Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random Photos Part One

Come on. Where else do you think Nelson Mandela would go? You think I'm going to put him in between Lauren and Heidi or something?
I do love Annie Lennox. She needs to do a show in Vegas so I can go see her every weekend.
Boris Becker just has those raccoon eyes everyday. Nice suit though. Really nice suit.
It's be nice to be Brittny Gastineau week. Don't ask me why, but it is all for a good cause. Actually she looks pretty good here. See, this isn't so hard.
Bon Jovi - Bristol
The whole effect was kind of coolness was kind of ruined with the Barney song being blasted from the CD player.

You know what I like about Christopher Meloni? This is a guy who knows he is going to eat and so he comes prepared. Belt buckle just a little loose. I like a guy who thinks like that. You all just like him because he was in FFF.
The lovely Candice Bergen. Has anyone seen her daughter lately? I don't think I've seen her photo in a year or so and wondering how she looks.
Someone please make the leggings stop. I didn't watch Christina Aguilera on Larry King last night. Did he try and breast feed or anything like that? Did he call her Paris or Britney?
Ben Kingsley doing a little dancing. Not much, but you can see he wants to.
Justine Bateman. Been a long time. You look good.

How many times a day do you think people come up to Jimmy Buffett and start singing Margaritaville?
So was Gordon Ramsay cooking dinner for Nelson Mandela or does he just not own any other clothes?
One of my favorites, Mr. Dominic Dunne.
Being an American Idol winner means you automatically get your pick of someone from an MTV reality show. David Cook picked Audrina Patridge. That Kimberly Caldwell thing didn't last long huh?
There is a better photo of Nicollette Sheridan later, but I just had to comment on Kyle MacLachlan's hair. It's huge. It's twice as big as his already big head.

This is the oddest combination. From L to R you have Jason Statham, James Patrick Herman and Clifton Collins Jr. James Herman is the new West Coast editor for Glamour which really makes this even more odd. Jason planning on doing Glamour? Need advice on what to wear for a first date?
The I'm too good for this photo of the day goes to Jason Preston.
Basketball players playing soccer. Here is Jason Kidd.
Joan Baez made everyone sign petitions all night long. Brought plenty of pens for everyone, and just kept them going around and around.

I'm glad to see Mary Kate Olsen comes prepared. Not to look good mind you, but with her very own water bottle? Lunch box? Purse? Grenade? What is that thing in her hand?

A first time appearance for Meital Dohan.
Leo Sayer and Bob Down doing karaoke. Why wasn't I invited? This is gold.
Congratulations to Loni Anderson on her recent marriage. All the best.
"You did it Keanu. You did it. You actually got wet." China Chow is very proud of herself as well she should be for getting Keanu Reeves to actually immerse himself in something that will make him clean.

Stephanie McKay - New York

This is a great photo of Rob Thomas and his wife.
Robert DeNiro just always looks like he is moving at 100 miles per hour.
Well at least Richard Branson took the Virgin Atlantic bumper stickers off the jacket before he went in.
Nicollette and Perm Boy done? Yep.
TMZ has more, but really I think this is all you need to see.

Tico Torres has a new baby clothes line. I'm guessing he doesn't let Richie Sambora drive his kid though.
Thierry Henry was at the basketball players playing soccer event. Ummm. Maybe if he had tried this hard last week, France would still be playing.
I know many of you have a fascination for Simon Rex. So, have at it.
One more. Steve Nash.


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