Blind Item Reveals
April 23, 2008
I feel like most of the kindness items lately have revolved around women. That is all well and good, but it is nice to hear that guys can be kind as well. This one involves an actor who would be A list by the definition that he is the star of a long running dramatic television series. Films? He's done a couple, but is really known for his television role. Age? Not old, not aging, but not in his twenties anymore either.
Our actor is married, and she should be included as well in this kindness since she is part of it. Every two weeks or so, no matter where he is, our actor stops into a local toy store. Generally a big chain, but no love from me since they make him pay retail. Our actor spends $1000 every two weeks like clockwork. When he was filming and kept going to the same store every two weeks, someone asked him why he was buying so many toys every few weeks.
Turns out our actor, stockpiles about 75% of the toys he buys all year long and at Christmas time donates them all to organizations like Toys For Tots, etc. The other 25% he sends to various children's hospitals throughout the year.
You know the best part? The guy doesn't need publicity to keep doing it.
Tom Welling