Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Really Wanted To Avoid This

I just didn't want to talk about Tom and Katie today. I was hoping that enough people got arrested, divorced, or slept with Teri Hatcher that I wouldn't have to. But, alas, it was not to be, so now I have to comment on the production that is called a marriage.

Katie's producer on her new show has been flapping his gums almost non-stop and now thinks of himself as the Tom and Katie expert. He opined to the NY Post recently that because Tom and Katie have such a strong bond that they need to get an apartment in NY for the entire length of her run. 16 weeks. That is how long Katie could have had to run free. No longer.

Sure, Tom won't be there the whole time because he has his own career. Ooops. So maybe he will have lots of time to spend with her. He hasn't had a chance to do much working over of the NY actor set. Uma, SJP, Matthew Broderick. So many people to recruit and so many musicals to see each night. Hosting show tune karaoke parties for all his new friends will keep Tom plenty busy for the time Katie is working.

The producer says Katie is perfect for the role in which she was cast. Umm, you cast her so I hope she was perfect. It is really doubtful that you are going to cast someone and not call them perfect because it makes you look like a stupid idiot. I guess you can't be a smart idiot so that was probably redundant. But, it makes the point.

The producer was happy that Katie was not acting like a diva and didn't ask for anything. If she had been anyone other than Katie, he would have smacked her if she had. What is she? Like 5th billed in this thing? Please. The only reason she is in it is to sell tickets and to make sure the press shows up. She can't ruin the damn play and she might be able to help. I mean I bet all those SeaOrg people are on the phone right now selling tickets to ensure sold out performances each and every night.

If you want some more CO$ bashing courtesy of and mooshki, then click here. It is L. Ron's 5 most impressive lies other than Scientology. Enjoy.


  1. "strong bond" = just another way to say psychotically posessive.

  2. great read mooshki.

  3. There was a medical study way back about how a Scientot developed scurvy because of the barley water.

    One of the symptoms was not wanting to walk and thus needing to be carried everywhere.

    I'm just sayin'.

  4. "I bet all those SeaOrg people are on the phone right now selling tickets to ensure sold out performances each and every night."

    -- I was thinking the same thing. Even if it sucks, this play is a guaranteed hit for as long as she wants to be in it.

  5. IMO if she shows the slightest bit of talent in rehearsals and the production goes well, Cruise will pull a Bill Clinton and say and do inappropriate things until they find a way to cut her from the cast.

    Unless he's an investor in the production.

  6. Why would they need Katie to sell tickets? Dianne Wiest and John Lithgow are in this thing. Wouldn't they be enough to sell it out?

    I thought money or favors changed hands to get Katie the part.
