Monday, June 16, 2008

Sex, A Broken Toe, And The Tony's.

I don't know if you noticed it last night at the Tony Awards, but Mary Louise Parker had a broken toe. I know, I know, you didn't watch them either. Honestly, I bet most everyone didn't even know they were on. You may have flipped through all the channels and said to yourself, "hey, the Tony's," but you didn't know they were there before you flipped.

I actually used to enjoy watching the Tony Awards, but then I realized all the awards went to the most popular shows. If something like that happened in the movies, you would see Star Wars and Spiderman and Adam Sandler cleaning up. Last night I think South Pacific won something like 7 awards. Ummm. How many times can one play win awards. What? It goes away for five years, and then can come back and win some more and do that for eternity? Hardly seems like a ticket to finding new and original shows for audiences.

Anyway, I digress. Ahhh who cares. I had this big long thing planned about Mary Louise Parker and her broken toe because there just is not much going on today. Oh, you want to know how she broke it? Well she was filming a sex scene for Weeds and was into it so much that she slammed her foot up against the bed frame thereby breaking her big toe.

If she is this into it in her show, can you imagine what she's like in real life? The director used the footage and if he's smart he should time it and wait for that scream which you know must have come out of her mouth when she broke the toe. Now that's acting.


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