They say celebrity deaths come in threes. Lately it seems they have been coming in bunches.
Bo Diddley - RIP
Harvey Korman - RIP
Yves St. Laurent - RIP
Dresden Dolls - Austin
It could be the perv in me, but I think that Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend probably had a very special after party if this outfit is any indication of what was to come. Goodness.
Yes, that is the size of one of Cisco Adler's beans. It probably also explains how he got Tom Cruise's shoes.
I think Adam Williams certainly got into the ummm spirit of the Sex And The City premiere in Australia. Give him one more cosmo and the shirt comes all the way off.
I didn't even recognize Anne Hathaway at first. She looks incredible.
Damn. I just realized I think I have Jason Bateman in here twice. Excuse me while I delete one.

This is why there is Random Photos. Love them all together in this shot.

Holy s**t it's Heather Thomas. Oh, the stories.

Giada is without a doubt the skinniest damn chef on the planet. And hot also. Kind of like Emeril. Except for the skinny and hot part.

Just because Avril Lavigne is also from Canada doesn't mean that Ellen Page needs to start dressing like her.

Liv Tyler looking stunning and single. Potential suitors? Let's look shall we?

Brendan Fraser - Leather jacket? Check. Jeans? Check. Smirk that says he's going to get some? Check.

The Rock. Leather jacket? Check. Jeans? Check. Smirk that says he's going to get some? Check.

JC Chasez - Leather jacket? Check. Jeans? Umm. No, I believe those are parachute pants. Knowing he isn't going to get any wearing those pants? Check.

James Franco and Seth Rogen - Who knew that Seth even knew how to shave? Looks good.

Public Enemy - East Rutherford

Lyle Lovett - Houston

I'm sorry that your show was canceled Lucy Liu, but you have to admit it was pretty damn bad. But hey, at least you got paid.

So what do you do when your wife leaves you for another woman? You prove your virility by fathering as many kids as possible.

Jennifer Hudson is like four for her last four. Looks amazing.

I finally understand what's happening to Matthew Broderick. Sarah Jessica Parker is taking his youth from him in an attempt to hold onto her own youth. She keeps trying to look like a teenager and in doing that is transforming Matthew into a 65 year old man.

The best I have seen Reese Witherspoon look in awhile.

I haven't seen this many bent knees since the last time Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise walked down a red carpet. In case you were curious - From L to R - Rumer Willis, Emma Stone, Anna Faris and Katharine McPhee who looks like she managed to keep her wedding ring at home.

Our lovely reader photo of the day.

Ain't no party like a Weird Al party.

I never think of Verne Troyer and Austin Powers anymore. I just keep seeing that episode of The Surreal Life in my head when he got drunk and peed in the corner.

Terri Seymour has a full 8 hour shift at Jiffy Lube after the show.

