Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rod Stewart's Swimmers Are Drowning

Rod Stewart is trying to get his wife pregnant again, but is ummm, having difficulties. "Trust me, I am trying my very hardest to have another child. But I am not quite Superman like I used to be. I am in my 60s now."

He is in his 60's. I don't know how I feel about people having children when they reach their 60's. Rod is 63 now and so even if his swimmers could swim and Penny got pregnant tomorrow, chances are he would be 64 when the baby was born. Figure 18 years until the kid graduates from high school and that makes Rod 82 years old. Doubt he is going to be out there kicking a soccer ball with the child.

I know Penny is young, and she will definitely have enough money to raise whatever children they do have, but is Rod or someone his age being selfish when they have children that old? They know that the chances of them being around for much of their child's life is slim. I'm sure celebrities are not the only ones doing it, but at least once a year there is some celebrity who fathers a child in his late 60's or early 70's and claims that now he will have the chance to be the dad he couldn't be the first time around. He then of course breaks a hip while skateboarding and dies.

I'm curious about what all of you think about this. Is it selfish for a man in his 60's or 70's to have a child, knowing they won't be around for much of the child's life. To me it is different from divorce because you are not consciously being selfish.


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