Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Numbers 2 & 3 today are both from the world of daytime television. I have received a bunch of e-mails from people the past few weeks wanting more scoop on daytimers. Honestly, I don't have that much, but I made some calls. Because the whole A-D thing is impossible for a soap star, in its place I have decided to tell you the network the show is on. Now, soaps have lots and lots of actors. The subjects of these blinds are not just one episode wonders. They each have at least 100 episodes they have done.

#1 - This celebutard and criminal tries to pass himself off as upper crust, but he is in a bunch of pain right now without his Hillbilly Heroin. Totally addicted.

#2 - This actress on an NBC soap kind of came out of the woodwork and rocketed up the ladder on this soap. She keeps getting more and more lines and lets everyone know it. She has no friends on the set except for the producers she sleeps with and she doesn't share the coke she vacuums up like a Hoover.

#3 - This one involves two guys, both from the same ABC soap. Our first one is older, and been married before. The woman he was married to has been known to be very sympathetic to guys with alternative lifestyles. Hope his current girlfriend feels the same way because he and this other much younger actor on the show have been caught so many times making out that they don't even hide it anymore.


OG Gossipmonger said...

hmm, not too big a fan of the daytime tv. (it's called a job people :P)

but, number one is raffealo bladidada! anne hathaways man.

kris said... it that Brando Davis guy? You know, the greasy one...

#2, 3 - don't know, don't care.

OG Gossipmonger said...

Raffaello Follieri

there we go, i almost had it!

or, possibly, nick hogan.

Unknown said...


RagDoll said...


Ya. I think one of the Davis brothers, too, for that one. Either Oily Davis or Fat Davis.

It could also Be Baron Hilton.

I have no clue about soaps, tho....

junglekitten said...

#1 maybe that younger Carter brother!! He looks like he's on something and his skin is NASTY!!!!!

Ice Angel said...

#3-How about Michael Knight? He is getting a divorce from Katherine Hickland who used to be married to The Hoff. Don't know who the younger guy would be though.

Anonymous said...

I am not a Soap fan either but did a search on them.

NBC - Days of our Lives, Passions, Another World, Santa Barbara, Search for Tomorrow, Somerset, Sunset Beach.

ABC - All my Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital, Guiding Light, As the World Turns, The Bold and the Beautiful, The Young & the Restless.

Don't know if any are still on or not or if this is it for NBC or ABC.

Ice Angel said...

#1 has got to be the Italian guy sitting in prison, Rafiello or whatever his name is. They said he tested positive for opiates.

OG Gossipmonger said...

i think ENT is implying the guy is in prison....

Ice Angel said...

The only soaps on ABC are

All My Children
One Life to Live
General Hospital

alan said...

1. barron hilton
2. levin rambin

Ice Angel said... the Nick Hogan guess too! Maybe that's why he's so anxious to get out of prison. I'm stupid by the way....what is Hillbilly Heroin?

jax said...

you could do 24 hour post on the paint drying in your parents basement and it would be more exciting than Daytime actors.

dont cave to the minivans! don't do it! lol.

kris said...

jax....TOO FUNNY...God, you crack me up. Always...

and I change my guess to that Rafealoli angel changed my mind...forgot they found opiates....

allisonwonderland said...

hillbilly heroin=oxycotin
definitely anne hathaway's ex...he is in the hospital right now for a "sinus infection" and perez reported this morning he tested positive for opiates

CarolMR said...


OG Gossipmonger said...

totally off topic, but someone stole my name & put a space between it!
totally lame.
you should change your name to "other-peoples'-name-MONGER"

captivagrl said...

hathaway's ex for sure. Y and R has a lot of COS members, love to here some dirt about that. maybe CBS next time?

OG Gossipmonger said...

alright, i've compromised. sort of.

Anonymous said...

gossipmonger, thought they stole ur pic also.

lutefisk said...

will the real gossipmonger please identify yourself?

