Solid, solid as a rock. One of those guilty pleasures in life. Actually I don't even feel guilty for liking Ashford & Simpson. Love them.
It's a Spice Girl. Actually this is about as good as I have seen Emma Bunton look.

They obviously must move in packs because Emma showed up with another Spice Girl. Just not feeling the whole see through thing here on Geri Halliwell.

I'm guessing that is not Drew Barrymore's first beer of the night. I'm also guessing it wasn't the last. Or second to last, or third to last. I could go on all night.

The Bacon Brothers - New York

Yes, I know Ashley Judd is doing some decent humanitarian work, but I bet the U.N is just kicking themselves they ever got involved with Ashley Judd. She just is not likable. At all. But how do you tell someone, "hey, thanks for doing this work on human trafficking, but don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

Put Eva Mendes in an evening gown and she just looks incredible.

So, everywhere I look today sites are buzzing about Eva Longoria and her baby bump. All I see is a really bad self tanning job.

I could be wrong about the Eva baby bump though because we know Amy Poehler is pregnant, but I really can't tell from this photo.

Ashley Olsen who isn't even larger than a baby bump, is now two for two in looking good. She obviously has decided that the simple look is good on her and this is twice in a row with the pants.

Damien Lieth - Sydney

I have to say that I feel really sorry for Harrison Ford. No, not because he has to sleep with Calista Flockhart every night. Although, I could see how some countries would classify that as torture. No, what I am referring to is the crowd of people around Indy. Notice what's missing. Even when Parasite shows up in Japan the throngs of people have to be kept at bay. No one is there for Harrison and I think that kind of sucks. Hell, there were only three photos of his arrival. Three. He is the star of the #1 film in the world and his manager is taking photos of the star with a cell phone.

When did Hilary Duff grow up? Wow. It is like she turned 30 in a nano second. Or to use a phrase she is more familiar with, she turned 30 in a Mmmmbop.

I bet you could never guess that this group is called Hi-5. At first I thought they were a bunch of Australian Idol contestants who all thought they were #5.

Sometimes Gavin Rossdale is not a bad looking guy.

Earth, Wind & Fire - New York

I've decided that Jason Lewis is the male version of Phoebe Price. There is no red carpet that he will not walk.

Jenna Fischer before Dave.

And after Dave. Either way, I love her.

India.Arie - New York

I think Hayden took this dress from the DWTS set.

Maggie Gyllenhaal says hello to 50. Oh, she's not 50? You know the whole age appropriate thing works in both directions.

The always appropriate LL Cool J.

Kimberly Stewart shows off her new Red Carpet work out video.

If you invite Denzel Washington to an event, the man is going to be smiling and just loving life.

Jason Patric on the other hand, I don't know. I've said it before. No one is forcing you to walk the press line. If you don't want to do it, then don't. And while you are at it, stay the f**k home too.

I almost feel guilty for cussing right before Ruby Dee. I get the feeling that she would kick my butt about it. She is a legend and I am honored just to post her photo here.

You think Queen Latifah is enjoying her vacation? Hell yes. Enjoy yourself. That is just a look of pure joy.

Norah Jones - New York

Naomi Campbell and Victoria Beckham ended their feud last night. I think it is because they were laughing so hard at Andre Leon Talley. Yes, I know he is an editor at Vogue. Remember that when they give you fashion advice.

Mandy Moore should have been on top today. Best look by far today.

Although Wanda Sykes could also go on top because anyone who can make me laugh until I piss myself is one hell of a funny person.

You know why designers love Victoria Beckham? Because no matter what crap they design, they know she will wear it.

The Zutons - Liverpool

I love Tina Fey, but apparently that Spring Break film is so bad it is going straight to DVD even with the success of SATC.

