Friday, July 25, 2008

Four For Friday - Quick And Dirty - Mostly Dirty

#1 - Besides being a drunken buffoon, this A list actor has caused quite the stir at one of the gated complexes in which he lives. Seems he is a big fan of long walks at night. The thing is, his walks seem to always call for a break whenever he sees an open window that he can peer through. Doesn't seem to be all about sex. He just likes walking up to open windows and looking in. Neighbors don't appreciate it very much, although so far it has only involved private security and not the cops.

#2 - Mild mannered on and off screen, this aging, but not old, former Academy Award winning actor has a favorite haunt. He loves this S&M club. Although his name is on the membership records, when he is at the club or an event he always wears a mask the entire time and has everyone call him Steve. His favorite activities always have to include redheads. Don't know why, just one of his kinks apparently.

#3&4 - This male television A-lister and C+ film lister has a unique game. How many different women he can have sex with in 24 hours? No hookers allowed. Has to be women he picks up. So far his current record is 7. His male co-star with a steady girlfriend keeps track. Oh, and the girlfriend knows and thinks it is hot. Her word, definitely not mine.


Unknown said...

i'm guessing Mel Gibson for #1

still thinking about the others.

Unknown said...

#3 Has got to be Jeremy Piven! He's on top of the Randoms today too. He is so disgusting!

LRS said...

#1 Keanu

Unknown said...

ahhh, keanu is good too.
I'm looking at lists of best actor and best supporting actor winners. Kevin Kline is pretty mild mannered although I would hope it's not him.

Unknown said...

Why do I have to think of Clooney for #2?

captivagrl said...

1. Keanu

Ms. said...

No idea for any of them, but Clooney isn't #2. Mild-mannered, he isn't.

Brenda22 said...

1. Keanu Reeves
2. Kevin Costner
3. Josh Duhamel

Abaddon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mooshki said...

"Quick And Dirty - Mostly Dirty"

Yeah, Enty, you know the way we like it!

1. Keanu.
2. Philip Seymour Hoffman?
3. Is the Pivert a tv A-lister? Maybe because Ent loves Entourage, but I wouldn't think the general public would know him well. Damn, I wanted to make it fit Christopher Meloni, but his male co-stars are mostly married.

Abaddon said...

#2 Tim Robbins. Don't know.

portlandgirl said...

#1 is definately Gary Busey

ms snarky said...

I think Mel for #1. Although Keanu is not a bad guess. I'm going with Mel. Keanu will kick the booze, Mel probably won't. And Keanu isn't such a buffoon while drunk, Mel always seems to be if you watch the tabs.

#2 - no idea. PSH, TR, could be anybody!

#3 - Adrien Grenier?

lyz said...

1 = keanu. remember he showed up drunk for a reading and acted like a dumbass...

2 = is he a top or a bottom???

mooshki said...

Portlandgirl, you're probably right. It was easy to think Keanu after the reveal, but "buffoon" applies a hell of a lot better to Busey.

ms snarky said...

Gary Busey - didn't he just lose his house, or was that Nick Nolte?

babyface shane said...

busey isn't A list though ... keanu

Naples Tax Lawyer said...

I like Garey Busey for #1 and how about William Hurt for #2?

Anonymous said...

#1 Russell Crowe a possibility??
#3 ? (Could word "hot" be reference to Paris Hilton?)

jax said...

who was the actor who couldnt sleep and ran into viggo? he liked 'long walks at night' in italy. my brain hurts.

Town Bike said...

#2 how can someone be a former AA winning actor? You either won one or you didn't... that being said, Tom Hanks?

jlb said...

#2. Dustin Hoffman - no reason - just my guess lol

#1. hard to say - I think if it was Mel Ent would have used a stronger adjective then buffoon... How 'bout Jack Nicholson?

No idea really for the last one... Is Nicky Hilton still dating that guy from Entourage? She might describe something as 'hot'.

Dijea said...

I like Mel for #1
#2 MMM

Jeremy Piven - 7 girls in 24 hours. I don't think so.

Abaddon said...

Jax: I think it was Christian Bale

jax said...

duh how could i forget he's fucking everywhere this week.

life is but a dream said...

#1 has gotta be keanu and i'm thinking tom hanks for #2... isn't rita wilson a red head?? and just because he hits up an S&M club doesn't mean he's cheating... please say #3 isn't jeremy piven! there's no way he has that much game. lol.

Coco said...

Kevin Spacey for #2?

Unknown said...

Drunken buffoon describes Gary Busey to a tee -- he even played himself on Entourage -- whacked-out crazy.

Which makes me think there is a link between blind #1 and #3: Piven for #3.

Anonymous said...

#2 Tommy Lee Jones? Chris Cooper? What does everyone consider aging, but not old??

Unknown said...

... and there they are in random pics below -- both Busey AND Piven!

