Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I understand some of you are having problems loading the site. I have my crack technical team of Me, Myself & I working on it and the problem should be solved shortly. Either that or when whatever ad is causing the havoc ends its run. Since it is only about a month to the next mass reveals I thought I would tell you that the blind from yesterday will definitely be in the reveals.

#1 - How about another adventure from our actor from yesterday? Not as interesting, but still fun in a car wreck kind of way. Film Festival. Toronto actually. Yay Canada. Party for the premiere of one of his films. Drinks until he is passed out and his manager carries him to his room. Like I said. Not as interesting but hopefully will provide some insight into yesterday.

#2 - Speaking of sight. Wow that was a good segue. This aging, but in no way old or even middle age Academy Award nominee/winner (you decide if he won) for best actor is actually legally blind. Can't read unless it is in HUGE TYPE. Has lots of problems doing action or anything other than staying very close to his mark because he cannot see more than a few feet. When you see him in public, he is always with someone. Always. Never by himself because he can't go anywhere by himself.


  1. #1 - Clooney was definitely in Toronto to premiere Michael Clayton last year...

  2. 1. joaquim phoenix

  3. This just doesn't sound like a Clooney thing. He's always far too sharp in interviews and such to go in for that sort of behaviour. He's not the only actor who rides a motorcycle, and frankly, he can't be the answer to every single blind. I just don't see it being him, at all.

  4. I wasn't going to say anything about Joaquin because he is wonderful. But he smokes like a chimney. I don't remember anything about that, just drinking.

    Anyway, sight-seer, or not, I think it is Phillip Seymour Hoffman, but I could be wrong.

  5. #1 Pricolatino:

    YES. Keanu is from Toronto. Plus these clues: "adventure" (as in, Bill & Ted's Excellent....") and the "car wreck kind of a way" comment. Reeves has repeatedly gone onto talk shows and lifted pant-legs and shirt-tails to reveal the resulting scars from major motorcycle accidents he has had.

    Oh. My God. I know way too much about Keanu Reeves since that blind was posted. And he has some very RABID fans, man. They seem like crazy old cat-lady types who just loooove them some Keanu. I think there's about 200 of them and they all go to see his movies in the theaters over and over and over again (thus, the box office). Seriously, though. He's got a certain breed of fan that's a little nutz.....

  6. I agree, Clooney can't be the answer to every A-list blind, but are the others "no doubt about it" A listers? I can see people doubting...

    Assuming this is last year's fest (and I realize it may not be), Joaquin Phoenix was also there, but I can find reports that Keanu was.

    #2 is both sad and inspiring at the same time. Mad props to whoever it is.

  7. "Thumbsucker" premiered at the TIFF in 2005.

    maybe old Keanu was going drink-for-drink with his co-star Vince Vaughn. Vince drank Keanu under the table, LMFAO!!!!!!

  8. As much as I love Keanu, I doubt this could ever be said about any of his readings: "he was brilliant"

  9. I would say Morgan Freeman for #2, but he's definitely middle-aged.

  10. pussykatt: but it also said the movie sucked....so Reeves's "brilliance" could have been relative (when compared to an absolute steaming PILE of a movie). I'm reaching. I just can't see it being Brad or the Cloon. Or even everyone's favorite drunk, Ben Affleck. And i can't think of any other undisputed A-Listers, box office $$-wise, or popularity-wise...

  11. I want #1 to be Clooney, but I think it's Keanu. Which movie did he make last year that was at Toronto Film Festival?

    oh, that sucks for #2 :(

  12. I just cannot accept that Keanu Reeves is A-List. I'm sorry, but I can't. Actually, I'm not sorry. His acting is ungodly, and he's never even been NOMinated for a major award. I think his best performance ever was in that Paula Abdul video. Remember that shit? *rush! rush!*

    I know that popularity counts for a lot, but Keanu also hasn't been hot or interesting in FOR-EV-ER. I guess I think of Winona Ryder the same way (even though I still adore her, because she's been in some of my favorite movies of all time, and she's still doe-eyed and nailing rockstars and whatnot). Winona is NOT A-list anymore, is she? I think she's solidly formerly A-list.

    I think of Keanu as B+, but DEFinitely not A-worthy.

