Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lets Talk Kanye

For some reason I have just skipped reading Kanye's blog the past few days. I knew he wrote about Bonnaroo and explaining himself, but I just for whatever reason didn't really care and knew that Kanye was going to whine like he always does because he is a 4 year old kid at heart who was spoiled by his mama.

So, last night, after my eyes were burned from the television and my brain cells dropped by the millions (tell you later) I decided to read what Kanye had to say. He actually made some valid points and I would be inclined to believe him and maybe even give him a photo in Random Photos and say some nice things, BUT, he blew it. He made me question everything he said with this one line.

"This is the most offended I've ever been... this is the maddest I ever will be. I'm typing so fucking hard I might break my fucking Mac book Air!!!!!!!!"

Ummm. did you just throw a plug out in the middle of your rant? Are you looking for a deal from Apple while you are going off on people who disrespect you? What kind of respect are you showing people by trying to make a few bucks while you are hammering away at them and you say you are just in it for the fans. You aren't in it just for the fans, you are in it for the money. You make a big deal of the fact that your set costs so much that you don't make as much money. Umm, you still make more than anyone else touring right now so don't make it seem like you are sacrificing for the fans.

The only thing you are sacrificing is your dignity as you whine and complain about what you do for the fans yet charge some of the highest ticket prices and then yell at fans if they don't appreciate what you do for them or if they don't give you some fan choice award.

Grow up Kanye. Elementary school ended a long time ago.


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