here but I think she can sing. She's an airhead, sure but I'll take airhead over manipulative types like Megan Fox or Miley 'smile for the camera' Cyrus any day of the week.
    Enty country fans know what's real and what isn't, you're right about that. A lot of fans are also getting fed up with the 'double dipping' rock and pop folks are trying to do. Kid rock is making an ass of himself every other week here in NAshville, it seems. Sheryl Crowe shouldn't have even tried and Bret Michaels...well I think you get the picture.

    Kellie Pickler on Leno before the Superbowl was hilarious. She seems like a really sweet girl.

  22. Yes, Firestorm. Answer to a recent blind?
