Thursday, June 05, 2008

Trouble In Paradise Already

Yesterday in Random Photos I posted a photo of the lovely couple Mark Ronson and Daisy Lowe. Well apparently Mark might have a bit of his sister's temper in him because what was a lovey dovey kind of night turned into a really loud argument in front of others that was only broken up by the arrival of Lily Allen crawling on the floor and barking. Or something similar to barking.

Daisy apparently wanted Mark to pay more attention to her because she didn't really know very many people and he said she would be fine and that she was welcome to go home but that he was going to stay and hang out with his friends.

I would say that she would run home to daddy and get him to kick Mark's ass, but unfortunately I don't think Gavin Rossdale could kick anyone's ass. Oh, he would admire it perhaps, but I don't think there is going to be any kicking going on. He might caress it, but, well you see where I'm going with this. No, he does work out, and he might throw a punch, but Ronson looks like a fighter. Now a tag team between the Ronsons and the Stefanis would be more interesting, because I think Gwen Stefani could get crazy if need be. Then when the Ronsons got into trouble, Lindsay Lohan would appear from nowhere to save her pinned girlfriend.

I like it.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Just one of the many joys of dating an 18-year old!

  2. i'll hang with your friends Mark, shit i'll even buy a round or two AND make out with you in the cloakroom.

    im a good date like that.

  3. LOL @ jax

    Now, Mark and Samantha Ronson...there's a pair of hot siblings. WAY better than Joel and Benji Madden.

  4. I can see Lindsay being a scrapper. But Gwen is totally up to bashing her head in with one of her Harajuku girl high heel shoes. Heh.

  5. The Ronsons remind me of Danny Devito
    & Arnold S. in twins--where 1 got all the great DNA & the other ended up being Danny Devito.

    They made a cute couple, but I guess she is immature & he is arrogant.

  6. May I just take a moment to compliment you Ent. You took a story that seriously don't give a shit about and wrote about it in a way that was entertaining and made me chuckle, and even made me read the whole post. Good work, you get a gold blogger star for the day.

    (Re-reading this, I think it comes off as kind of sarcastic but I'm being sincere, truly.)

  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    You know, Samantha has a twin, designer Charlotte Ronson. I'm ready for Charlotte to hook up with someone skankalicious and get some press too.

  8. All this is based on Daisy actually needing Mark Ronson. Pffft.

  9. Actually, Daisy doesn't consider Gavin to be her dad. She thinks of Danny Goffey as her dad.



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