Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holly Thinks Kendra Is An Idiot

I rarely talk about The Girls Next Door. I don't know if it is because I think the premise is stupid or if I'm jealous of Hef or just because I have better things to do with my time. Whatever the reason, it isn't as if I am unaware of the show or have never encountered the three, but I really haven't seen this much venom before.

Holly Madison, who if you don't know is Hef's top girl, took time out of her busy Sunday schedule to write a little something on her MySpace page to address all the rumors that Holly is jealous of Kendra Wilkinson, who for those who don't watch is the "sporty spice" of the three girlfriends.

I really don't want to post her entire message, so you can read it here. Basically, what she says in the beginning is that she and Kendra are the bestest of pals but they just don't hang out together much outside the Mansion. But then, in the very next paragraph she takes shot after shot at Kendra, so apparently that Page Six story Holly is going off on, might actually be true.

The latest Page 6 story is especially dumb. Saying I am jealous of Kendra because she has an "empire" and I'm "just sitting around with Hef"? What "empire"? I guess because I have a real full-time job aside from The Girls Next Door (excuse me for having a brain and having something REAL going on in my life as opposed to following in the footsteps of the socialite-of-the-week) means I am "sitting around" doing nothing. I guess having people announce clothing lines and workout products that never come to fruition means you are doing something.

Wow. If this is her bestest buddy then I guess you don't want to get on the wrong side of Holly. Actually if you got on the wrong side of her you might roll over and crush Hef to death, so be careful. In case you are wondering what Holly's real full-time job is, I think it is as a photo editor of the magazine. Of course if everyone corrects all your work, then maybe you are just an assistant photo editor. Whatever. It is not 40 hours a week, but it is a job. Maybe. I would like to see the separate paycheck for it. Holly does seem to feel though that she possesses a brain and apparently Kendra doesn't. Did you hear that Kendra? You don't have a brain and are an idiot for following in the footsteps of the socialite of the week. So sayeth the woman who's show is on the same network with about a million of those people and was even on one of them last week.

I guess that Holly is also a little tired of Kendra having people put out press releases for her that haven't been approved by Holly. Look, I think Kendra is annoying as hell and my favorite is actually Bridget (hi Bridget), but Holly needs to remove the claws and just let things slide by. When you protest too much, then it makes you look as if it is all true. Just relax. Take one of Hef's Viagras and think of soothing images of how you married Hef,(oops) or had his baby(oops) or get kicked out of the Mansion the day he dies or decides to live out the rest of his life with Barbi Benton and she throws you to the curb.


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