Def. Anne Hathaway's ex/current/beard/whatever-- I won't attempt the spelling for #1

I don't watch soaps, no clue on the others.

OG Gossipmonger said...

I am the OG monger & i guess the pic will have to be my identifying mark.

i was wanting to change it soon too...oh well, it shouldve been britney still anyway.

kris said...

so if #1 is that dude...does that mean our gal Anne is in to that as well? is that why she stays with him? he's not just her cover? interesting...

maggiemei said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelli said...

dont want to veer off subject but there are rumors swirling that a beloved hollywood celeb died today. wonder if it could be paul newman?

linoge1 said...

I really have no clue, as always.
is there a sectret page on this site where the answers are hidden??

Because I love the BI's but never seem to figer out the answer.
Damn, so this means I wont win the car huh?

maggiemei said...

The only soap currently on NBC is Days of our LIves, which should narrow down the field quite a bit. But I haven't watched regularly in years (i have a job, etc etc), so have no idea who rocketed up the ladder.

lutefisk said...

Aww! Don't say Paul Newman. That would break my heart.

Kelli said...

I know..I hope not but he's been so sick.

TV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OG Gossipmonger said...

paul newman wouldn't be denying so much if his death was just around the corner.

i mean, to deny your death a couple weeks before you die? you would have SOME clue the death was upcoming, wouldn't you? i thought he was denying it because they had it under control & thought they could get away with it for awhile.

Anonymous said...

#3 - looked at all the guys on Gen Hospital. Ingo Rademacher always struck me as being gayer than a drag show, but couldn't find an "older man" who had been previously (and not currently married). I did see that Tyler Christopher was previously married to the evil EL, but even ent wouldn't call a 36 year old "older".

Same for One Life to Live.

All My Children:
Someone had mentioned Michael Knight (prev. married to Hoff-ex Hickland), 49 years old but technically still married (filing for divorce)

no one else fits for those 3 ABC soaps.

OG Gossipmonger said...

perezhilton is reporting the death of a "beloved hollywood celebrity" also.
not that i read perezhilton..............

what is eight past six? said...

#2 - The one time a blind is likely easy to guess (NBC only has one soap now, Days of Our Lives) and I don't watch that soap anymore. I gave up on them when the teenage aliens' spaceship pod crashed into Salem.


And captiva, there are really a bunch of Scientologists on Y&R? Ew, and I still kind of like that soap! :-( Someone should do a not-so-blind on why the hell Guiding Light can't keep any of their actors. They keep leaving and going to ABC.

Colby said...

Ah! I know soaps very well...First off NBC only has one soap - Days of Our Lives (Passions was cancelled and sent to a sattelite dish company that broadcats it exclusively). The one who has come out of nowhere (#2) is Rachel Melvin who plays Chelsea. Everyone hates her and she was the most hated character on the show then a new producer - Ed Scott - started and she's the star of the show and got a daytime emmy nom.

#3 Sounds like Michael Knight (Tad) and the younger guy sounds like Jacob Young (JR).

And to be clear - I have a job AND a Tivo...

OG Gossipmonger said...

dnfrommn, i lied in my first post about not liking soaps. i'll walways have a softspot for GH, thanks to my best friend who is addicted.
you think jax is gay, really?! i dont know anything about the actors, but could it be sonny?

Mistik said...

Jacob Young totally fits for #3; Cameron Matheson might be the older guy, but not sure if his wife has been married previously...

OG Gossipmonger said...

lol, cash, good point. tiiivoooo.
i'm jealous.... i'm missing my judge joe brown!!!

OG Gossipmonger said...

oh & by the way guys, the beloved hollywood celebrity who passed away?

it's .......


svd said...

i saw the perez post too.... now it's deleted....hmmmmm

Adrienne said...

I like the Chelsea from Days guess for number 2. That's the only soap I tune into on sick days. And she did come outta nowhere.

califblondy said...

ITA with the Ingo comment. He gets gayer with age.

Jacob just got married, not that that means anything.