    Ohmigod. I'm sorry people. I type really fast. ANYway.

    1) I still maintain that number one is Harrison Ford -- please see the picture and the caption EL posted today. I just think it's sort of a strong hint, maybe? I might just want to be right. :-)

    I think Clooney's entourage is too big, maybe? I just STRONGLY feel as if a Clooney Acting Like a Drunk Dick story would leak to the media pronto. I mean, not to shit on the Clooney guessers, because he's acknowledged being tore up before. And I had forgotten all about him being a naughty influence on Danny DeVito -- hilARious. But my gut just screams Harrison.

    Plus, Enty alludes to the fact that the last movie starring the A-List person was kind of sucky. The last shitty movie Clooney did was Leatherheads (I thought it looked awful. Did anyone actually see it?) But was that shittier than the new Indiana Jones movie? I don't care if the new Indy blows. I'm still gonna see it, regardless.

    Anyway, I'm even more convinced it's Harrison now that I have the image of his feebly, inebriated body being carried up a flight of stairs. He has lost a LOT of weight lately. And you know Calista's upper-body strength is limited, so the manager would have to be the one to drag his ass up the stairs.

    God, Harrison Ford is a big, drunken pain in the ass!

    I love him, though. :-( It just seems like whenever I see him on Letterman and awards shows or whatever, he's obviously nine or sheets to the wind.

    2) GOD. Enty kind of makes it sound as if this dude is in his late thirties or early forties, maybe? And he may or may NOT have won an Oscar. Um. The spectrum of choices here is pretty wide. DiCaprio? I'm just trying to think of men who cling to their spouses in photographs or something.

    I dunno. I can't WAIT until this mass reveal, though!

  13. I doubt it is Clooney- he is way too good at covering his tracks.

    Harrison Ford sounds like a good option... although - too many to choose from lol

    When is the mass reveal coming?

  14. Wait - is #1 Danny DeVito? It can't be easy to carry a grown man to his room, unless he's a little shorter than others...

  15. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is the first thing that came to mind for #2

  16. ERNESTINE!!!!!

    My lord, you made me go and YouTube "Rush Rush" What a thespian! Oh, the longing in those puppy-dog eyes! Oh, wait...that's just him and Paula Sipping from the same flask. Sorry. Forget it. Carry on, then.

    For the record, I think #2 might be Matt Damon. I don't know why he jumped into my mind for that one, but there it is.

  17. Blog infringement! Me, Myself & I is my blog!.

    LOL! Love Ya ENT!

  18. #1 - SOOO not Keanu. There's no way he's "without a doubt" A-list. Sorry, impossible. I like the Harrison Ford guess though.

    #2 - I'm psyched about this one. Being almost legally blind myself, I can totally relate. Wow...really have to pull out the thinking cap for this one...

  19. Def not Damon--he could't do the Bourne films with that type of disability.
    I agree with 'evol': I was thinking of Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

  20. could #2 be Forrest Whitaker

    "Film critics often mention Whitaker's left eye ptosis: it is considered "intriguing"[27] and "gives him a sleepy, contemplative look."[28] Whitaker has explained that the condition is hereditary and that he has considered having surgery to correct it, not for cosmetic reasons but because it affects his vision.[29]"

    Ptosis causes vision problems like astigmatism-I have severe astigmatism/ near sightedness, so I can totally understand that.

  21. 1. Joaquin Phoenix

    2. Johnny Depp

  22. Way to go Ellebee! Your guess sure sounds right. What's more, you actually read the clue and thought up a person that matched it. I am soooooooooooo tired of people just guessing George Clooney or Tom Cruise to every fricking blind-item.

    So, again, great job. I bet you're totally right.

  23. 1.......
    2. Forest Whitaker

  24. shoot, ellebee beat me to it

  25. ok, maybe I'm overreaching here...

