Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can't Say That I Blame Her

Lindsay Lohan is still drinking and it isn't even rumor, innuendo or speculation. She actually said it herself. In a recent interview she stated, "these days I drink buckets of green tea and a glass or two of champagne at night."

I honestly can't say I blame her for trying to get a little drunk before heading to bed. I would have a tough time falling asleep if I knew there was some skinny Bob Geldof looking chick in a hat sleeping next to me also. I also suspect that if she is saying a glass or two of champagne, what that translates to is a liter of vodka, straight in order to make that falling asleep process as painless as possible.

The problem with the whole glass or two of champagne theory is there are a hell of a lot more than a glass or two of champagne in a bottle and I don't see Samantha sipping on a glass in the evenings which means they are either throwing away a lot or saving it for the next day. Now, of course she could be referring to the Champagne Of Beers which is of course Miller and highly presumptuous on their part. As far as I can tell the only thing Miller has in common with champagne is they both are slightly yellow, bubbly and will give you a vicious headache if you drink too much. I do however, see Sam sitting back enjoying a cold one and only having one or two of those.

Naaah, lets stick with the liter of vodka thing and them acting out scenes from Freaky Friday.


  1. prolly is drinkin I don't care as long as she dose not drive!!!

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    and the countdown begins to her crash and burn.

  3. Not smart to say you are drinking when you are an alcoholic, both parents have drinking problems. Not smart - you know it's she's lost jobs because almost no one will insure her.

    I think she's also a drug addict but one slip leads to another. Some people never learn. So their relationship is really one of an enabler who manages the others drinking. Not good.

  4. to quote a wise man:

    "fuck em, i got my own problems and so do you"

  5. I would have a hard time falling asleep too because I would rather be making out with Samantha Ronson. Seriously I have never slept with a woman but I would so go there with that one. She may look rough but there is something sexy about her...maybe because her eyes look like Mark's?

    Also agree that I could care less if Lindsay drinks. I think it would be near impossible in that culture. As long as she lets someone else do the driving it is all good.

    You don't hear too many stories about her diva behavior anymore and she shows up and acts professional at her jobs...I am sure it is because she realizes how close she came to losing it all.

    Wow, I did not know I had so much to say about Lilo!

  6. Some people think they can do it in moderation and they can't. I don't think Lindsay is a moderation person.

    (It's okay, I'm not either)

  7. I am very impressed with Lindsay these days, myself.

    Sam is homely as all-get-out, but damn--she's really turning Lindsay around.

    Lindsay looks prettier and happier and more professional all the time.

    Good for both of 'em, I say!

  8. I was trying to think who SamRo reminded me of all hunched over with the bowler hat--then it dawned on me--Fagin from Oliver Twist. She always has that creepiness going on.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm so tired to people hating on Samantha Ronson because she doesn't look like a typical woman.
    I think she's cute and she seems to make Lilo happy.

    Not surprised that she is still drinking, I hope she realizes the danger she is putting herself in soon.

  11. i have a feeling SamRo has her hands full with Lilo... I peg Lindsay as being a total pain in the ASS and slightly abusive. So that being said...i think Sam needs to drink her face off to just get through the day with her.

  12. Gamma, I agree - I think she's cute too.

  13. lol thoughts exactly...

  14. First rule of journalism, Ent: Source it. Where did you get this? For all I know you made it up.

    And if it came from Female First, then it has to be suspect because they write outright fiction.

    "Buckets of green tea" = peeing gallons. Green tea is a diuretic. Wonder if that's a trick to staying skinny.

  15. dude it's a blog not the fucking NY times.

  16. Drinking too much green tea can make one nauseous. I learned that the hard way.

    I also do not think Samantha R. is that bad. She's cute in her own way, and LiLo is clearly thriving in her care. Who are we to criticize.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. "First rule of journalism, Ent: Source it. Where did you get this? For all I know you made it up."


  19. I actually hope they are happy. These two don't annoy me much. I don't know how much they are drinking but I do know that I haven't seen Lindsay's naked crotch recently so she must be doing better.

  20. I'm sorry Ent, I'm on the Sam Ronson is cute bandwagon.

    Maybe the question is...obviously Ms Ronson be doing something right. Now, after six failed marriages Mr Ent, can u say the same?

    :) Woot!

  21. City,

    doesn't jax rock? I heart jax 2.

  22. Kris, You are right

    I'm not sure who I heart more sometimes, Jax or Enty...

    regardless I spend waaaay to much time with CDAN

  23. Is this a slow news day or what? Idiot Brooke, Ex-Sex, who's drinking vodka out of a Starbucks cup? Jeez, if it wasn't for Jax's hilarious smartass comments, today would be a total bust.

  24. I also find Samantha rather attractive, which is strange since I'm a heterosexual woman. She looks a lot like her brother who is increadibly attractive. She also seems to be a very cool person,- illustrated by the fact that she detests the Parasite and sued Perez Hilton. I hope their relationship is good for them both!

  25. I Like Sam!! She's a breath of fresh air after seeing these run of the mill, blonde, bimbos day after day!! I don't care, I like Lilo and always have!!!

  26. blonde, bimbos

    Hey, watch it!

  27. "...after six failed marriages Mr Ent, can u say the same?"

    Jeez, has Ent been getting married and divorced again? Last I remember it was only 4. Is that the true reason you stay anonymous, Enty? So the exes can't take all your income away from you? ;)

    Citygirl - my sentiments exactly!!!

  28. is it old news? or am i the only one who noticed?
    sam's got a serious crutch there, and is holding her hip, has this always been? because that crutch is not off the rack.
    she's been looking really haggard lately, and linds is looking fantastic (and why isn't lind's at LEAST checking on her progress up those stairs??)


  29. tap, tap. hell-loooo????

  30. Bionic - Lindsay has blonde hair now so that picture is old...Sam definitely registers as male in my brain BUT I think they are super hot together.

  31. whats wrong with a liter of vodka a 12 pack of Miller High Life and a vicious 45 minute finger blasting session?

  32. whats wrong with a liter of vodka a 12 pack of Miller High Life and a vicious 45 minute finger blasting session?

  33. I don't think Sam looks cute at all. I think she looks dirty.

    She needs a long, soapy shower, a good nap, and a hearty meal.

  34. ENT made me sign up for a google account.
    Love the site, love the ppl & the commenters.
    Also- like winnersusedrugs (ok,and the vintage porn- which I found here.)
    Aside from that, Sam has a her own little sexy way about her. I'd definitly take a bath with her if I wasn't previously engaged. And Lindsey is looking younger & being more responsible than previously AND making me like her again. At least she's not lying about not resuming the habit like some people (*ehem, Nicole, whom I adore, but let's be honest- nobody starves themselves that long through sheer willpower.)
