Keith Richards Isn't The Only One Snorting Ashes
When I read the article about Kurt Cobain's ashes being stolen from Courtney Love, I didn't believe it. Still don't. I actually think her daughter took the missing jewelry to wear at a party and that Courtney has been sniffing Kurt's ashes up slowly, but surely. Seriously. This is a woman who used to take the ashes with her everywhere she went. In her purse, on the plane, in a car, everywhere there were Sneetches near and far. She did it to feel closer to Kurt. What better way to feel closer than to snort them right up your nose. It is like having Kurt inside your body.
There really is no other explanation. Oh sure, I guess she could have let some people in her house and they could have made off with the jewels, but it would be pretty tough to throw Kurt's ashes up on ebay. I'm guessing someone might notice. Also, you could keep them in your house in your comic book drawer, but what good is it if you can't share your news? Not much. Nope, I'm convinced she snorted them, or already sold them to someone or signed a deal with the Franklin Mint that she forgot about.
"Yes, that's right for the first time ever you can get this limited edition Kurt Cobain coin. Each coin is embedded with ashes from Kurt Cobain and then sealed in."
You know what the sad thing is? The above sentence actually sounds like something she would do. If you would like to read more of Courtney's ramblings from this past week from her MySpace page, click here. (Thanks Kristen)