    Ryan Gosling at last Toronto Film fest for Lars...
    Rides a motorcycle
    Storyline of previous movie(STAY) involves him in a 'car wreck'
    Fired/quit from Lovely Bones
    The Notebook changed his career path...
    Just sayin'

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Well, I did a google image search on Toronto Film Festivaland the following Celebs came up.
    Matt Damon
    Brad Pitt
    Sean Penn
    Pierce Bronson
    Jude Law
    Don Cheadle
    Javier Bardem(sp?)
    Mr. Kotter
    Jake Gyllenhall
    Dustin Hoffman

  28. I don't know, the first person that came to my mind for #1 is Colin Farrell, especially after the Toronto Film Festival comment

  29. But I guess he isn't quite the award winner?

  30. i don't think it's clooney for every blind, i just think that he's unraveling and not covering his tracks as well as he has in the past. like i said yesterday, he's a control freak and have you ever seen a control freak when they start to crack? they lose it big time.

    here are two things from today's blind that could be tips that it is: clooney's not that big to begin with and has lost a lot of weight in the past year, so he could be carried by a (strong) manager. also, the emphasis on "sight" at the end of the first blind and the beginning of the second -- "out of sight" anyone?

    and leatherheads was a critical and box office bomb.

    dude, the cloon-dog his losing his shit/shine.

  31. It's Clooney...out of sight.

  32. i heard that angelina won't be in a movie with cloony ever because she says he is too femme. i heard it from a very VERY good source. so you never know people in the public eye.

    true personal story:

    i saw clooney at the Santa Barbara film festival a few years ago and they were having a huge party for him at some club he was an honorary attendee and was getting some award at the SBIFF.
    SO everyone was waiting for him to arrive and acting like jerks at this snobby party.

    I was working for a film company and had to pick up some photos in the back vip room (where clooney was supposed to be)i had a bitch of a time getting there because everyone wanted a peice of him and the door girl was a bitch. i was just there to do my job. anyway, i get into the room and get the photos and clooney was not in the private room for him. whatever. i head out and i am on my way to my car.

    a few blocks up i look over at a b&b. it was a beautiful old victorian and i lvoe looking at houses so i stopped. i look in the window and there is cloony totally doing like shot after shot with three hot chicks. he was also smoking a cigar. he could give a fuck about the snooty party they were having for him and just wanted to get drunk and have a good time.

    respected him from that point on

  33. Funny Ent, I have the same techies!

    Have to tell you all, as a resident of Toronto, the first blind is kind of vague in that it doesn't say which year this took place in. 2007? 2006? Before that?

    The stories that go around during the filmfest are unbelievable, and I'm talking about the ones that don't make it into the papers (or online) - the stars who show up at the bars at 2 or 3 in the morning and leave with lots of company (*cough, *cough), those that sleep their way through the 10 days. It goes on and on. This past year alone Jakey G was here, as was Brad, Matt, George, etc. etc.

    Unless you figured it out yesterday, today's blind could be about any of these guys.

  34. no idea for either......just an FYI.......my sister in law works in the cosmetic/beauty/hair industry and was told by a fellow rep that Harrison Ford was at Canyon Ranch the week b4 Cannes "detoxifying". LOL

  35. Regarding #2: Is this person currently fairly young, or young at the time of his nomination/win? I'm guessing it's the former, and the emphasis on him not even being middle-aged yet probably takes Forest Whitaker out of the running (we have the same birthdate, 7/15/61, and I'd say we're middle-aged, damn it...); so this is someone either under 40, or who's only just turned 40 within the past year or so. I took a quick look at Oscar.com's list of Best Actor nominees and went back about 10 years, to 1997, and here's a few we can eliminate right off the bat:

    Will Smith--not quite 40, but has done way too many action roles
    Adrien Brody--rides a motorcycle, so I think not...
    Matt Damon--oh, yeah, he's doing the Bourne movies legally blind...NOT!
    Leonardo DiCaprio--again, I doubt he'd be landing the roles he is if his vision was a problem
    Javier Bardem--used to play rugby years ago, which lets him off the hook

    A few I'm just not sure about/not familiar enough w/their previous roles/hobbies & habits:
    Jamie Foxx--did play Ray Charles, but his other roles make me doubt it
    Joaquin Phoenix--A possibility, but I seem to recall he's out & about by himself frequently
    Terence Howard--Really not sure, but see J. Phoenix re: being out & about, so I'm thinking not
    Jude Law--Embarassingly, I can't remember enough of his roles to be sure, but the ones I do (The Talented Mr. Ripley and Cold Mountain) make me guess not

    One's I'm just not sure about:
    Ryan Gosling--Doesn't really do action roles; don't know enough about him otherwise
    Philip Seymour Hoffman--Hmmm. Probably the best guess of the lot so far; wears coke-bottle glasses and tends to play character roles rather than leading men/action heros; scruffy enough to make me wonder if he doesn't know how he looks (or, more likely, just doesn't care).

