Monday, June 02, 2008

That's A Shocker

Is anyone really surprised that Angelina Jolie has a gun or two or twelve in her house and that she is prepared to use them all? I would be surprised if Brad Pitt actually handled any of the guns except when he and Angelina are role playing. I just get the feeling that if someone broke in to the house Brad would be putting down his bong by the time Angelina would have already blown the guy away.

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Angelina said "I bought original, real guns of the type we used in Tomb Raider for security."

"Brad and I are not against having a gun in the house, and we do have one. And yes, I'd be able to use it if I had to. I could handle myself...

"If anybody comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I've no problem shooting them."

I get the feeling that Brad is the little toy she keeps around because he looks good, has strong swimmers and lets her be the boss. Actually, I don't even think it is a matter of let. I think she could, would and has kicked his ass numerous times.


  1. Who WOULDN'T shoot to kill any person who tried to hurt their children?

    On a personal note, even I (a museum-quality Liberal) have been thinking about getting a gun for home protection (I have no kids, but live in a bad neighborhood). My dad was lecturing that "I'd have to be prepared to actually use it."
    My reply: "Daddy, if a man comes into my bedroom at night, my first shot would be to CASTRATE the motherfucker!"

    That quashed Daddy's lack of faith in me pretty quickly!


  2. P.S: In my experience, when women (like Angie or Madonna) SEEM to "wear the pants" in the family, that the complete opposite is true.


  3. I am IN LOVE with Angelina Jolie and would gladly go lesbian for her. I would gladly be her bitch if Brad ever gets tired of the job.

  4. You do realize that Angelina is a libertarian, right? It should then come as no surprise that she believes in gun ownership rights.

  5. I LURVE Angie and all her kick-assiness, but the quotes in this interview sound hella made-up. Oh well. More hatred fuel for the minivans.

  6. Interesting comments by Jolie and just in time... for her movie "Wanted" will be in theaters soon. Aside from that, I do agree with her about what the consequences would be if someone came into my house to hurt my kids.

  7. Yep, the "machine" gets more obvious everyday.

    But I am anxiously awaiting Wanted cuz I love James McAvoy and they're gonna be hot together.

    Whose ass is in the picture behind her?

  8. I hope she makes damn sure the kids can't find that gun! Horror stories abound of what happens when kids and guns mix.

  9. I am distracted by the ass in the background......

  10. That's a fascinating story, but like selenakyle, the question begs: Exactly who's ass is sketched on that pad behind her? A sinister doodle of what she wishes Aniston's hind quarters looked like?

  11. i'm sure they have armed body guards 24/7. just angie trying to stay badass even when she's pregnant goddess.

  12. Agree with Wood. Publicist is cranking out the Minivan snark worthy "comments".

  13. God I love Angelina Jolie.

  14. Looks like an early 20th century masters' drawing - am no art major.
    "Wear the pants"? Please, what century are we in? It's no longer one or the other who wear them; responsibility is shared. Sheesh!

  15. It would be crazy if they didn't have personal weapons, can you imagine the crazies around them? It's kept low profile but I would guess there are at least a dozen stalkers between the couple. Security guards aside, all it takes is one slip and someone is in your home with you and you kids. I would shoot too.
