Monday, June 02, 2008

NY Post Blind Item

WHICH titled European aristocrat is disloyal to his high-profile wife? The nobleman has a girlfriend and two kids on the side in Thailand.

WHICH socialite displayed bad manners by getting pregnant? The father of her baby hadn't even signed a separation agreement when she conceived.


captivagrl said...

the old dude married to the countess on housewives of new york

libby said...

My guess for #1 is that guy who's married to that current "it" model...can't think of her name.

ms_wonderland said...

The only titled person I can think of is Christopher Guest, husband of Jamie lee Curtis. He's a British Lord, which makes her Lady Guest.

I'm sure New York is full of titled Eurotrash married to high-profile women.

Reese said...

#1 - Prince Ernst of Hanover (married to Caroline Grimaldi of Monaco)? He's got a long-standing reputation for being crude, vulgar and running around. He was cheating on his first wife with Caroline, who was her best friend. Nothing he does would surprise me.

libby said...

I found the model married to the aristocrat: It's Natalia Vodianova (you will recognize her if you google image her(face of Calvin Klein, top 5 highest-paid models in recent years). Her husband is Justin Portman.

Here is an old article
about them. They have 3 kids now.

Anonymous said...

Is this what high society is reduced to? They act like pregnancy is a decision like whether or not to cover your mouth when you yawn. How about the father of her child is classless and has "bad manners" for fucking her unprotected before he had his shit together? Asswads.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the "bad manners" just had to be some kind of clue. If its not a clue, whoever writes these BIs is a douche

KMT said...

What about Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband? He was the first person I thought of for #1...

Mother Campfire said...

Speaking of aristrocrat. That Housewife of NY, the Countess was writing a book on that a clue? And the finale she used as an opportunity to bad mouth 'socialites' on the show.

califblondy said...

I thought the Countess thing was a joke and she stretched the truth a bit just for the show?

Hell, I don't know what's real with those women, but damn they're hilarious to watch.

Unknown said...

Would anyone care if Zsa-Zsa's current husband had a family in Thailand? He bought his title and is not really an aristocrat.

califblondy said...

I know I wouldn't care and I'd hardly think Zsa Zsa "high profile" at this point in the game.

PotPourri said...

Both of these are probably Eurotrash, but just for good measure, I will say # is Ameritrash.

allthesun said...

1. Poli V. Bayern?

Unknown said...

#1 Olivia Wilde and Tao Ruspoli. He's an italian prince born in Thailand and raised in Rome and Los Angeles.


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