I don't want to believe it's Tad Martin! Noooooo.

Kevin Spirtas just joined OLTL on ABC and he was Hugh Jackman's understudy in The Boy From Oz, what could be gayer?

Unknown said...

I don't watch General Hospital anymore, even though I work from home and could easily do it, but the first person I thought of was Stuart Damon who plays Alan Quartermaine. I have no reason why this popped into my head.

captivagrl said...

gayla - Michelle Stafford(Phyllis)
and Sharon Case(Sharon) are scientologists and there are more on Y n R, i think.

lurkerxx said...

Oooo, I had to sign up for this one.

I think there are three possible choices for the NBC one.

Rachel Melvin (Rachel Melvin), Kristen Renton (Morgan), or Shelley Hennig (Stephanie).

I'd lean towards Kristen Renton considering she is one heck of a pointless character yet seems to get a lot of attention during the show.

Unknown said...

the only US soap broadcast here was sunset beach..ooh used love it perfect college hangover tv. So i'll be no use for these ones!

Unknown said...

From Gawker:

Raffaello Follieri always looked the part of the Italian aristocrat. Impeccably dressed and permanently tanned—like a more attractive version of Zach Braff—he arrived in New York as a dashing young business tycoon with inside connections to the Vatican and a plan to use those connections to make millions.

In short order he landed stunning actress Anne Hathaway as a girlfriend and drew attention from some of the most powerful financial figures in America.

His father was Pasquale Follieri, an Italian businessman and his son's partner in the Follieri Group, an shady concern that promised investors big returns from real estate dealings with the Catholic Church.

But that's not all that Pasquale was; just two years after he helped establish his son in New York, he would be a convicted financial criminal, in an eerie foreshadowing of Raffaello's own fate:

A rough translation from an Italian news story from last September:

The father Pasquale is already under trial, accused of having illegally appropriated almost a half a billion lire when he was the judicial administrator of a private company in a tourist development. The trial finished in April 2005 with the Pasquale being sentenced to three years in prison and blocked forever from serving in public office.

The father and son team of Catholic property sharks caught the attention of the media, and the younger Follieri's world began to unravel. Today's charges may be the first step towards following his father into prison.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted on Perez Hilton that Elizabeth Taylor died.

Judi said...

WHOA, Brenda!!!!!!

CM said...

Someone mentioned reading Perez Hilton. Did you also see that Verne Troyer (Mini Me) had a sex tape "stolen". Wasn't this a blind item in the last couple of weeks about a celeb that would have a tape "stolen" but it was really their own doing?

Judi said...

Thought of that, too, CM, when I saw it on ONTDidn't. No way I'm watching it!!!

Katja said...

Someone started a fake story that Jared the Subway diet guy died.

OG Gossipmonger said...


Sparkles81 said...

While there have been many rumors of Ingo Rademacher's sexuality, he recently became engaged to a woman from Hawaii he's been dating for 2-3 years and they are expecting their first child next month. Not that this means anything but who knows?

#2 def. seems like it would be one of the younger gals from Days of our Lives.

Cannot figure out # 3

Judi said...

If not Liz, maybe it's Zsa Zsa, although describing her as "beloved" is pushing it.

jagerlilly said...

Some of you crack me up - "it's called a job, people.". Ummmm, you're posting here during the you don't watch soaps, that's cool, but some of us who catch the occassional show aren't any less of a human than you, my dear.

c17 said...

alan, Levin Rambin is on AMC, which is on ABC.

And I hope whoever said Michael Knight & Jacob Young are WRONG!

Also, some of us tape shows during "working hours" - don't hate! said...

Actually, the spaceship was NOT a spaceship. It was part of Stefano's evil plan to take down the Brady's. Duh? Just kidding. I can't watch anymore either.

Although, the best time ever on Days was when Marlena was the serial killer and, before that, when she was possessed. She was never funnier or more interesting. She choked Grandma Brady by shoving Grandma's own famous homemade donuts down her throat and licked the sugar off her fingers while she chuckled about it. Those were good times. Marlena usually makes me want to gouge out my eyes when she smiles and is so virtuous. Bleck.