Let's find #2 in there...

CDAN Mod said...

**giving the side-eye to all who guessed keanu**

**just waiting for ragdoll, taps foot**

btw, keanu does not seem like the gated community type. :D

mooshki said...

"keanu does not seem like the gated community type."

Yeah, he seems more like the padded walls type.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mooshki, you just scored a home run on the snark-o-meter.
I think its Keanu. On no planet is Gary Busey an A list - maybe a long time ago, and I mean a LONG time ago.

Abaddon said...

Sorry if this has been pointed out or maybe it doesn't matter but the blind says at "one of the gated complexes in which he lives" implying he lives in more than one. Anyone have any info on that?

irishstayc2 said...

1 - first thought was Keanu - "one of the gated communities in which he lives" implies more then one house as well - Gary Busey Alist??? Really??? and can he afford more then one house?

2 - Denzel? don't know why - just popped in my head

3 - As many awards as Entourage has won i would say (and I hate to say it ) that the Piv-ert is definitely A-list but can't believe he has that much game either... So i'm going with Matthew Perry

Ayesha said...

town bike: I thought of Tom Hanks, too! But wouldn't Enty have called him an A-lister?

Funnily enough, I have heard that Tom Cruise did the same thing (wore mask to S&M club), but it was to visit *gay* S&M clubs. TOld to me by my daughter-of-a-celeb fag-hag friend - it was the mid-80s when she told me this.

mooshki said...

"Gary Busey Alist??? Really???"

Didn't he get an Oscar nod for "Slap Shot 2: Breaking the Ice?" Sometimes it's so easy to fixate on one part of a blind and skip right over some of the other requirements. :)

CDAN Mod said...

okay, mooshki that was a good one. i have to give you that! lol.

ms_wonderland said...

'Drunken buffoon' made me think of Vince Vaughan, but I can't find any info on his home.

Gary Busey is brain-damaged after an accident, so I don't think Ent would call him a buffoon. Plus he's C-list at best.

Mild-mannered is an odd clue. Thought it was Superman, but can't find an Oscar winner among them.

digawina said...

I don't have a guess but can you imagine sitting in your living room at night and seeing Gary Busey's face peering in your window? I'd stroke out.

CDAN Mod said...

you know what? i hate to say this but would the gated community grumble and tolerate this from an attractive male vs. someone like gary busey. keanu is attractive when cleaned up.

btw, i can tell that enty does not care for keanu based on the 'mood of his writings'.

***falls on the floor, pounds fist***

but it's not him, right?

Cheryl said...

#2 is Tom Hanks. There were rumors a few years ago about him being seen at leather boy parties and having a secret life. There have been blinds pointing to him about having a boyfiend in Greece. His next movie could be "My Big Fat Greek Gay Wedding." The gay rumors started around the time he was filming Da Vinci Code and there were also reports that Rita was planning to leave him.

mooshki said...

Very magnanimous of you, Southerner. :)

Ms_W., Vince certainly wouldn't have any trouble reaching the windows, would he?

madameks said...

OK, this is a stretch, but,

Kevin Costner is an anagram for Steven R Kinco.

: ducks :

And there he is in the random photos - right behind Dane Cook!

lutefisk said...

#3 must have a large supply of Viagra to do 7 in 24 hours. Hope he is well-stocked in condoms, also--who knows what he could pick up.

littlemanwhatnow said...

kevin spacey is as gay as they come and likes younger guys...

my friend went to h.s with adrian garnier and said he was a pig...he had like every std in the book, he fucked everyone. i am going with him.

kenfau for 1

2 unknown

rabba said...

What about Joaquin Phoenix for #1?

Dead Angel said...

#1 Is David Schwimmer, one of his neighbors last year busted him for the 2nd or 3rd time looking in his windows, David said he was just checking out the day core, uh huh, or the hot wife who knows. But the man was so fed up he started telling everyone he could so David would stop doing it. Doesn't sound like that plan worked.

lutefisk said...

Is David Schwimmer A list?

captivagrl said...

FYI(OT)- has a live Project Runway blog going Wednesdays@ 9:00 if your a PR fan you'll love it!

captivagrl said...

P.S.Hoffman is a good guess for #2 i also thought of Forrest Whitaker. i've seen a this blind somewhere else at least a year ago i think.

liveunderarock said...

My first thoughts on these
1. Keanu
2. Hanks
3. David Duchovny with maybe Xzibit (X-Files) or Damien Young (Californication) as the co-star with the girlfriend who thinks its hot.

Impertinent Vixen said...

I would guess Mel for #1. Sounds like he has enough cash to live at several different places.

Gary Busey was nominated for an Oscar in 1979 for the Buddy Holly Story. Does that make him A list for life or only if he won?

#2: I don't want it to be Tom Hanks. So I will guess Kevin Costner.

