Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ozzy Osbourne Not A Freak Show

Ozzy Osbourne won a bunch of money from the Daily Star because he was pissed they called him a freak show. Ummm, I thought that's how Ozzy Osbourne made his living the past 30 years. Wasn't that the point of pissing at the Alamo and biting the head off a bat? What about the rampant drug use and the partying? Not a freak show?

The article also said that Ozzy had fallen over twice while backstage and was driven around in an electric cart before the show. To me that just says that Ozzy was being Ozzy and that he was a big enough star where someone had to drive him around.

To me when you start doing the nit picky things you start to ruin the legend. I'm guessing Ozzy didn't even notice the article and this was probably more Sharon's doing. Obviously the Osbournes won and The Daily Star apologized but to me their story would just have made Ozzy even more Ozzy and now he just seems like the guy next door who won't let you chase a ball that comes in his yard.

Who wants Ozzy to be the uptight ass? You want him to be the crazy neighbor man who cusses at the kids and who may or not be trying to poison your Halloween candy. That is the Ozzy we want.


selenakyle said...

Well bloody bollocks, he just needed the buggery f*cking money, lad.

jax said...

oh Ozzy has no need for more money he won't be able to seond what he already has before he kicks it.

i woulnd't want to be called a freak show either even if i was all gothed up. he wears crosses and has black hair, thats not much of a freak in 2008.

now Marilyn Manson, he has no case.
dude the 90s are over,we've moved on.

Anonymous said...

mos def Sharon's doings


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