(BTW--Grandma wasn't really dead, she was on an island that was an exact replica of Salem with the rest of the murder victims. Another evil plan by Stefano. He is tricky.)

I quit watching after that because Ivan knocked down the NBC tower, so I couldn't watch it at work anymore. The spell was broken after that. I am healed now.

viking's vault said...

#1 cannot be Raffeololo, news said he tested + for opiates. Hilbilly Heroin is METH not opiates. Cant be him. Who else is in jail recently?
Nick Hogan?
Blaaake Winehouse?

viking's vault said...

Ok got my illegal narcotics sorted- HH is oxy, not meth.And is an opiate.
Raffelolo has been naughty.

duncanpowers said...

That's it--from now on, he shall be called "Raffealo Bladidada".

curious_cailyn said...

Now that it's pretty much clear that NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS BLIND, I'm going to put my 72 cents in. :)

I have ZERO insights on soap stars (I don't watch), but I AM willing to waste valuable minutes of my life researching other peoples' guesses! .....Sooooo -- based on the names thrown out for #2 thus far -- I put Rachel Melvin ("Chelsea" on Days) at the top of the list, followed by Shelley Hennig (Stephanie on "Days")... Kristen Renton (Morgan on Days) has been on less than 50 eps, so she's ruled out. (RM and SH both have well over 100 eps under their belts/thongs.)

I give RM the slight edge for 2 reasons: 1) She really DID come out of "nowhere" -- as opposed to SH, who was Miss Teen USA 2004. (Don't laugh! RM's sole accomplishment in 2004 was playing "teen girl" on one episode of the soon-to-be-canceled/forgotten "Summerland.") 2) Rachel's sudden prominence on Days is a bit more dramatic/suspicious than SH's. RM made her "debut" on Jan. 3, 2005 -- one of a whopping 3 appearances that year (last was May 12). After a 7-month dry spell, she returned for a 3-episode stint in January 2006 -- followed by another 10 months of .............. crickets ...........

In November, she came back for exactly ONE episode (Nov. 15, 2006). ...Must've been a helluva performance, though, cuz somebody clearly recognized that her "talents" were being sorely under-utilized. ...Within a month, she'd been written into another five eps, followed by thirteen episodes in January 2007(!) Since then she's averaged 13-16 eps/month. ...In comparison, Shelley's emergence on Days was a bit steadier/more predictable. She started in April 2007 (3 eps), followed by 6 eps in May, and it's grown from there. (She now averages 10-13 eps/month.)

Whew! Hard to believe I have NO freakin' clue who these people even ARE, isn't it??

Sigh... :)

shakey said...

Long-time lurker, first time poster.

Cash, Ed Scott is married to Melodie Thomas Scott (Niki) from Y&R. More gossip abounds!

PotPourri said...

Who asked for Daytime Soap gossip? We don't even know their names. Now former soap stars like Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos are great on gossip.

V McIntyre said...

"I'd lean towards Kristen Renton considering she is one heck of a pointless character yet seems to get a lot of attention during the show."

I like this guess, too.

Also, to the "it's called a job!" person, I go to grad school and am lucky enough to have afternoons off. And some people work non 9-5 schedules. Chill. If you're reading and commenting gossip websites all day, you're hardly in a position to judge.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

1) Yeah. Donatello Michaelangelo Raphael for the first one. *yaaawnnn.*

I'm more interested in this dead celebrity rumor! I kinda think that if Liz died, she'd IMMEDIATELY want the world to know -- like, the Nightly News would have been showing old clips of White Diamonds commercials and a slideshow of her former spouses and whatnot already.

Paul Newman has lung cancer. Ummm. It's probably him. I've watched two grandparents perish from that shit, and my boyfriend's dad is dying from the same disease at this very moment.

So: quit smoking, people (if you do). Because I like you!


