Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Random Photos Part One - With A Reader Photo

I've decided that Dustin Hoffman should just move permanently to the top of the photos. I mean the guy will be 71 in about a month and he looks way better than he did at 31. Plus he's been married forever. I mean the guy is almost perfect. He at least pretends to like Tom Cruise so that is a minus, but other than that what more could you ask for in an actor.
More Andy Roddick? Why not. This time though you get his "fiancee'"
Nothing like that first puff on a cigarette after being discharged from the hospital with a smoking related disease. The only one that feels better is after you have had a lung removed from cancer due to smoking.
Like I'm not going to post a photo of a guy named Alex Zobbobo-Bentley. From now on though he is "Bobo."
How's single life treating you Brendan Fraser?

You have got to give Bobby Brown some room to dance.
Give him room.
Get out of the way.
Finally. Now someone go out and buy the guy some pants that fit.
Does anyone know why Demi Moore (who looks great) and Ashton Kutcher never hang out anymore?

Dirty Dozen Brass Band - Miami
Death Cab For Cutie - Los Angeles
Funny thing is David Arquette had enough glasses at home for the whole crowd.
Did Courteney Cox get some new, umm breasts?
"I'd like to thank Eddie Murphy."

For the first time in forever, Jack Black loses a big belly contest. He actually had lost prior to this but all the other winners were confined to their beds because of their size.
One of the best photos of Gwen Stefani in a very long time.
You don't think they should be called Kneepads? Their caption for this photo read something like, "the super-stylish Fergie."
How is that the Crown Princess of Denmark can walk alone down the streets of London and Lindsay Lohan needs two bodyguards?
The, "Damn these good looking couples make me feel inadequate" photo of the day goes to Kylie Speer and Tom Williams.

"Yeah, just keep looking bi*ches because I ain't going to talk to any of you."
62 years old for Jaclyn Smith. Damn she looks good.
This is Josh Peck. Hey Josh. You dropped like 40 pounds and that sidekick from your television show and look fantastic. What? A new film? You don't say. The Wackness. Wow. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Pining for Jennifer Aniston? Kind of makes you want to throw up a little doesn't it?

I think only Ne-Yo, LL Cool J and David Arquette could pull this look off.

Naomi Watts, I love you, but not this.
Modest Mouse - Miami
Method Man in front of 75,000 fans in the Meadowlands last month. Hanging on his every word. What? You have time for CDAN? Wow. Thanks. A new film? The Wackness? Can't wait to hear about it.
This was more for Laura Dern. Miss seeing her more often.
It's like a Playboy Mansion party from the 80's. Scott Baio and Jason Hervey.

This is Sean Avery. Immediately after this photo was taken, Kendra Wilkinson came in and stole his shorts. You can see her wearing them in yesterday's photos.
Our lovely reader photo of the day.
OK. When I'm ignorant about something you know I am not shy about asking all of you to help me out. Now, Richard Gere was threatened with arrest in India for kissing an actress in the most innocent I might be gay kind of way. Yet somehow Rachuna Maurya who is also an actress in India and was at some record release party yesterday can wear this and everything is cool. Explain please.
Orlando Bloom returning from a vacation with Miranda Kerr.
ZZ Top. Enough said.

The new reality show. "Who weighs more? You or Your Pet?"
Would you believe there were actually other Arquettes I skipped today? This is more for Thomas Jane anyway. "Hey is that a cigar or are you just happy to see me?" "Well, actually it is a cigar."
The Courteeners - Manchester
Why not end it with some Shia LeBeouf on the set of Transformers 2.


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