Monday, July 28, 2008

I Thought It Said She Did Dr. Phil

I really need to read more carefully. I was reading a story from Fox News about Ashley Dupre and it said she sees herself as a Dr. Phil type and somehow I thought it said she liked to do Dr. Phil. I know, I know the thought she thinks she is Dr. Phil is way scarier than her actually doing him. I mean you would figure that she has probably had sex with like 1,000 guys so some of them must have looked like Dr. Phil or talked like him or liked to dress like him or liked to pretend he was Dr. Phil and she was Oprah. I know it sounds bizarre, but you have to figure that all these guys weren't just sticking to the basics.

So, the day where that married New Jersey guy admits he had been sleeping with her for a month is the day her spokesperson lets it slip that Ashley is working on a $2M deal which would involve an interview about the Spitzer thing and her very own talk show. She is really interested in "something that cleans up her image." You know, something that say, "hey, I don't sleep with married guys anymore and wreck their marriages. Except for the one that I'm doing now."

According to her spokesperson, Ashley sees herself as a Dr. Phil type and wants to help people with their problems. Somehow I see lots of guys volunteering to be on the show and know exactly what their problems are and how she can help.

Oh, the NJ guy who has been sleeping with Ashley for the last month is "ashamed." He isn't ashamed, he is just ticked off he was caught, and I guarantee you that at work he is sharing the stories with anyone who will listen.


  1. OK...if this woman gets her own tv show...I'm throwing out my tv for good. I think we have enough trash and hookers on tv as it is..(Denise Richards, Dina Lohan, etc...)

  2. I read in the NY Post that the guy said that he had been set up by Dupree, and his wife believed and forgave him. What a bunch of idiots!


  4. i'm sure this pig and other guys just like them are sharing all kinds of things from Ashley DO-ME.

  5. "...know exactly what their problems are and how she can help."

    LOL!!! Ugh, I can just see her doing sex tips for keeping your marriage spicy - dressing up in saran wrap and all that crap.

  6. Please stop giving this JAW (thanks again Bad Fish) any more attention. She's a fugly cretin who should spend the rest of her days hiding in shame.

  7. Maybe she could give advice to all the married men she slept with--something like "stay away from whores, especially the ones who forget about condoms".
    I like how her & her mother are at the beach with matching bikinis.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This girl is what...22? I'm not taking any advice from a 22 year old hooker unless it's some kind of sex protection advice.

    She'd do a lot better to score a reality show where she tries to find true love and gets off the streets for good. They could call it "Hooker, Line and Sinker"

  9. Seriously, if this chick ends up with a lucrative talk show deal, I will have proof positive that the cumulative American IQ has dropped well below prime to a sorrowful low of right about -80. What tv executive in their right mind would think that any woman in America is going to take the advice of someone who wasn't smart enough to find a job that didn't directly involve strange penises in her bodily orifices?

  10. If "ashamed" is another way of saying "on penicillin for whatever I caught from her", then yes, I imagine he really quite 'ashamed'...
