Monday, June 30, 2008

Michael Lohan Reverts To Form

The jerk is back. You know on Friday when I wrote about Michael Lohan and his love child, I thought I was fairly nice to Michael. I mean at least the guy had stepped up and admitted the kid was his and was writing her notes. Sure he hasn't paid any money to her and the Freaky Friday lunch box he sent was a cheap shot. But what little girl wouldn't want the I Know Who Killed Me stripper pole that he sent. I mean that is every 13 year old's dream and Michael made it come true.

Anyway, all that goodwill and tolerance I had for Michael has gone out the window. I guess that since he figured that he might have to actually pay some back child support, Michael is doing the I only had sex with the woman a few times and there is no way the kid is mine dance. Now, his lawyers are handling everything. Look, I understand that the child might not be his. I mean a woman who would actually travel to different parts of the country to have sex with a married man is not really that high on my list of moral leaders. That being said, I think the child is being tossed and turned. For much of her life the 13 year old thought that one man was her dad. Then in 2005 she was told it was Michael Lohan and he wrote her a bunch of letters and probably made a bunch of promises. I'm sure he would have visited for a quickie with mom, but apparently she isn't the looker she once was.

So, now the girl is confused. If Michael wants the lawyers to handle it. The cool. In the meantime though he should be saying and doing the right things. Like, assuming the girl is his until proven otherwise. He won't be on the hook for child support if she isn't his, but until a DNA test is done, treat her like your daughter. Make her feel special and loved and not someone that you obviously don't care about and wish had never been born.

Guys. If you are going to have unprotected sex, then you need to be prepared for taking care of a child for a minimum of 18 years. Step up and act like a man. Don't be a Lohan.


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