#3: Adrien Grenier sounds right, with Kevin Connolly as the costar with the steady girlfriend (Nicky Hilton). ENT's blinds are sometimes older, right? So the couple could be off now but was on then.

Dead Angel said...

Well Friends pretty much makes him A list, but he's been doing a bunch of other stuff, as well as directing - if he can get a movie green lit, I guess so. I know he is a peeper.

Anonymous said...

#2 is Benicio Del Toro!!! He has a redhead fetish. It's true. I used to read every little thing about him.

redgurl72 said...

Ent made this comment about Tom Hanks in Random photos a day or so ago: Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson both seem to be transforming into entirely different people and I don't think it is all about age.
I'm on the Hanks bandwagon of #2.

Kim said...

This is the first one I actually really feel confident that I know.

#2 is Nic Cage.

He also has a small playspace in his basement, I know he has a penchant for playing with redheads, and I'm pretty sure about the mask thing, too.

redgurl72 said...

oooh Kim that's juicy. Spill!

Unknown said...


#1 This legendary bachelor has a secret up his nose. He indulges in only the finest, and from a Hollywood gent who knows how to kill two birds with one stone. Our lothario shows up, shockingly, alone. No entourage or arm candy. He stays for awhile, indulges and chats a bit with his supplier. And more often than not he'd also dip into the supplier's home stash. Not his cocaine. The kept girl he'd found through a service. Neither the girl nor the supplier minded: business is business and she knew why she was there. He'd pay the man, pay the girl, and go home. Don't believe the gay rumors about this one. He's a solid bisexual all the way.

#2 How do I describe this girl without giving it away completely. Hm. I guess all I'll say is her dubious choices in sexual partners, not to mention the frequency and indiscretion, can be traced back to one little problem: the china white. Its also rumored to be the reason behind a breakup from not too long ago, a real god honest relationship, something our slut just never does. Oh, and her new partner? Yeah, its got him, too. I guess no one can quite think clearly when they've got a numb face and a straw up their nose...but it certainly explains the bad choices they've made of late. He was already on it when he met her and now together, they're steering out of control.

#3 One woman. Two pregnancies, neither much different from the other. Same douchebag husband. Same family drama. Same job. Same half a bottle of wine every night. Another mother to be that uses the "They let pregnant women drink their wine in Europe!" excuse. Yeah, but I'm sure they don't recommend getting drunk, honey.

Ayesha said...

forspam, my totally lame guesses:

#1. Clooney
#2. Sienna Miller or Paris Hilton
#3. ??

Unknown said...

#1 Clooney or Piven
#2 Sienna and Balthazar Getty
#3 Who has two kids, one husband?

PotPourri said...

Keanu does not live in a gated community. He lives in the Hollywood Hills, so it is not him. To me, it's more someone who lives in Malibu. Honestly, a drunk buffoon has to be Busey.

Tom Hanks is not mild mannered. He is a raging alcoholic.

Production Girl said...

Tom Hanks popped in my for #2.

#3 Zach Braff with Donald Faison as the friend with the stedy girlfriend (CeCe Cobb)


one of the Entourage guys.

MadLyb said...

1. Keanu
2. Costner
3. Keifer

ms snarky said...

Hollywood Hills, gated community, leads us right back to aging Mel. Arguments against??

allofyou said...

original BI
1) mel
2) benicio del toro
3) zach braff sounds good

forspam's BI
1) clooney
2) sienna and getty
3) TORI SPELLING trust me there were stories about her drinking while preggers before

Kim said...

There's only so much I *can* spill, but it's something I do have personal knowledge of. There are a few Hollywood types who are members and patrons of some of the same California and New York playspaces that I am. I know about the area in the home because it was constructed during the Lisa Marie Presley era (before the marriage) and someone I was playing with at the time did the audio/video for the room so I'm sticking with Nic Cage as my guess for that one. (While I think Tom Hanks might play for both teams, I don't think he's kinky, he just doesn't vibe me that way. Fun fact: I graduated from the same high school as Tom Hanks, but a decade later.)

redgurl72 said...

so will you be dying your hair red?!

Unknown said...

man if #2 is clooney I am glad my hair is red and I will call him any damn name he likes;)

Unknown said...

OT...remember the blind that was supposedly saying jamie lynn spears got pregnant but an older producer...her baby looks exactly like casey aldridge...what do u guys think?

mooshki said...

Note to Enty: Give Kim her own column to go along with FFF. :)

Mary said...

For Forspams blinds I think #1 is Jack Nicholson

peppermint p said...

love it too much... padded walls

Shelly said...

Forspam blind #1 could be Kevin Spacey.

Kelle said...

Nicky Hilton is dating David Katzenberg, she dumped that entourage guy over a year ago

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

#3&4 - Zach Braff and Donald Faison with the girlfriend of Faison being CaCee Cobb. Braff is a total fucking dog.


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