Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It Really Is Brooke Getting Fondled By Dad

Each time I have posted these photos in the past, there is always a huge discussion about whether or not they are Brooke Hogan or Hulk's girlfriend. Well Brooke admitted that the photos are of her and that she sees nothing wrong with daddy rubbing lotion on her ass and copping a feel.

"I know I'm a grown woman, but it's like he's touching an old car. He used to change my diaper!"

Umm. Yeah he did change your diaper because you weren't old enough to do it yourself. Would you want him to come into the bathroom now and have him wipe you? Didn't think so.

In the interview with US Magazine, Brooke also says that she doesn't talk to her mother anymore. I think there are two reasons for this. The first is that mom is broke and daddy has the cash. With Nick in jail, then daddy only has to spend money on Brooke. The second reason mom doesn't talk to Brooke anymore is also obvious. Hulk never touched Linda the way he touched Brooke. I mean look at how Hulk makes sure he gets lotion into every bit of Brooke's crotch because you know that inner thigh sunburn is the absolute worst. Just in case it is a powerful sun, it looks like Hulk wanted to make sure he slipped a finger inside also.

Good news for all you people who think the world is about to end. Brooke Hogan is getting her own reality show. Seems the people at VH-1 don;t want to have her being a street hooker on their conscience so they have given her a show and a salary. Oh, and her very own doublewide for when the show goes off the air and she realizes she is a freak and no one wants her.


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