Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Brooke Hogan Is An Idiot

I know the headline kind of says duh, but you know what? She really is an idiot. Did you hear what she had to say in her show about females and voting? First of all she said she really isn't in to voting. Well, I don't know if it is because she is an idiot who doesn't know who is running for things or because she is an idiot who would be confused by what you actually have to do to vote. But honestly if you are a candidate running do you want to know that Brooke Hogan supports your campaign?

Oh, and you think that her comments on voting were bad, well in true Hogan tradition they make things worse everytime they open their mouth.

"You know what? I am actually not that much into voting. I think it's kind of crazy that [Hilary Clinton was] running because I think that women deal with a lot of emotions and menopause and PMS and stuff.

"Like, I'm so moody all the time, I know I wouldn't be able to run a country because I would be crying one day and yelling at people the next day, you know?"

No, I don't know, but it does sound like you need to boost your estrogen because you shouldn't be that moody and I'm worried that hair will start growing again on your chest and back. You do realize of course that there are thousands and thousands of little girls all over this country who hang on her every word and think that Brooke Hogan is just the best person in the world and believe everything she says. So your goal today is to find one of those girls or boys and tell them that Santa will never be set free unless they promise to stop watching Brooke or listening to her, although they can watch when she gets the peen chopped off.


  1. Brooke has been listening to her Dad regarding voting***methinks!!!Bwahahaha!!!

  2. Um...Why is she famous...?

    Better Question: Why is she STILL famous????

  3. Her not voting is what I call a GOOD IDEA.

  4. Wow. JUST when I was beginning to feel sorry for her because of her horrid/whorish family members, she has to open her hermie piehole and something completely ignorant and cuntish.

    Fuck you, Brooke. You're as bad as bitchtard pundits like Limbaugh -- people who questioned whether America would vote for Hillary because "who wants to watch a woman age?" As if he's some goddamn aesthetic prize to begin with. As if McCain is such a goddamn feast for the eyes.

    Whatever. She'd just vote for McCain, anyway. If she's this sexist, I'm sure she's also racist. Daddy would NEVER let Brooke help vote a negro into office!


  5. Can't we ban Brooke like we banned Brit?

  6. This is a girl who's debut album managed to DO WORSE sales that Paris Hilton's debut album.

    That is what I call an accomplishment. Storch, the man who spent his own money to promote both "artists" is now totally flat out BROKE. (I wonder why?) Putting money behind those two makes investing in a Ponzi Scheme look like a worthwhile investment. Arab Oil Shieks who have billions to piss away like nothing would not spend money on the "careers" of those two.

  7. and, why is she always referring to condoms? the only guy rubbing on her is her father. what's she doing giving her number to a bunch of losers in a bar? the drinking/clubbing age in florida is still 21. she's a role model for no one. i had to watch the first 2 shows just to witness the mess. no more though.

  8. I agree she's an idiot and what she said makes NO sense, however it's refreshing that she's at least honest with what she believes, even if what she believes IS screwy.

    I think it's worse when celebrities promote causes (think "green") yet fly private planes and use enough water to supply a 3rd world country. Or they visit said 3rd world countries as ambassadors when in reality it's one big photo op and they couldn't care less about the widows and orphans.

    She's an idiot, but at least she's honest about it.

  9. I think I love you, ernestine

  10. It is crap like this that is the reason that so many girls stopped aspiring to be someone strong and smart, and srarted wanting to be dumb and pretty. It makes me sad. traitor.

  11. Jesus Christ. I mean, I know there are idiots out there and I know that they feel, and say things like that...yet I am so shcoked and horrified every time I read it/ hear it.

    Someone should take her out behind the barn and shoot her. Mercy killing, really.

  12. well fuck me it's 1955 again!

    jesus Brooke take the protein bar out of your fat gob and get a fuckin education. Stop spreading your 'brother' induced sexist attitude and stand up for your ladies. you are BULLSHIT.

  13. GOD DAMN she's retarded.

  14. Thanks for crushing the hopes of little girls everywhere who think they could be president one day.

    She's like a dumber, uglier Ann Coulter. Harsh, I know.

  15. ^^ not harsh, true. Very, very true.

  16. How about vice president?

    ". . . crying one day and yelling at people the next day . . ."

    I think Dick Cheney does that every day. Oh -- wait a minute: he DOES run the country.


  17. Personally, I'm glad she doesn't vote. She's too stupid to make an educated decision.

    Though I do still feel bad for her a little. Look at her parents. She really never had any hope.

  18. Better off the bitch stays AWAY from the polls!!!

  19. LOL I'm starting to wonder if Ent is a woman. b/c no man would rant this much and if you are a man then damn your going to make one hot feminist a happy women. :D That being said I agree with your rant but also think that she does have the right as an American to also not vote if she chooses. As a precinct chair and a person that is active in my local politics nothing drives me crazier then ppl that get behind marketing gimmicks instead of researching their candidate all b/c they want to feel smart. I rather have someone not vote then to pretend to care and make an uneducated vote.