I thought that Days of Our Lives was pretty rad when A) Marlena was possessed by Satan, and B) Kristen suddently turned into PSYCHO BUCKTOOTHED COALBUCKET Susan! Remember that? Baby Elvis?! I used to pee my pants laughing at that dialogue. Eileen Davidson is one of my favorite performers of ALL. FREAKING. TIME. Isn't she really a dude, though?

I used to watch DoOL every once in a while during high school; it came on exactly when I got home and there was no one around to shame me for viewing it instead of, oh, doing my homework or whatever. I also didn't have a job, of course (kidding, folks). Ahhh, those WERE the days! :-)

I'd love to write for a soap opera, to be honest. It sounds easy and pretty hilarious. Just recycle some plots and toss some incest or midgets into 'em.

mooshki said...

#2 I LOVE Rachel Melvin, and I REALLY hope it's not her. I'm going with "Morgan" - Kristen Renton, or possibly "Ava" - Tamara Braun.

Electric Warrior said...

Hillbilly heroin = oxycontin. Which is an odd name because oxys cost about 10x more than heroin at about 3/4 the potency. I never understood that nickname for them.

Regardless, it's Annie's beard, the Italian Zach Braff.

And I bet he was goin through some wicked withdrawals in the courtroom this morning, and that's why he had to be taken to the hospital. Bet the judge loved it when he threw up all over the prosecutor.

OG Gossipmonger said...

jagerlilly, I was only poking fun. I didn't say we were all jobless hobos.

only some of us are!

i called my satellite dish people last night & added on a dvr. you guys should go into sales.

DetroitRocker said...

No clue on daytime soaps haven't watch them in 20 years. But, I bet if I turned one on it would be at the same story line. Same people bedding the same people. Laura from GH must have grandchildren by now.

OG Gossipmonger said...

actually, laura is in a coma. oh, i did not just know that.

blankprincess said...

Tee hee. I know this one og gm!

Laura is actually in a catatonic state of psychomotor disassociation that started with a psychotic break when she realized that she had murdered her stepfather in a fit of rage (only she didn't really murder him). She came out of it briefly due to a miracle drug that Dr. Robin found just in time for Luke and Laura to remarry on their 25th anniversary. However, because the problem is now physical rather than psychological, the cure lasted only about a month and she went catatonic again after saying goodbye to her children and husband. She actually does have one grandchild--Nikolas' son Spencer, who has aged to about five years in the space of two (and has been played by at least six different kids). However, her daughter Lulu has had an abortion, and Lucky thought he was baby Jake's father for a short while until he realized that Liz had sort of cheated on him with the cyborg. SO, Laura's kids definitely are able and trying to procreate.

As for the Days BI, it is totally the chick who plays Chelsea. She is amazingly ugly, annoying, untalented, scary scrawny, and just icky. Plus, her character is evil. Her spoiled whiny selfish crybaby ass killed her own baby half-brother. Gross!

And BTW, I have a seriously studious job during the day and I just finished my Ph.D. while still working full time. I just use my DVR very well!

OK, I'm leaving. :)

shakey said...

blankprincess - CYBORG??? And I thought Y&R was silly. At least they haven't gotten into vampire teens from outerspace and cyborgs. Just incest - because with everyone switching partners, someone is bound to marry their own cousin. Oh, that already happened ...

Anyway, I'm sure Chelsea is a good blow and takes it up the ass, hence her rise to the top.

Unknown said...

Kristen Renton seems to match #2 perfectly.

32. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 2

35. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 2

20. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 6

22. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 6

27. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 4

10. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 13

4. Kristen Renton (Morgan Hollingsworth) 13

The number left of her name was her episode ranking on the show - and you'll note that in June, the same time this blind item came out, she suddenly exploded into a front burner storyline.

Meanwhile, Rachel Melvin's episode numbers have held steady, with between 10-15 episodes per month.

Only one actress skyrocketed up the ladder with more air time.


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