Wednesday, July 30, 2008

At What Point Does A Groupie Say No

Tommy Lee gave a little impromptu press conference in Oakland this week and got on the subject of groupies. Apparently he and Motley Crue still have lots and lots of women who offer their bodies to the boys every night. Instead of turning away from the groupies at this stage in his life, Tommy insisted he is "on a mission to sleep with as many as possible."

I think Tommy's quote would probably bring tears of joy to most mothers knowing their daughter would have a chance to f**k Tommy Lee just like they did when they were 18, and like their grand kids will when they turn 18. Hopefully the grand kids won't be Tommy Lee's grand kid, because, well that would be disturbing. I'm sure it must have happened at some point in the rocker/groupie sex world, but I prefer not to think of it. Honestly, I prefer to not think of Tommy Lee having sex or the fact that although not the boyfriend of Pamela Anderson does still have sex with her as well.

So, at what point do you say to yourself as a groupie, why am I having sex with this guy? Although he declined to say how many people he had sex with, he has said previously that it is in the thousands. You really want to be 2,001? Now remember here that he has slept with thousands who have presumably at least slept with say, ten, or in the case of Pamela Anderson and some others, ummm, more than 10. It doesn't take too much math to get into the millions of people. So, I'm just curious. At this point, would you still have sex with Tommy Lee and be a part of his "mission?" And to give the guys a fair shot as well, would you still have sex with Pamela Anderson? She says she doesn't have a boyfriend, but just has some friends with benefits she uses when she is horny. Hello hepatitis.


  1. I don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading that crap. I wouldn't do Pam or Tommy or Pam and Tommy.

    These two need to get remarried and keep that mess between the two of them and leave the rest of the population alone.

  2. Enty,

    Have sex with Tommy Lee? I want to take a shower after just looking at the photo you posted.

  3. *sniffs* everyone gets a shot with Tommy for the price of admission. It's so rare to get a free bonus in this economy.

    Good luck you crazy kids.

  4. "So, at what point do you say to yourself as a groupie, why am I having sex with this guy?"

    I wonder about that a lot. There are so many stories of celebs treating groupies like shit, but they'll still sleep with them. Douchebaggery is my #1 turn-off. How little self-respect can a person have? Never mind, I don't want to know the answer to that.

  5. I'd love to party with Tommy (he's frickin nut so you know it would be an experience) but I wouldn't touch his junk with a 1,000 ft pole. His valtrex bills must be staggering.

  6. i'd rather fuck tommy tune.

  7. geez, I think there is still hope for tommy, after all, if certain members of the Rolling Bones can get 18 year old twat .. just saying ..(glad I am not an 18 year old twat ..)

  8. There is no fucking way I would have sex with Pam. Unless I wanted the Hep. I really think she looks like a tranny now. And I imagine the boobs look like a topagraphic (sp?)map with all the scars.

    I would fuck lots of celebs, A to G list, but not Pammy, no way.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He is a very unnatural color--not too healthy looking. I can't imagine what diseases/germs/fungii/strange odors he is harboring, & I hate to say it, but anyone who sleeps with him kind of deserves what they catch.

  11. Hmm. On a mission to sleep with as many as possible? Is this the rocker with the STD who wanted to share it with as many women as he could on tour?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. HA! That's Lukas Rossi there, the poor kid who "won" Rock Star Supernova a couple summers ago. He's probably still in the ICU from the infections he caught from TLee on tour.

  14. Totally forgot about that blind, ms_wonderland....

    I used to hang out with a bunch of groupies when I was younger. It seemed to me that the only reason they did what they did was so they could talk about it afterwards. Whether the rock star in question was an asshole or a nice guy, it made for a story. Apparently Lemmy from Motorhead is great in bed, but also makes sure to get rid of the girls as fast and obvious as possible after. My favourite story is about Glen Danzig, who, apparently, is a "sensitive guy" who wants to cuddle all night after sex.


  15. Lukas Rossi. Whatever happened to...

    Oh, wait, I don't care! Ha ha ha!

