Today's Blind Items
Word of advice to all actors, actresses, or just "everyday people" it is probably not a good idea to have an affair with someone who works for a cell phone provider. It would also behoove you to be smart enough to figure out this before you go through 4 cell phones.
An Academy Award winning actor who is married with child(ren) is aging, but not told. Perhaps he is going through a mid-life crisis, or perhaps he is trying to relive his glory days when women actually thought he was hot. For whatever reason, our actor decided to hit on the woman at the Verizon Wireless store. She was less than half his age which makes her legal, but barely. From what I understand she had no clue who he was even when he filled out the enrollment form. Someone told her later after he had left. Well, being the idiot that most guys are, our actor was back the next day because he couldn't get something to work on the phone. Now informed who our actor was, the salesperson hit on him hard. The actor was flattered and asked her to lunch. Lunch led to another lunch which led to knocking boots back at her place. Another note to those having affairs. Roommates do not keep secrets well.
Our actor enjoyed his time with the salesperson but thought it best to end things because he was, after all, married. Our salesperson had other plans and decided to call our actor...often. Our actor changed phone numbers. But he didn't change companies. So, it must have been a shock when he started receiving calls on his new number from our salesperson. This process repeated several more times until our actor finally figured out that perhaps he should change numbers and companies. Guess he didn't mind paying the early termination fee. So what should he do about the packages that keep arriving in the mail? Oh sure. The idiot put down his home address when he signed up for service. Good thing he doesn't work much so he can stay home to get those packages.