    If you want to drag Best Supporting Actor into the mix, we've got:

    Benecio Del Toro
    Ethan Hawke
    Djimon Hounsou
    Mark Wahlberg

    And, if it's decided that Forest Whittaker isn't really middle-aged, then these guys might also qualify:

    Don Cheadle
    Johnny Depp
    Russell Crowe
    Robert Downey, Jr.
    ...but I tend to doubt it's any of them.

    So, right now, my money's on Philip Seymour Hoffman, with Forest Whittaker a possibility if his age doesn't disqualify him. Thoughts?

  36. Hoffman is a good guess too, he is 40, but does this count make him disqualified?

    "He had been stocking shelves at a city grocery at the time before landing the role and credits the film to kickstarting his career."

    I have very, very bad eyesight, without correction I cannot even see the monitor on my laptop, couldn't tell you what is on it...so if his eyes are worse than mine-stocking shelves would not be a good idea

  37. I'm assuming that #2 is implying that the actor's vision isn't correctable? (is that a word? :)) B/c if it is, I am still trying to understand why he doesn't have corrective lenses or LASIK (unless they are not a candidate for LASIK). But, even with a severe astigmatism, a person could get custom-fit contacts to help their vision, right? I was legally blind (20/1500) pretty much my entire life (I'm 30) until I had LASIK last October-I wore contacts, but when I took them off, I couldn't see SQUAT-even if it was in HUGE TYPE.

    Like ellebee, I couldn't read my monitor at all, or make out the blurry images- I would have to, literally, have my nose to the screen to be able to read it-& that's with the text size enlarged.

    If #2's vision cannot be corrected-then I have an enormous amount of admiration for them, my biggest fear was always having something happen to my contacts & being forced to function w/o them-absolutely terrifying to me.

  38. Number 1 is Clooney. He is a MAJOR drinker. Plus, the big clue in the item is sight....as in Clooneys movie, Out of Sight....everything fits him.

  39. 1. Clooney would have to have one hell of a manager with Superman type upper body strength to carry him to his hotel room after he passed out drunk. 200 lbs of dead weight. Sexxxxxy. Now, Reeves is a muscular skinny, so maybe, but I still don't think he's A list, no matter how many asses he supposedly puts in seats. He is a notoriously poor actor.

    2. When does middle age actually start? Is it getting later now that lifespans are increasing? It used to be forty, but if people are living longer, does that mean middle age starts at 45 or 50? I mean, determining "middle aged" is a slipperier slope than calculating the A, B, C, D list. Also, does "lots of problems doing action" mean that this actor HAS done action movies before? I guess it would be hard to know if you have a lot of problems doing something unless you've tried. Just saying. And by "action" do we mean "action movies" or just any type of physical activity that would occur in a scene? Like, oh, loading the washing machine or playing catch with a kid?

    I know I'm no help because I answer questions with questions. Bad me, bad, bad, bad!

  40. For #2 I absolutely agree with Jaime's Girl: Phillip Seymour Hoffman. His name popped into my head as I read the blind, and he has a tendency of squinting a lot.

  41. "So she looks and tells him it's a burrito...with chicken"

    I guess the chicken burrito rules out Joaquin Phoenix (well known vegan) lol

  42. Ha! giovanna, good point!
    Here's a list of veggie actors:

    Knocks one or two names off the list.

  43. I'm getting strong Johnny Depp vibes for this one

  44. #2 I'll go for James Spader

  45. I think this is Mike Meyers - from Canada and extremely weird.

  46. Ok- Normally I don't over-read Enty's comments, but have we ruled out Jim Carrey for #1? He is A-List. I could see people thinking it was sort of in character for him. I am short on time and can't go back, but I the Me Myself and I(rene) reference made me think maybe he was a possibility. The others are all good possibities too, but I thought I'd share my 2 cents.