    Glen Danzig likes to cuddle? The therapist bills that man must have! Yikes!

  16. thats why i think when they do the std studies they go to los angeles. im sure 1 of 4 do have an std in LA

  17. Enty, Pam has Hep C and that is a blood borne disease that is transmitted vein to vein. Blood to blood.

    Fucking Pam won't give a guy Hep C.

    Hep B is the one easily transmitted through kissing & sex because the virus is present in saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, and so forth.

  18. I don't think Lucas rossi is the answer to that blind. I thought it was the first guy - who won the gig with INXS. Can't remember his name. He's an arrogant douchbag too. At least Lucas appears to have chilled out and he married is long-time girlfriend a few months ago.

  19. Interesting factoid, you know the Bachelor show actually has trouble finding people because most of the women who apply have Herpes, and they test for that because they don't want to have anyone with an STD on the show. It was tough to find really pretty contestants *ahem* without herpes.

    Interesting isn't it? I heard 1 in 5 in Los Angeles, but it could be chicano gangsters I guess.

  20. Is that a man kissing Tommy. On another site I read that Tommy was at some award show in Las Vegas with Chris somebody, a famous magician. According to this site they were very affectionate with each other. This Chris has partied with Pam, Tommy and Britanny.

  21. No, I wouldn't but I don't think the ppl that read your blog are his target audience who like to have sex with stars like its a sport. The ppl that post here seem pretty intelligent.

    btw I'm still bitter about dilana. She was by far the best. Did she get a record deal?

  22. JD Fortune is the douchebag you are referring to...lead singer for INXS now.

    2 canadians i'd gladly trade.

  23. C'mon, you guys don't think that Tommy Lee is just a little hot? I suppose I wouldn't have sex with him, though.

    On the other hand, if 1 in 4 women already HAVE herpes, then they might as well have Tommy, too. :)

  24. Anonymous4:42 PM

    IMHO Pamela Anderson is/was an intravenous drug user at some point.

  25. Putting aside the whole issue of Tommy & Pam for a moment...

    The stats I've been hearing over the last couple of years have been that 20-25% of the U.S. population--that's the country as a whole, not just NYC & LA--have herpes, which makes it 1 in 5 to 1 in 4; and that's genital herpes--90% of us have the herpes simplex virus (aka your good old garden-variety cold sore), plus there's been a fair amount of cross-pollination between the two strains of herpes due to oral sex. Throw in chlamydia, the human papilloma virus (what are the stats on that? at least 60%?), yeast infections that get passed back & forth, etc. etc. etc., and probably most of the adult population of the US has some kind of STD--and that's not even counting the big guns like AIDS & syphillis. (Most of the people w/herpes don't know it, condoms don't necessarily stop it, and you can still shed the virus even when you're seemingly healthy & between attacks.) Simply having a social disease doesn't automatically mean that you're some kind of filth-ridden just means you're a sexually active adult in America.

    Having said that, though, I don't doubt that Tommy, Pam, She Who Must Not Be Named, and various of the others have some interesting STD combos in their systems, and I wouldn't touch any of them, sexually or not, with the proverbial 10-foot pole.

    Oh, and groupies? Some of them have romantic ideas of being whisked away from their dreary lives, but for a lot of them it does seem to be a matter of getting good stories to tell and "scoring"--women can be just as crude about that kind of thing as men. Although I really don't get the ones who'll do all kinds of sick things (read Hammer of the Gods or Marilyn Manson's autobiography to get the idea)--I mean, what kind of brownie points does letting Manson et al. cover your body w/cold cuts and then piss it off get you?!? (IIRC, all she asked was that they not get pee on her boots...)

  26. so how did i make it to this ripe old age without even having a cold sore?
    oh, yeah, the good lord zapped me with bad joints at a very early age. guess it all comes out in the wash, eh?

    i am SO friggin' glad i'm not out in the dating world, and that i was a parrot head, and not a groupie!!!

  27. I want to say yes, but in reality I doubt I would. I'm more of a Nikki Sixx girl.
