Monday, June 02, 2008

Kind Of Like That Lynne Spears Parenting Book

As you all know I am a fan of Alec Baldwin and his acting. His personal life? Not so much. His ego? Not so much. Alec Baldwin is penning a book. I think this is quite possibly the first time I have used the word penning in this blog. Almost 4,000 posts and my first penning. You would have thought I would have had some sex and sheep story and needed to use the word penning, but it hasn't come up. Oh, I'm sure there has been a sex and sheep story, but it hasn't come up here.

Anyway, back to the big egos and how they think they can help. Alec has decided that he can share his valuable insights into the world of divorce and talk about the best way families can handle divorce. Ummm. Yeah. The book is entitled A Promise To Ourselves. He doesn't explicitly slam Kim Basinger in it, because hey it is a book about advice on custody rights and co-parenting strategies.

Hopefully at some point he offers the tip that it might be wise from referring to your daughter as a thoughtless little pig. Alec compares being divorced to "being tied to the back of a pick-up truck and dragged down a gravel road". I'm sure Kim Basinger felt like her marriage was like that every day.

I also on a personal level find the analogy that Alec chose to be a bit disturbing because when I conjure up that image, I don't see Alec being dragged, I see that James Byrd Jr. case in my mind. I know what Alec was trying to say, just wish he would have spent an extra two minutes and thought of something different.


  1. I have always found Alec Baldwin to be hilarious when he's doing a comedic role. I also support him in terms of equal parental rights, because a divorce should not be about the dissolution of a parental role just because the marital role has ended. That said, I think that a little bit of this is about sticking the knife to his ex and twisting. I have heard and read, from a variety of sources, that he was a really difficult husband and often degraded and badgered Kim, who is an agoraphobic with severe anxiety issues (often her behaviour was erroneously interpreted as the result of drug use or excessive drinking). That marriage ended because he was something of a tyrant and she eventually had to get out for her own good.

    Bottom line is about what the child wants. I'm sure she'll give the real story one day and is doing what she can to get through some difficult stuff. I just hope that he is on the level about wanting to be close to his child and is not just doing this to stir the pot.

  2. "I don't see Alec being dragged, I see that James Byrd Jr. case in my mind."

    That's the very image that I saw. The problem is that I am not sure that Baldwin would even know how James Byrd Jr. was. I also don't think he would understand the implications of his comments.

  3. Oh, that's exactly the image that popped into my head, too.

    I agree with you, kat. I think the very things they loved about each other made them hate each other. I'm sure he felt protective toward Kim and she liked his strength and certainty. And then it went to all kinds of crazy extremes. Sad.

  4. We all know Kim is beyond bat-sh*t crazy. I've read enough interviews with her to know she is mentally ill and not in her right mind. You will notice she does not give interviews anymore. Ever.

    I think we've read enough about her having to rent the house next door because her house is stuffed with boxes and she doesn't know what to do about it. I've read some pretty strange stuff she's actually said -- in quotes.

    I think Alec was attracted to her physically, and then when it was too late found out what a nut case she was.

  5. Nut case or not, she hurts no one. Alec, however, is a controlling abusive prick. Haven't watched anything he's done since Red October... and won't. Book? My ass. His entire life is about no one but himself. What a waste of space.

  6. I used to feel the same way about Alec Baldwin after the "thoughtless little pig" incident, until I heard Dan Savage's take on the matter on "This American Life", episode 341: How to Talk to Kids. You can hear it here:

    Seriously, until I heard this take on the whole thing I thought there was no excuse for Alec Baldwin's behavior, but I guess there are other parents out there who understood his outburst. Go figure.

  7. Not the majority of parents.

  8. @Judi
    I completely agree with you. I have never seen "30 Rock" because of him.
    His book needs to go the same way O.J.'s book went. He was abusive to his mentally ill wife so he gets to give advice. That sucks !
    He was ass wipe before he called his kid a pig. He's the pig and a bloated sweaty cokehead drunk. I have never understood how people can make excuses for him because of his talent and in the next breath trash someone like Amy Winehouse. He sweats through a t-shirt, shirt, and suit so badly the entire back of the suit is wet..... And they call Amy dirty.
