"The Hills" Come To Washington DC - Reader Rant
In case you haven't heard, and I hadn't, a Hills type show is going to be based in Washington DC. This would then give The Hills, or their illegitimate cousins LA, NY, and Washington DC. It's kind of like CSI, but except for acting, like to say words such as like and OMG! a lot. A whole lot. Anyway, a reader who is from the DC area, but now makes her home in Los Angeles has serious issues with this new Washington DC group and wanted to rant. This makes sense because this is the home of the rant. Oh, and the strongly worded letter.
When one thinks of Washington DC , glitz and glamour are generally not the first things to come to mind. But unfortunately for us, a non-Hills affiliated production company is ripping off MTV’s lame brained reality show to dumb down the city best known for it’s intellectual prowess. As if Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag’s presence at the White House Correspondents Dinner wasn’t insulting enough, now we have to watch a cast of Spencer Pratts, spoiled by their privileged upbringing in an intellectual environment that has them fooled into believing their opinions matter.
So, what kind of brainiacs has MTV cast to show America the sassy, sophisticated side of our nation’s capital?
Let’s start with “web consulting guru” Katherine Kennedy. Uh, earth to Katherine, pimping out your myspace page does not a guru make. Her blog is something my 14 year old cousin could design and has a bunch of postings about upcoming charity events and wine bar nights. And what am I going to watch this girl do every day? Copy and paste her emails from Daily Candy onto her blog? Riveting!
Next, we have Sophie Pyle. The token brunette which I guess is supposed to make her seem more serious and DC than her blonde counterparts. However, much like Audrina, she doesn’t really DO anything. She’s taking a semester off from UNC Chapel Hill. Read: she’ll admit she dropped out once this show takes off and she’s got her own Candies ad. I’m bored of her already. Next!
I’ve saved the best for last: sister duo Krista and Alexa Johnson, who have dubbed themselves the “Blonde Charity Mafia.” Yeah, try saying that with a straight face. I once again turned to my good friend Google for help but all I could find on her is that she is part owner of a boutique that sells, among other things, jewelry designed by Katherine Kennedy. What category of philanthropy does that fall under, girls?
Seems like we have a third and final show terrible enough to, when paired with “Living Lohan” and “It’s Complicated”, make up the trifecta of the worst night on television. I look forward to your review, Enty!
When one thinks of Washington DC , glitz and glamour are generally not the first things to come to mind. But unfortunately for us, a non-Hills affiliated production company is ripping off MTV’s lame brained reality show to dumb down the city best known for it’s intellectual prowess. As if Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag’s presence at the White House Correspondents Dinner wasn’t insulting enough, now we have to watch a cast of Spencer Pratts, spoiled by their privileged upbringing in an intellectual environment that has them fooled into believing their opinions matter.
So, what kind of brainiacs has MTV cast to show America the sassy, sophisticated side of our nation’s capital?
Let’s start with “web consulting guru” Katherine Kennedy. Uh, earth to Katherine, pimping out your myspace page does not a guru make. Her blog is something my 14 year old cousin could design and has a bunch of postings about upcoming charity events and wine bar nights. And what am I going to watch this girl do every day? Copy and paste her emails from Daily Candy onto her blog? Riveting!
Next, we have Sophie Pyle. The token brunette which I guess is supposed to make her seem more serious and DC than her blonde counterparts. However, much like Audrina, she doesn’t really DO anything. She’s taking a semester off from UNC Chapel Hill. Read: she’ll admit she dropped out once this show takes off and she’s got her own Candies ad. I’m bored of her already. Next!
I’ve saved the best for last: sister duo Krista and Alexa Johnson, who have dubbed themselves the “Blonde Charity Mafia.” Yeah, try saying that with a straight face. I once again turned to my good friend Google for help but all I could find on her is that she is part owner of a boutique that sells, among other things, jewelry designed by Katherine Kennedy. What category of philanthropy does that fall under, girls?
Seems like we have a third and final show terrible enough to, when paired with “Living Lohan” and “It’s Complicated”, make up the trifecta of the worst night on television. I look forward to your review, Enty!