Martha Wainwright Is Nuts
Martha Wainwright really needs to think before she opens her mouth to speak. Of course if she did that, then there probably would have been no need for me to post anything that came out of her mouth, or ever even to mention her except in passing as the sister of Rufus Wainwright.
In a recent interview, Martha said that "drugs in music is normal." She went on to say that she has done lots of drugs and credited them with expanding her mind. She went on to say, "I had a great experience with narcotics. They have expanded my mind, maybe not as much as they have ruined it, but I think it's a part of life and being young and in the music and art scene. There are a lot worse things that people can do."
I think she is exactly what is wrong with the world of celebrity today. I don't think taking drugs is necessarily a part of life, and as she even says in the next breath it has ruined her mind more than expanded it. I think that is pretty f**king obvious by the statements she is making. Why does being into music or the art scene give you permission to take drugs and say, being a garbage collector doesn't?
This has got to be one of the most idiotic statements I have read in a very long time. To make matters worse she then adds the part about how there are worse things to do in life other than drugs. Sure there are. You could drink and drive or kill someone. Other than those two things I am having a tough time coming up with things that are worse than as she says it herself, "ruining your mind."
What exactly does she think is worse than taking drugs? Tell me how taking drugs helps people or yourself. Now the really sad thing is that someone will hear her say this or read it somewhere and say to themselves, Martha said it was normal to take drugs if I am a musician. They can read those words at their funeral when they overdose.
In a recent interview, Martha said that "drugs in music is normal." She went on to say that she has done lots of drugs and credited them with expanding her mind. She went on to say, "I had a great experience with narcotics. They have expanded my mind, maybe not as much as they have ruined it, but I think it's a part of life and being young and in the music and art scene. There are a lot worse things that people can do."
I think she is exactly what is wrong with the world of celebrity today. I don't think taking drugs is necessarily a part of life, and as she even says in the next breath it has ruined her mind more than expanded it. I think that is pretty f**king obvious by the statements she is making. Why does being into music or the art scene give you permission to take drugs and say, being a garbage collector doesn't?
This has got to be one of the most idiotic statements I have read in a very long time. To make matters worse she then adds the part about how there are worse things to do in life other than drugs. Sure there are. You could drink and drive or kill someone. Other than those two things I am having a tough time coming up with things that are worse than as she says it herself, "ruining your mind."
What exactly does she think is worse than taking drugs? Tell me how taking drugs helps people or yourself. Now the really sad thing is that someone will hear her say this or read it somewhere and say to themselves, Martha said it was normal to take drugs if I am a musician. They can read those words at their funeral when they overdose.