Thursday, July 31, 2008

Have You Seen This?

On Friday Jerry Lewis was arrested in the Las Vegas airport for trying to carry a gun on a flight from Las Vegas to Detroit. I didn't write about it because I saw it on Saturday and figured everyone would write about it, and so it would be old news by the time Monday rolled around. But, no one has because no one cares about Jerry Lewis despite the fact that he also took a turn with Marilyn Monroe.

Anyway, I saw some UK newspapers had picked up the story as well and so decided to write something because you need to just stop and think about for a second. Jerry Lewis is 82 years old. He looks 100 and acts 125. Why does this man even need a gun? Have you watched the Jerry Lewis telethon lately? Is this a man you feel comfortable with holding a gun anywhere?

What did Jerry think he was going to need his gun for in Detroit? He wasn't going to be paid cash where he was going. I doubt sincerely there are any mafia alive from 40 years ago who are still holding a grudge and they had lots of grudges against him.

I mean gets on a plane a falls asleep. He gets off the plane, gets wheeled to his limo, falls asleep in the limo. gets to the hotel, gums some food and goes to sleep. At what point is he figuring he is going to need a gun? Does he think the waiter at the early bird special is going to charge him full price so he needs to pull a gun?

Did the maid not put a chocolate on his pillow so he is going to forcibly make her hand over more chocolate while he holds a gun to her head? Jerry's manager says the gun was a prop and wouldn't fire. So, when he starts waving it around on an airplane he can shout it's only a prop. It won't fire, and then does his crazy ass heckle.


Abaddon said...

I'd love to know what the grudges held against him are.

Cheryl said...

Jerry Lewis has always kept a gun. He has mentioned it in interviews. I'll bet Frankie and Dino are trying to settle some scores from the great lounge in the sky. (...and who DIDN'T take a turn with Marilyn?)

mooshki said...

It's Detroit. Everyone needs a gun in Detroit.

jax said...

after all those shite movies the gun is more likley to be turned on him.

Anonymous said...

Hadn't heard about MM & Jerry before. Yikes! He must be hung or something, 'cause I don't see any other attractions. Of course, Cheryl's right - seems she was with just about everybody.

And I can't decide which would be worse - screwing the current Jerry or the goofball Jerry from back then. Would he scream "Lay-dee!", and would his O-face be that goofy, twisty face he used to make?

lutefisk said...

One thing you can say about him is that he is very devoted to his telethons.
And the French loved him!

lisap515 said...

LMAO @ "Lay-dee", Barbara. Damn. Ok, I also want to know what grudges the mafia held against him?

lisap515 said...

uh..had against him. sorry.

Rhianna said...

Barbara - I had to clean Diet Coke off my keyboard. Thanks for the laugh, it's much better than a Lewis routine.

Come on ENT, spill it! Got us interested in the great goofy one (I don't care how sophisticated the French think they are, if they enjoy him there's something mentally wrong with them). Give us the goods on the mob versus Jerry.

selenakyle said...

Yes, pray tell about the old grudges...

Anonymous said...

No matter if we think he should have a gun, his right to bear arms is protected by the Constitution. Just not on planes.

Unknown said...

I read it was a prop gun, a hollowed out piece of wood that looks like a gun. So was it real or a part of his act?

Ayesha said...

The only thing I care about is whether he got special treatment.

Because if anyone else tried to bring a gun on a plane, they'd be in very very deep doo-doo. They'd be sitting in a cell, probably missing a few teeth, waiting for Federal terrorism charges.

I'm guessing that Jerry Lewis is not.

Not that I have anything against him, I'm just saying...

newsgrrl said...

Oh my!

Comments like Barbara's "would his O-face be that goofy, twisty face he used to make?" are the reason that I keep coming back here.

It is also good that I had just finished my tea... had I not - i would have blown it all over the wireless keyboard I use with my laptop :)

DetroitRocker said...

Duh you haven't been to Detroit lately? It's like a trip through a worn torn 3rd country. No jobs, a mayor that thinks with his dick, and walks around with his mob squad. Mr. Mafia himself.

Here in Michigan we're fighting our own war. Hate to say it, but I don't blame Mr. Lewis for bringing protection.

bionic bunny! said...

prop gun/real gun.
you can't make jokes about offing the president without expecting a visit from the effa-bee-eye, so you have to expect some serious detention AT LEAST from the air port cops with a prop gun.

i'm old enough to remember those martin-lewis comedies when they were fresh. i didn't find him funny then or now. i can't stand those 3 day telethons (although i applaud whole-heartedly what they accomplish). and at his age, he should know better.

oh, and he has a right to carry a gun IF he has a permit and IF he has a right to carry concealed, in this case.
praise the lord and pass the ammunition.


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