You have to love a reader who sucks up enough to actually make a mini-poster.
Off topic but the blind the other day about the a-lister drunk, motorcycle, etc? Def. Clooney. Lainey has a bit on him being crunked up and getting down a la trois.
ReplyDeleteJust like 'em confirmed somehow, somepoint in spite of the spot on guesses.
You think Ashley Judd is unlikable?
ReplyDeleteThen you should have seen her on the Today show yesterday. She was just so damn "holier than thou." It put me in a bad mood for most of the day.
Yes, she's doing some good works, but I'm also glad to see someone call her out on it.
Ok - the readers are getting cuter and cuter. And it's making me sicker and sickerer.
ReplyDeleteCarla - don't break mah heart. Clooney's having a teensy-weensy mid-life crisis. It's simply because he's looking for me and I'm not available. Right now.
And where the hell are the paps with the photos?????
Oh, and BTW, there used to be a show on Bravo about the renovation of the Roosevelt Hotel. Ran one season. The financial person on the show was a DEAD RINGER for Clooney. It was creepy. Just sayin...
whoaaa that chick from the zutons looks ano and a half! where is the rest of her upper arm?
ReplyDeleteon a side note, ENT, every time I come to the site it messes up my computer for about 45 seconds to 1 minute -- it's not blogger, the other sites don't do that.
just a heads up
Speaking of blind items i think Eva Mendes was the gal who went to rehab because of her miscarriage and i think she looks pregnant again...
ReplyDeleteUm, I believe Drew is holding a Coke, Enty...
Look at that smug ass look on Ashley Judd's face. She doesn't give a rat's ass about any humanitarian causes. She cares about how good SHE looks. Bitch.
Come on, Enty! I wanna like Eva. I don't know why, but I dooo...
Hilary looks fan-TAS-tic.
Jenna Fischer always looks cute.
LL goods good.
Denzel looks yummy.
And Enty, we're a little violent towards Jason Patric. What's going on there? Spill your guts!!
Who the hell cares about Naomi Campbell?? I only care about the house she owns that I saw on MTV Cribs. It was a James Bond home in the Bahamas or Jamaica. Nice.
I want Mandy Moore's dress. If anyone recognizes the designer, please let me know. Thanks.
Posh looks like that dress is devouring her--kind of like the Blob.
ReplyDeleteDrew is holding a can of Tecate beer.
ReplyDeletewhat on earth has happened to Eva's lips??
ReplyDeleteGawd, Denzel is HOT!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Drew even gets close to alcohol given her past. Mac boy must not have made her laugh that day.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, ent, I don't care if Jason Lewis is a male Phoebe Price. Coke eyes and all, he's hot.
Speaking of hot, I'd wear a dress for a chance at Gavin. Not sure I'd dye my hair blonde though.
Queen Latifah seems like one of those people you could just hang with and have a ball. Glad to see she's having a fun vacation.
Ent needs to tell the story of pissing himself to Wanda Sykes.
Cute reader, again. though I think we need to nip the perez-style I <3 photos in the bud.
Looks like Eva Longoria got herself some lip injections and maybe a brow lift as well?
ReplyDeleteVictoria's dress does not look so hot, but her face is looking cuter these days. Softer, maybe she has *gasp* put on a bit of weight??
Tecate in a CAN?! Drew has more in common with the college dudes I hired to paint my apartment than she knows.....
ReplyDeleteReader?? my ASS! That's a model! Ent, you're playing with us now. No fair hiring models.!
Hot reader!
ReplyDeleteMore proof that Enty has the best looking readers in the blogesphere.
ReplyDeleteI thought the picture of Maggie Gyllenhall (sp.) was Susan Sarandon. Looking 20 years older than one actually is is as bad as going the other direction. Get help Maggie, fast!
In an industry that is overloaded with narcissists, Ashley Judd stands out as one of the worst.
im telling you El needs to do a hot reader calendar.
ReplyDeleteoh, drew.
ReplyDeletecould ashley judd look any more smug? with her africa pendant? ha!
rossdale and his wife bug the hell out of me and i don't know why. anyone else feel this way? can you explain it?
norah jones: so beautiful.
(mngoddess: i remember naomi's house on cribs -- in jamaica, i think -- wasn't that amazing?)
wanda sykes: genius. anyone else hear that crank yankers when she calls up the car dealership?
that's totally nate burkus trying to get out of vb's shot!
Drew is drinking some nasty ass Tecate beer. I'll drink it if there's no choice at a bar in Mexico, but I wouldn't recommend it.
ReplyDeleteKeeeeyoooooot reader photo.
more nate berkus!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with the dirt on Ashley Judd?? What have ya'll heard? I've heard nothing, just name-calling, and I want stories!!
ReplyDeleteI love Maggie Gyllenhall's look -- very Edwardian during the Turkish fad.
