Monday, July 07, 2008

Heroin And 7-11 - Hey They Rhyme

In an interview with Blender this month, Jack Black talks about the one and only time he did heroin. In the interview he doesn't say whether he smoked it or injected it, but did say the drug didn't agree with him.

"It didn't agree with me. I couldn't really feel my legs, and my heart felt like it was slowing down too much. I thought, 'Oh my God, it's going to shut me down. I'm going to die.'

"I went down to the 7-Eleven at the bottom of the hill, and I had this strange sensation that my legs were pumping, but the feet were just sort of lifeless stumps.

"I did a little shopping and then walked back up the hill and survived. And never did it again."

I can't believe he actually had the energy to go out and go shopping. Although he says that this was his one time doing heroin, one has to wonder how he got to that point. People don't usually just sit around drinking beers and ask, "hey you got any heroin? I sure would like to try some."

It is something that someone usually builds up to, especially if they inject it. Although I don't doubt that he just did it once, I do doubt the story. I think he could be just saying it for some kind of cool factor. Not that it is cool to use heroin. It is just kind of an odd story. The cool drugs taken by the edgy comedian who gets the munchies which never happens on heroin. I don't know. I can just imagine Jack sitting around and asking himself how he can be edgy and cool and rockstar-ish while at the same time being his Kung Fu Panda self.


bionic bunny! said...

i like jack. i know, i know. but i do think maybe he was a little wilder before he became more popular. he needs to stick to his "sweeter" characters.

Graveyard Rabbit said...

I don't doubt the story. I've got friends who have done the same thing knowing at the time how stupid they were for trying it in the first place. Stupid? Yes. Suspect? Not so much.

lutefisk said...

He needs to keep quiet if he wants to continue hosting Nick's Kid's Choice awards & doing every kids movie out there. This is really too much info.

GammaGirl said...

This story is so effing sketchy! Who tries heroin simply because they had some lying around?
For shame Jack Black, for shame!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it wasn't just laying around the house. He doesn't give the pre-story, I'm sure some friends were probably around and talked him into it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it wasn't just laying around the house. He doesn't give the pre-story, I'm sure some friends were probably around and talked him into it.

GammaGirl said...

Yeah, good point brendalove. I lost a good friend to heroin my first year in college. He tried it under similar circumstances and died about an hour later.
Sorry to be a downer, but it really bums me out that he would talk so casually about using heroin.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I agree w/ blove. Sometimes ent seems like he's eighty.

jax said...

see kids i just did it one time and i'm fine.

more like School of Cock.

Mother Campfire said...

Nah, but I think it's smart to say 'I tried this but was SMART enough not to do it again.'

what is eight past six? said...

Yeah, it sounds like he was talking about how scary it was and that he never did it again because he's too afraid of dying. Now whether the average kid or teenager will get that message or whether they'll think what jax said, I do not know.

I kind of agree with Ent andbrenda; when it comes to the 'heavy' stuff you usually build up to it instead of just jumping right in. I just have a hard time imagining someone who has always completely sober being coerced into doing heroin no matter how many people in the room are doing it too. Well, I'd have a hard time believing someone completely sober even chilling in the same room with a bunch of people doing heroin.

My guess would be he was doing some other stuff already (along with others) and someone else in the room said, hey, why don't you check this out. And he's already high off of whatever so he says sure, why not. And then it "didn't agree" with what was already in his system (what an oddly casual way to say it if you're aiming for the anti-drug message, no?) and he decided from now on he'll stick with his usual coke/weed/X/etc.

Maja With a J said...

There are a lot of drugs around at parties and clubs these days and getting your hands on some isn't hard. Heroin is making a comeback now that coke has become so common again. I'm not saying it's a good thing because we all know it isn't, but if you're curious and a bit stupid, any drug is readily available for you to try.

bionic bunny! said...

and harriet, amen to that! i was blown away by what my son was able to get ahold of in high school in his "self-medication" days.
funny thing was, they used to have spot checks where they would measure the boys' pants (mine was a skinny kid, no baggy pants on him) but these kids would be tripping in class and nobody ever noticed.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

(LMFAO at what "JAX" said...)

Don't these people have handlers who say things like "Oh hey, you know how you're making all this sweet, sweet money off things that involve pandering (panda, pander, HA!) to wee children... Yeah? Okay, then, how 'bout we lay off those fantastic white powder stories of yours, 'kay big guy?"

Amber said...

I think he has said before that he was really into cocaine, so maybe one day he just thought he'd switch things up?

c17 said...

A lot (not ALL, but a lot) of people that do coke also do H, so it's not so uncommon to find people with both. My guess is that he was partying with peeps, doing coke & someone asks if he wants to try a line of H (most first-timers snort it). He does & doesn't like the effects. End of story.

selenakyle said...

IMHO, if we could just have a clean, safe, steady supply of regular ol' Ecstasy for fun every now and then, we'd all be happy as pigs in sh*t.

Matt Zahn said...

I love to get other people addicted to heroin so that they buy it for me. I also pan-handle in Phoenix, AZ and use your money to buy more. Amos killed my brother with methadone but I don't care I still shoot up.
And you fools help me


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