Monday, July 14, 2008

Courtney Love Needs To Grow Up

I keep expecting Courtney Love to grow up, or get older or get a brain. You would just think that after 40 or so years on this earth that someone, no matter how many drugs they took would start to get their crap together. Apparently Courtney hasn't quite found that level yet though. She is kind of like Billy Madison, but is having trouble getting through that third grade year.

In her latest hieroglyphic rant on her MySpace page, Courtney lays into Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins because he isn't going to attend Fances Bean's 16th birthday. (I know, I know, the Bean is 16 and we are all ancient.)

Unless you are a parent or a child of the birthday person, since when is not coming to a birthday party a trashable offense?

"A sweet sixteen is a big event and I think she looked upon you as family. I know she did, as a trustworthy and wise (child), and you can't lay your shit on a child of nine, and you as a man of 40 - my child sobbing, due to you, is unacceptable. I hate stating this on some random public forum, but the line is the kid, man."

Umm, then don't state it in a forum. Pick up the phone and call him. What makes her rant really hard to understand is that she is referring to a child of nine. Now, Billy Corgan did live at the Love household for whatever reason back in 2006, but by my math that would have made Bean 14, and not 9. The nine could be referring to Courtney's age, or the number of drugs she takes everyday, but the kid is 16.

I also doubt that the Bean was crying that Billy wasn't going to come because of some emotional attachment, but rather the fact that she probably told all her friends he was going to be there and play or something. Is there a rule that says that anyone who has visited your house for longer than a couple of weeks has to attend your 16th birthday party because if there is, then I got seriously ripped off when it came to presents.

To make Billy feel even worse, the heroin one writes, "Gearrd Way (sic), who would do it in five seconds and has even asked and begged for his bandmate to cancel out on the honeymoon of his (coinciding with the sweet sixteen) so he can do it, made sure to promise to be there."

My Chemical Romance is a great band so everything should work out great. If Courtney's story is true, then if I were going on my honeymoon and Gerard asked me to do it, I would tell him to f**k off because as much as I love the Bean, it's your honeymoon. If I were the newly married wife I would be pissed. My guess is that said bandmate will not be there despite the threat of a heroin addled rant headed his way.


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