Oprah Wants You To Know She Is Richer Than You
Its been awhile since I've had the opportunity to get on Oprah for something. I think it must be all of about six weeks or so since she had Tom "Napoleon Complex" Cruise on her show. Anyway, I have let Oprah be alone during her 21 day Vegan cleanse, because well, I don't think anyone wants to get near her when she's cleansing.
As is often the case, I find myself perusing Oprah's blog late at night, because frankly, I have no life and so I like to find others that do and pick on them. I believe Sunday was Day 21 of her cleanse and she wrote a little blog about day 20. It was probably the most pretentious 8 paragraphs I have read in a long time. What makes it more galling is that Oprah is always trying to show that she is in touch with the "everyday people" of the world. She isn't. She used to be. I admire her more than anything for the way she has succeeded in life, but she needs to be honest with herself that the only relating to "everyday people" she does now is the one hour she does her show each day.
Here is what really ticked me off in her blog.
Day 21…yes, I want some wine. Bordeaux 82. Just one glass at sunset, almost broke down and had a glass.
Does anyone have any idea what a 1982 Bordeaux goes for? It varies, but the average price per bottle is about $600. Now, instead of rubbing her wealth in the noses of people who don't even make $600 per week, why couldn't she have just skipped those two words. Why? Does she have to prove to the world that she has more money than them? That she is some kind of wine expert and that if you ever get a spare $600 sitting around that you rush right out and buy Oprah's favorite? What was her point?
Her average viewer and blog reader will never taste a 1982 Bordeaux. Oprah doesn't care. She wants you to know she can and that you are a lesser person for not being like her. Honestly I don't care if she sucks down 82 Bordeaux all night long. She makes enough and if I made what she makes I would probably stop buying the cheap stuff also. But, I also wouldn't rub it into the faces of everyone who couldn't.
At this point in her career, it just feels like Oprah is saying to the world that what she does is best, and you need to do what she does or else you are crap. The only time she ever admits a mistake is when the entire world calls her on it and then she doesn't blame herself, but the person that misled her.
You read it for yourself. Maybe it is just me, but I can just see her dictating the words to an assistant who is writing the words with a quill and lamb's blood ink on 200 year old parchment saying this is the word of Oprah. Then some poor schlep who makes $7 an hour types it in to the computer and Oprah's missive gets sent to the world. The original is then sealed in an airless chamber awaiting the creation of the Oprah Bible.
As is often the case, I find myself perusing Oprah's blog late at night, because frankly, I have no life and so I like to find others that do and pick on them. I believe Sunday was Day 21 of her cleanse and she wrote a little blog about day 20. It was probably the most pretentious 8 paragraphs I have read in a long time. What makes it more galling is that Oprah is always trying to show that she is in touch with the "everyday people" of the world. She isn't. She used to be. I admire her more than anything for the way she has succeeded in life, but she needs to be honest with herself that the only relating to "everyday people" she does now is the one hour she does her show each day.
Here is what really ticked me off in her blog.
Day 21…yes, I want some wine. Bordeaux 82. Just one glass at sunset, almost broke down and had a glass.
Does anyone have any idea what a 1982 Bordeaux goes for? It varies, but the average price per bottle is about $600. Now, instead of rubbing her wealth in the noses of people who don't even make $600 per week, why couldn't she have just skipped those two words. Why? Does she have to prove to the world that she has more money than them? That she is some kind of wine expert and that if you ever get a spare $600 sitting around that you rush right out and buy Oprah's favorite? What was her point?
Her average viewer and blog reader will never taste a 1982 Bordeaux. Oprah doesn't care. She wants you to know she can and that you are a lesser person for not being like her. Honestly I don't care if she sucks down 82 Bordeaux all night long. She makes enough and if I made what she makes I would probably stop buying the cheap stuff also. But, I also wouldn't rub it into the faces of everyone who couldn't.
At this point in her career, it just feels like Oprah is saying to the world that what she does is best, and you need to do what she does or else you are crap. The only time she ever admits a mistake is when the entire world calls her on it and then she doesn't blame herself, but the person that misled her.
You read it for yourself. Maybe it is just me, but I can just see her dictating the words to an assistant who is writing the words with a quill and lamb's blood ink on 200 year old parchment saying this is the word of Oprah. Then some poor schlep who makes $7 an hour types it in to the computer and Oprah's missive gets sent to the world. The original is then sealed in an airless chamber awaiting the creation of the Oprah Bible.