Good Deed Or Good Publicity?
This is what my cynicism has done to me. Now, I'm not even sure if a celebrity really wants to help someone who was close to death or if they are just doing it to try and repair their image. Bon Jovi is playing New York this week and Richie Sambora has decided to use his time in New York to bring attention to the plight of Kelly Mahon who has had problems with a brain cyst. It is a tragic story and deserving of some attention, especially considering that Richie and the girl both attended the same high school.
The problem I'm having is that if it were someone else, I would be incline to believe they were being noble and give them a pat on the back and maybe even the top spot in the photos. Instead, what I am left with is conflicting emotions because I feel like Richie or more likely Richie's manager said he needed some positive press so they found a sick kid who needs help and so Richie goes on the air and auctions off some tickets to a show and a chance to meet him whoo hoo!
Make sure if you win the tickets that you bring a photo of Richie out on the beach last year with Denise. I prefer the ones where he looks like a lobster with a big fat belly. Just have him autograph that one.
So, do we believe Richie or is this a ploy to give him some good publicity. I just think that what he should do is devote some time or energy to a cause like MADD or some other project related to drunk driving, or driving drunk with your kids in the backseat. Something like that as opposed to just finding a random girl who is sick and helping her. He hasn't been doing it in any other city, despite I am sure just as many critically ill kids in those cities. He seems to have saved this just for NY with all of its possible publicity.
Kelly, I hope everything works out for you ok. I'm glad you are getting some funds to help pay for your care despite the fact that Richie is an ass. Hopefully other people in NY will be moved and help her out.