Friday, June 20, 2008

No More Free Food For Paula

In case you were wondering why Paula Abdul was looking much more thin lately it is because the restaurant dude who was living with her moved out. I don't know what possessed him to move in with her to begin with unless he had just been kicked out of his parent's place and needed somewhere else to stay for free for awhile.

I mean she was probably so blitzed half the time he could have been living there with six other people and convinced Paula that it was just a rehearsal for Idol. She would have mumbled, slipped on her dog and just fallen back to sleep right where she fell.

Paula is of course now, ahem 46, and still wants to have a few children. I know, I know, and I'm not a biology expert, but I'm guessing she would have to adopt and hopefully there aren't any countries that are stupid enough to give her a kid. Just give her a doll that makes noises and she probably won't notice the difference.

She can bring it to Idol with her and prop it up on the judges table. Every year or so just switch it out with a new doll and she won't ever know. Lets face it. The woman doesn't need a kid. There really is not enough money in the health care system to ever fully treat someone for the trauma they would face as the child of Paula Abdul.


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