T-Pain - East Rutherford

The Kinnears
JC Chasez's jacket is actually not leather. It appears to be made of sequins and zippers. NO REALLY.
ReplyDeleteCisco "Low Rider" Adler is looking mighty thin these days. You Californians must have gotten in a good shipment of cocaine lately.
ReplyDeleteSJP looks awful. What's with all the hair extensions?
the above link is very funny!
hey Brendan- the Fonz called.
ReplyDeleteyou can keep the jacket as long as you cover up that hair. ehhhhhhhhh.
Greg Kinnear is one of my favorites. Hope he's one of Ents, because I hope he's not in here as a blind item clue. He'd be B-list (oscar nom), and married to a non-hollywood type.
ReplyDeletereader's another cutie, with a sense of humor.
And I'm seriously digging The Rock's 5'oclock shadow. I don't mind a little beard burn.
That Giada chick...with a body like a matchstick and her HUGE bobblehead. And then she smiles and it's like a toothpaste commercial on crystal meth. She freaks me out, man.
ReplyDeleteBritish Vogue got it right when they said SJP resembles a mule; horses are far more attractive than she could ever dream of being. SJP and Rumer Willis in one day; did we do something to upset you, Enty? If you are going to make this Horribly Ugly Woman Day, could you at least toss in some Clive Owen to make up for it?
ReplyDeleteYou can put in two pictures of Jason Bateman ANYTIME! He's yummy.
ReplyDeleteLove Jason Bateman. Love that he's everywhere now.
ReplyDeleteDo tell the Heather Thomas stories.
Also love Ellen Page! Love that she's comfortable in her own sense of style. Yay Canada! (I'm embarassed Avril is Canadian)
Liv is lookin' smokin'! Separation suits her? She must be having great rebound sex.
Brendan Frasier. Knowing what his real head of hair *cough* looks like, I can help but laugh when I see it all filled in and sticking up.
Wanna smoke some of BC's best with Seth....aww yeah
SPJ is too skinny for her age. 10 pounds to round things off STAT!
Ent - On Kat McPhee. I'm dying to know what's going on with her and her bronze-digging husband.
The Kinnears look like a couple you have over for a BBQ.
The Rock -
ReplyDeleteOh LAWD!
I am embarrassed to say I paid way too much money to see The Rock at one of thse WWF shows. I think it was Raw. Oh, and he was raw. And gorgeous...
Didn't Giada have a baby like 5 minutes ago?
ReplyDeleteSJP -- You get too thin as you age you begin to look gaunt and rode hard. Is not pretty. Yes, she's always been thin, but gawd -- eat more than a piece of toast a day! Even she admits she doesn't eat much because she's "too busy."
I have NEVER been too busy to eat. Trust.
I agree with the fact that SJP needs to gain at LEAST ten pounds and dress like a 37 year-old (at least), but I honestly think the emphasis on her schnozz or whatever is really cruel and, uh, fucking juvenile, to say the least. Comparing a woman to a farm animal is not cool. The lady never whored herself out on a billion casting couches (or did she, Enty?), she's got her own HAIR for chrissakes, and she's never shoved a pair of fake tits in our faces, and I, for one, appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteI'm an atheist, but I can still jive with the whole Do Unto Others thingie, you know? At least she's never had a crapton of surgery. I love virtually everything she wears; she's got a confidence in clothing that women twenty years younger can't even fathom having. AND the bitch can actually act, unlike at LEAST 80% of her peers who've gotten Botox, collagen, etc.
Good GOD, I'd wwaaay rather watch Sarah Jessica emote than, say, Nicole Kidman! That chick's face has the emotional spectrum of a goddamn candlestick.
Brendan! NO!!!! No,no,no. You're hotness left you 7 years ago let it go.
ReplyDeleteMngddess, I would've paid the same to see ROCK in his tighties. Except everytime the WWE comes to my city, all the 12 year olds buy the tickets up first. Smart kids.
I'd take John Cena too. I'm not picky.
Question: When did James Franco fight the hawt with a sword?
I think the whole horseface crap with SJP is horrible. Shame, shame, shame on you.
ReplyDeleteYa, she's a little thin, but she still looks great. Sometimes the style is over the top, but isn't that part of her thing?
BTW, I loved Sex and the City. It was a great ladies' night out and the entire audience applauded as soon as the movie started and also when it ended. That just isn't done where I live.
Who is our little blowfish?? Darling picture, btw.
I bet Ent stared at the picture for hours and hours....
ReplyDeleteSJP sure has that self-confidence business down pat, eh? Not sure I'd have the courage to step out in that garb. But it's rocking on her.
And Jennifer Hudson looks like a fresh cream dessert I'd like to eat. NO! Not like THAT! Pervs!
I used to be SO hot for Brendan Fraser. He's still cute.
Liv's H.A.W.T., but is it just me, or has something changed with her face?
Heather Thomas? Half the audience has no idea who she is. In fact, all I can remember about her is she used to be in Tiger Beat magazine sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI heart Jason Bateman.
I think SJP looks great!
ReplyDeleteLuv the Dresden dolls!
ReplyDeleteernestine, you da bomb.
ReplyDeleteand the kinnears -- have always loved him from his early days on talk soup (the funny is the sexy). he and his wife have been through some sad shit -- glad to see them together and happy and real.
(oh and ent, i hope you weren't hinting that liv tyler hooked up with brendan fraser...)
So glad to hear that someone else will never recover from that season of Verne Troyer on the Surreal Life. That was some messed-up shit. In order to keep appearing in public, he must have convinced himself that no one watched.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Eileen - Dresden Dolls rock my socks. Thanks for the pic EL!
ReplyDeletemay be heather thomas is the vixen blind...anyonew remember it?
ReplyDeleteTracee: sadly, I paid waaaay too much for those tickets. AND I did that TWICE. Oy.
ReplyDeleteAmen Ernestine- hating on SJP is stupid and pathetic, not to mention unoriginal. It's nice to see someone that isn't trying to look like everyone else every once in a while. Personally I think she looks rad, and I loved her in S and the C even when she looked like shit. And if SJP is hideous, then good Christ, what am I?
ReplyDeleteLiv Tyler is taking a lesson from the Reese Witherspoon school of looking kickass when the marriage ends.
And I love Giada DeL. to pieces, but, sweetie, are those platform flip flops? Oh, honey. Honey, no.
who is the guy with all the kids? that kind of looks like hilary..but i cant tell..
ReplyDeleteLove the DDolls, thanks for the picture and
ReplyDelete"Sarah Jessica Parker keeps trying to look like a teenager and in doing that is transforming Matthew into a 65 year old man." My favorite movie of his is "Glory." Thanks for the dead-on explaination... now I understand!
Lee, that's Lou Diamond Phillips. His former wife, Julie Cypher, left him for Melissa Etheridge
ReplyDeleteSo my roommate's boss went to the Mtv Movie Awards and here is her spin on things (very funny!!!):
Ladies, the MTV Movie Awards was fun. We sat in the fourth row. Here is what we observed:
1. Charlize Theron has back fat.
2. The guy that plays "Dwight" from The Office also has back fat (he was almost naked - gross).
3. Jennifer Hudson looked like a Balluga Whale standing next to Sarah Jessica Parker.
4. Ed Norton is small.
5. Tom Cruise has a cute small butt.
6. Suri Cruise is not an alien, she is cute (we saw her with Tom before the show).
7. Liv Tyler is more beautiful in person.
8. Lindsay Lohan looked like a ho.
9. Jason Bateman has a ginormous head.
11. Ellen Page looks like a lezbo.
12. You can buy shwag wine in a plastic guitar that costs $25 at the awards, but it's almost a bottle worth of wine.
13. It's almost impossible to get into the MTV after party without a ticket – fully DENIED!
14. LAX was having a "private party"- fully DENIED again.
15. Apparently, you need passwords to get into top clubs in Hollywood.
16. The Roosevelt (our hotel) is haunted – but we were so drunk that if our room was full of ghosts we would never have known.
17. If you drink all day and all night long, its not fun to work the next day.