Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which celebrity hides her booze problem by pouring vodka into a Starbucks coffee cup when she's out shopping?


  1. Sh*t, they're on to me. Wait, I'm not a celebrity. Phew!

  2. Woo! MKO is a great guess.

  3. For wat it's worth I have seen Mary Kate buying and drinking coffee at the Coffee Bean on Sunset.

  4. I checked with my half-English coworker, and they do indeed have many Starbucks in England. Why did that surprise me? I guess I'm still more naive about evil globalization than I thought. I'm going with Sienna.

  5. Who doesn't?

    BI is too general.

  6. Sienna Miller shhhhhhhhh!!!!

  7. lindsay leggins lohan.

  8. I would have gone with M-K Trollsen, but sure. Sienna's a big whore, so why not a drunk, too?

    Sienna it is.

  9. I like the MK guess.

  10. Im going with SIenna

  11. Said coworker just reminded me that the libel laws are a hell of a lot stronger in England, so that's why the Mirror has to keep them so vague.

  12. ^^^^^^^^ hahahahhahaha Lindsay Lohan! V3ry cl3v3r.

  13. mooshki to avoide future confusion and embarassment:

    they have everything in England that the US has except IN n Out.

    lol.yes even Seattles Best Coffee.

  14. What I don't get is, when someone is drinking vodka out of a cup in the middle of the day, wouldn't their breath be awful? Like, I don't see how you could keep it a secret, people could smell you from a yard away.

  15. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I'll say Reese Witherspoon, just to add some spice to her personality.

  16. "...they have everything in England that the US has..."

    Poor them. :(

  17. Tara Palmer Tompkinson

  18. Starbucks is everywhere - even in China - the TEA capital of the world!

  19. Ah, the whole world brought together through caffeination.

  20. d,

    Vodka doesn't stay on your breathe like bourbon, scotch, even beer...
    i'm just sayin, not that I would know from personal experience or anything

  21. If it's an Olsen, I'd think the Marlboros and greasy hair would mask the smell of alcohol.

  22. Anonymous1:38 PM

    How in the hell do people shop when they're snockered? All I want to do is crash out when I've been drinking.
    Well, I've been known to troll blogs when drunk, but that's another story.

  23. This Bi could and probably is everyone!!!!

  24. "Well, I've been known to troll blogs when drunk, but that's another story."

    That explains so much. :)

  25. thanks CityGirl. I guess I just gave myself away as a non-vodka drinker. I prefer bourbon myself...

  26. I've been shopping under the influence and let's just say I made some interesting fashion choices.

    Of course, that could explain A LOT about MKO...

  27. I know it says "she" but this blind is CLEARLY about Ben Affleck. CLEARLY.

  28. Harriet--is there NOTHING Ben won't stoop to? I hear he has impregnated Jennifer Garner yet a 2nd time!

  29. ariel, my son and my daughter in law worked for coffee bean!
    not on sunset, and between you and me, they ain't doin' so good as a chain.
    yeah, vodka is the alkie's drink of choice. back in my bad old days, we used to drink it because it's easy to hide.
    as a parrot head, we like blanco tequila (yech) because they still let us take uncapped water bottles into some venues.
    it don't work on the cops, tho.

  30. oh, and , mooshki, you beat me to it!!!

  31. Hey guys, my sister got me hooked on this site. It's a fun way to kill some time!

    Vodka is water and ethanol mixed and then distilled (meaning 'strained through') with either a fruit or something from the solanaceae family. Because ethanol (almost pure alcohol) is one of the main ingredients started with, it doesn't dry out during distillation. So when you drink it it evaporates very quickly into your blood stream.

    It's probably why all hardcore alcoholics eventually turn to vodka. I personally prefer people to smell my drunkeness, since they leave me the hell alone, so I usually stick with black label or crown royal =)

  32. I'm the only one thinking Tisdale?

    It is the Daily Mirror though, so *shrugs* Sienna. Or Amy Winehouse.

  33. Yeah, I thought MK was a big Coffee Bean chickie. I'm going with the crazy Sienna Miller. May explain why she is being Bi-Polar about men, too.

  34. No, no Starbucks in Scandinavia...

  35. What an awesome idea! Now that I'm of legal drinking age, drinking has lost some of its thrill for me- not perhaps I may resume it!
