Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Hope She's Not Crying Over Simon

Star Magazine is saying that Simon Cowell dumped Terri Seymour because she kept going on and on about starting a family. So, he finally had enough of it, kicked her to the curb and is instead shacking up in St. Tropez with his ex-girlfriend Sinitta.

Umm, excuse me for a second. Simon and Terri dated six years. First of all she should get an award for that or at least some kind of pat on the back or a gift certificate to In-N-Out. The other problem I have with this is Simon is shacking up with an ex-girlfriend that he presumably has not dated in six years. How does that work exactly? I understand staying friends with your ex. Fine. But after six years with a one woman, how does friendship equate to "Hey, I just broke up with Terri. Lets go to St. Tropez and have sex."

If I were Terri I would be wondering what the hell was going on for the past six years to let the couple continue as if nothing had happened. Has Sinitta remained single or did she go ahead and dump whatever guy she was with so she could get back with Simon?

Translate all of this into "everyday people." You start dating someone, and they stay friends with their ex. At first you are worried thinking they might be doing the ex-sex thing, but you get over it. The ex is always hanging around but it is just friends. For six years you date. You don't get a ring or marriage or any hope of a future. When you bring it up once too often, you are gone. One minute later your ex is on the phone reconnecting with the ex you thought was just a friend.

You would be royally pissed because there is just no way it starts up again that quick without something going on during that six year period. Hope Terri gets to keep her new house. (which is amazing)



  2. Simon is gay. Both chicks are beards.

  3. if you want to marry and start a family why would you "date" for 6 years?

  4. Sinitta is married, so I'm not sure about that.

  5. In interviews, I have never heard Simon sugarcoat his feeling of NOT wanting to be married or having children. Anybody who goes in thinking they can the change the other person gets what they deserve, especially after six friggin' years. I always thought Terri seemed to be an intelligent, beautiful young woman. I hope she gets the house and whatever else she needs and has a happy life with him or without.

  6. i agree Calif, whgo dates Simon Cowell thinking its going to end up with a picket fence, 2.5 kids and a fucking minivan?

    seriously she'd have a better shot with Elton John.

  7. And. . . didn't he get busted with some English idol contestant a year or two ago? It was in the english press. TS knew, or should have known, what she was in for.

  8. Didn't Sinitta have a hit in the 80's? How much do you want to bet she will soon attempt to have another one?

  9. If you can't get a committment in 6 years, you should realize you never will.

  10. Adrian and I are on the same page. I'm actually on Simon's side; it's Terry who's at fault for staying with him for 6 years -- what a fool! After 2 years she should have gotten the hint and moved on.

    But no, these women are clinging to their potential bank account, hoping that they'll either get pregnant or get married.

    Terry should get nothing.They were never married, and don't you have to officially live together for 7 years to be considered common law spouses?

  11. So, Enty, where does Terri stand on this? You're the lawyer...

    Common Law Marriage is an alternative to traditional marriage. Instead of obtaining a marriage license, a man and woman who live together and “intend to be married” can become common law spouses without a license or a wedding.

    Presently only about 15 states and the District of Columbia allow common law marriages. The states that allow common law marriages are:

    District of Columbia
    Georgia (prior to 1/1/97)
    Idaho (prior to 1/1/96)
    New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
    Ohio (prior to 10/10/91)
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina

    A man and woman who live together and “intend to be married” can become common law spouses. Intent to be married can be shown by the couple simply by acting like they were married. Such acts include:

    1. Filing joint tax returns
    2. Using words like “husband” snd “wife”
    3. Using the same last name
    4. Wearing wedding rings

  12. It sounds as if Simon never intended to be married. Common law marriage is out the window.

    I'm not a lawyer; I'm just married to one.

  13. Because of her relationship with Simon Terri was handed a cushy job at one of those flaky gossip shows...Extra or Access Hollywood...I can never get them straight.

  14. Common Law marriage does not exist in California. It would depend on their state of residence. Who really knows how they broke up? It's possible she did finally have enough and dumped him. She's actually a pretty good host so she certainly doesn't need him. In addition to whatever she's doing now, I say give her Menoudos's job, too.

  15. i don't know anything about these two, but the story is not totally farfetched-
    i dated and then broke up with my (now) husband to marry an asshole when i was young and stupid. i was stuck in that marriage for 5-1/2 years before i got out. miraculously, mr. bunny had no hard feelings and we got back together and were actually engaged before my divorce was final. we've been very happily married for 23 years.
    screw simon, i just like telling that story (and every word is true!)!!

  16. Bionic-- I am glad you & the rest of the Bunny family are finally hoppy--haha--hoppy!