I love what Jason Lewis is wearing. He looks soooo handsome. Tweeker or not, he looks like he hired a fantastic stylist.
Clooney partying it up with chicks is like so not news.
Grace: A man who worked for a humanitarian agency that sponsored an Ashely Judd trip to Africa a few years ago blogged about his trip with her; it wasn't pretty. I posted it on the message board quite some time ago, here is the link.
Is this fashion week at CDAN?
ReplyDeleteEspecially love the Victoria Beckham and Andre Leon Talley photos. Gives me an early jump on Halloween!
I guess I just don't understand fashion.....
Ent, you made me laugh with that "they look like American Idol contestants" comment. So true!
ReplyDeleteBippy, we should all meet at Naomi's Jamaican home for the next CDAN conference!!!!
ReplyDeleteHosted and completely paid for by Ent who, contrary to his rantings, is loaded and puts Brad Pitt to shame in the looks department.
mngddess, woooooot to the jamaican meet-up, as long as you promise naomi won't be there!
ReplyDeleteThat's Hi-Five?
ReplyDeletewhere's Kimme, and Karla, and Jen, and Curtis, and Shaun? This isn't Hi-Five man. My baby girl has a HUGE CRUSH ON Curtis, LOL!
India Arie makes such beautiful music.
Grace, I'd tend to agree about the style of the tunic and pants combo, but the patterns and colors are just a tad too '80's. And Ent, you're right, she DOES look old here. And What kind of G.D. shoes are those? They're cropping up everywhere, I hate them. And I'm a shoe FREAK!!!!
Kimbo looks like she's in the middle of saying "four more. three more. two more..." LOL!
What a gorgeous photo of Norah. She's cute with that pixie cut.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! V.B. is being swallowed by a blob of black hearts. Beuak! I wonder which designer pucked THAT number up...
Reader is TOTALLY gawjiss!
Love her teeth! (What? I have a thing for nice teeth!)
I like your site, Ent, but you just can't hide that you are a woman, I'm sorry! You "speak" just like a woman does and notice what women notice, and your comments are inconsistent in trying to be a man. Maybe you are gay or bisexual, in which case I don't care, but don't pretend to be hetero when the first thing you notice in the photos are the outfits/hair and you acknowledge good looking guys!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the reader photo is gorgeous! I'm with whoever said above that it's starting to get curious why there are so many beautiful young (around twenties/early thirties) readers when from my over a year here reading I have noticed that the vast majority of readers admit or identify themselves as more in the forties range or older (not that you can't be beautiful at that age, of course!). Maybe this is a slew of new readers who for obvious reasons want to send in their photo, I don't know!
Again, love the site, just feels a little forced/fabricated on the male front (and the lawyer part, forget it - the author doesn't even try to act like one anymore!) I actually think the blog would be better if the "Ent as heterosexual lawyer" facade was dropped and a snarky woman/women was allowed full reign!
Hi-5 YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I LOVE Hi-5. This is the original Australian cast, however. The American cast that is mentioned by Jewels is still around, except I believe Kimmie has left.
They make really fun dance music for the kids and they love it! They rock and were a welcome addition to our CD and video collection after several years of Barney and The Wiggles.
(Oh-by the way, have seen them several times and they do meet and greets and cannot be ANY sweeter in person! Great bunch of kids who obviously really enjoy what they do and really enjoy the kids.)
Good to see Ashford and Simpson out and about.
ReplyDeleteI don't really see the baby bump on Eva Longoria. Sorry.
I'm tired of the Olsen's in any way, shape, or form.
Gavin Rossdale never did anything for me. I need some Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode (or Martin Gore). Now. ;)
India Arie did a kick ass remake of Don Henley's "Heart of the Matter". Excellent.
Here's to Queen Latifah. Vacations are to enjoy. Not to worry about what bloggers or Entertainment Tonight are saying about the size of your backside. You go girl. You earned it, you enjoy it!
Very nice looking reader!
I LOVE all the Ashley Hating here. Come join all of us haters at where there is an entire CATEGORY dedicated to Ashley hate.
ReplyDeleteBippy--I just caught your Wanda Sykes Crank Yankers car dealership comment--you mean the one with the turd in the seat?!
ReplyDeleteThat was freakin' hilarious.
She is super talented. Good in animation voice-overs, too. Doesn't have to be crude to be funny as hell. On Barnyard now.
And Lewis' eyes are pinpoints, thus some good ol' smack or pills in the mix. Can't be just coke.