  47. God, Ent. This is my favorite site and I'm getting so frustrated. I log on to the site and my screen freezes for five minutes. I do hope it resolves soon. If it doesn't, maybe I'll e-mail you and you can just e-mail me the posts for the day! LOL

    #1. I'm going with Harrison Ford. I'm probably wrong. With my luck in guessing blinds, he probably wasn't even there.
    #2. Have to think about it. You have another one of those Helena Bonham Carter/Tim Burton situations where the wife (or significant other)has to step up and play a huge role in this persons life. Forrest Whittaker is a good guess, as good as any. Ent didn't say married, just said always with someone...hmmmm....

  48. Wow...the Forrest Whitaker information really sheds a lot of light on things for me. While not traditionally handsome in any way, I find myself completely drawn to his screen presence. It truly is hypnotic. That is really cool. I wonder if it is him, but hardly blind if he's already discussed it publicly.

    Jim Carrey for #1 sounds like a good choice, which would make his acting brilliant, because he always seems drunk in his roles! LOL!

  49. Toronto Film Festival of WHAT year?

    It's Keanu. If my sources are correct, that is. Besides, who else can you actually picture with a burrito in the pocket?

  50. Forrest Whitaker went to college on a football scholarship, so this may not be him.

    The person's vision may have deteriorated with age, however, which doesn't rule Whitaker out.

    Philip Seymour Hoffman is a good guess, but he's not photographed very often.

  51. To the person who initially figured out Forrest: you've got gumption, my friend. I googled "Male Actors who have been nominated for an Oscar" and "Male Oscar Winners" and tried to comb through these longass, convoluted websites with ubercrappy html and...I'm lazy. Kudos for reals, though. You're a sleuth. It's totally Forrest. He's constantly with his wife, squinting somewhere. And I remember noticing that he has a wonky eye during that awards show season when people were interviewing him on the red carpet.

    Oh, man. The first one COULD be Clooney. The Clooney tide is so strong, and you all are so convincing. Maybe he's drinking/whoring it up more lately because he doesn't want to admit that he has a soul or whatever and he misses that cocktail waitress chick?

    Anyway -- I think it's either George or Harrison, and those are the only plausible choices for this blind.

    I still say it's Harrison, though. Clooney is all vain and proud and peacockish, and this blind suggests that the actor in question just simply doesn't care about other people's perception of his drinking. And Harrison just seems like this rugged and sort of gruff old dude who'd rather be fishing/pounding beers on a riverbank back in Wyoming. It's a hideous thought to imagine him getting wasted and flying a plane or riding his motorcycle, but non-famous people do it (and purchase hookers and drugs and other things they're supposed to shun). Plus, if he's being babysat by his manager and/or Calista, he might just shrug and say WTF? and get totally hammered.

    I keep reading your tips or whatever about Clooney's depraved and debaucherous liquor-fueled hooker-romps, and he's honestly becoming less and less attractive to me. And the new teeth? ughghghghugh.

  52. It is Jim Carrey:

    Me Myself & I(rene)
    Jim Carrey is Canada (Yay Canada!)

  53. Been reading for a while but was too lazy to create an account, thought I'd put everyone out of their misery on #1 from today and the BI from yesterday-

    It's Joaquin Phoenix. He was at TIFF last year drinking like a fish and rumors surfaced last fall that he was blitzed a few times on the set of "Two Lovers" with Little Miss Stuck Paltrow. You'd drink too if you had to work with that biche. Joaquin traded his smack habit for liquor. Ain't rehab great?

  54. ecfan, giovanna raised a good point: joaquin is vegetarian (maybe even vegan? his sister's vegan), so the chicken burrito rules him out.

    but your reference to gwyneth made me think of something off-topic -- yesterday i read a little snippet from an interview with her. when asked if she'd adopt in the future she said that if she did, she'd be doing it "for humanity."

    ha ha ha ha ha ha. god, i hate her.

  55. Jim Carrey would explain the "no ifs ands or buts" because his main joke in Ace Ventura was talking out of his butt.

  56. I'm thinking #2 would be an oscar nominee rather than winner... how would he find his way to the stage by himself?
