Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gwyneth Paltrow Blind Item

Don't believe that celebrities don't enjoy blind items. They do. Here is one that Gwyneth Paltrow wants everyone to figure out.

"When I was younger I fell in love with someone. He wasn't married, but he was in to drugs. So he wasn't around when I needed him because of that.

"I became quite obsessed with why he didn't turn up when I wanted him to. I was raised by people who love me and I always felt good about myself, but I still got caught up - during that relationship - with thinking that he wasn't there because there was something wrong with me."


  1. Ugh. Fishsticks. I hate her and don't give a hoot who she was "dating" back in the day. Too bad they didn't get her hooked on whatever drug they were into. If they had, perhaps her and Chris Martin would have never hooked up and she wouldn't have SUCKED all the hotness from him, leaving him frumpy and grim!

  2. Robert Sean Leonard (House)

  3. Is there ever a moment, regardless of subject matter, when it isn't always all about her?

    I hope it wasn't Robert Sean Leonard; he's a nice guy married to a very nice, intelligent, highly accomplished woman. The thought of him doing drugs makes me ill. The thought of him dating Gwenyth makes me even sicker.

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Ben Affleck

  5. Brad 'pothead' Pitt

  6. i think brad pitt too. back in the day that was what the rumor was on why they broke up. he loved to smoke pot and she thought he was lower class then her family.

  7. Brad Pitt. Known for doing the MJ.

  8. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Seriously people. Ben Affleck went through the climax of his drug and alcohol problems when he was dating Gwyneth Paltrow. They broke up and got back together loads of times.

  9. Brad Pitt. I love how she sneaks in that bit about the superior people who raised her superiorily to be a superior person.

  10. a bit OT - many are saying her marriage is over, we'll see.

  11. she never seemed to care for ben affleck, he just seemed like someone to feel the time until something better came along

  12. My first thought was Brad but I agree that Ben is a better answer.

  13. I'm guessing Donovan Leitch to whom she was briefly engaged to in the early '90's.

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I thought it was well-known in Hollywood that Brad dumped her because she was cheating on him. Gwyneth used to be a major slu, all the way back to Spence.

  15. totally Ben...and shes a biotch to sell him out for a damn movie junket.

    old news Gwyn,lighten up on the victim role.

  16. i heard that her and brad broke up because he caught her giving a bj to another guy in a bathroom.....

  17. I'm on board with the Ben Affleck guesses.

    And for the record, Gwynnie, whatever the reason he wasn't there, there IS something totally wrong with you. You were right about that.

  18. Brad Pitt. No doubt. She was too above dating a pothead. He could have been doing much, much worse.

  19. I think this is Luke Wilson.

  20. Are you saying that Chris Martin doesn't smoke pot? I HIGHly doubt that...

    I am going with Luke Wilson.

    According to E! this is her list of "companions" *snort*


    Companion: Aaron Eckhart
    Met while filming "Possesion" (2002); no longer together

    Companion: Ben Affleck
    Together from 1997-1998; both appeared in "Shakespeare in Love" (1998); co-starred together in "Bounce" (2000), fueling speculation they had reconciled; no longer together

    Companion: Brad Pitt
    Met while playing a married couple in "Seven" (1995); were engaged in November 1996; announced split in June 1997

    Companion: Donovan Leitch
    Briefly engaged in the early 1990s

    Companion: James Purefoy
    Born c. 1964; dated briefly in 2002

    Companion: Luke Wilson
    Met while filming "The Royal Tenenbaums" (2001); no longer together

    Companion: Robert Sean Leonard
    Were briefly romantically linked; no longer together

  21. I think her story could be any actor she dated because most actors are self-involved and have huge egos.

  22. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I can't stand Paltrow with her attitude. Still laugh about the story that she supposedly knew how to speak spanish and when she was asked something she gave the response wrong and later said that it was taken out of context (rolling eyes).

  23. Sarah Jessica Parker lol

  24. I read something years ago that the rumor was Ben broke up with her because she was overly controlling and broke into his personal email account looking for dirt. Plus, Matt Damon hated her.

  25. "I love how she sneaks in that bit about the superior people who raised her superiorily to be a superior person."

    That's about the funniest thing I've read all day! Thanks for the chuckle wood1107!

    What about Donovan Leitch? I thought he was a druggie?

  26. speaking of the AFFLECK, he's actually looking really goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood in this pic of him picking up Violet from school yesterday!!!!!!


  27. well given all the choices....

    Damn that girl got around.

  28. Leitch would be my guess.

  29. It's definitely not Brad -- she has spoken in the media about how he was great and she wasn't ready for a relationship at that point in her life. My guess is Ben b/c she has described him as the problem in their relationship. He also went to rehab post-breaking up with her.

  30. Anonymous6:37 PM

    well as much as I hate Gwyneth, I do think it is good thing she commented on that because there are girls/women out there that do blame themselves when a relationship isn't working out, even if its not their fault.

  31. I can hear that snooty bitch's "English" accent from here.

    Yeah, gotta be something more than pot. Chris Martin's GOTTA do something, and even though everyone talks about how clean and in-control Madonna is, I bet damn sure she gets high as hell when she wants to cut loose and they've been close lately.

  32. Brad Pitt. It's obvious it is still going on. Angelina is supposedly in rehab. She did an Anna Nicole with the twins.

  33. Who gives a shit, Fishsticks. Go walk in front of a bus.

  34. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Brad Pitt was a real gentleman when they broke up; he could have talked shit about her and didn't say a word. Early in their relationship he referred to her as his "angel," but even though their breakup dashed her Dad's plans for a movie they were going to do together, Bruce Paltrow had nothing but good to say about him after the split. She was immature, whiny, and her Daddy's princess--and far from ready to be a proper wife to anyone. Even now she is considering the "sacrifice" of giving birth to a third child because of all the work it takes to get her figure back. If she ever has to spend time in the real world the rest of us inhabit, she'll feel like she's fallen off a cliff.

  35. It kills me this tw*t came out of Blythe Danner. Met Ms. Danner once .. and she was charming and lovely .. her daughter on the other hand .. ugh!

    And this .. "he wasn't there because there was something wrong with me." Sweet Jesus! If he was that bad off .. perhaps you might have brought something up to him and suggested for both your well being maybe he might get some professional help? Heavens No! It's all about you Gynnie .. all about you! Poor traumatized dear .. * gag!*

  36. I'd guess Affleck too since he is a recovering alcoholic and experimented with a lot of drugs back in the day (the "viagra" admission comes to mind).

    Ok, everyone hates her and she acts like a queen, etc. etc.
    But I honestly relate. If you take out the name and look at it as a random person saying it it's exactly how A LOT of people feel in a relationship with an addict. The addict acts like it's normal, so the naive partner starts to feel it's normal, then it becomes the addict choosing the drugs over the partner, etc. etc.

  37. Donovan Leitch Jr. has drug-related status updates and comments at his facebook page. Mentions of E at the WMC in Miami. Also lots of mention of marijuana and sex trade workers. There's a picture of his four-year-old daughter Violet drinking beer through a straw. Classy for a "very married" man.

  38. Rumor has it Donovan Leitch and Kirsty Hume's marriage was "rocky" (Hume's own word....read on...) from the start.

    Here's a November 1997 blind item that makes reference to spousal abuse within a "model marriage". The bride sustained injuries serious enough to seek medical attention at a New York hospital. Hume and Leitch were married September 1997, and resided in New York prior to their move to Los Angeles.


    A 1997 clipping in which the couple are pictured in their wedding garb. Title "Model Marriages".


    Donovan was a one-time perfume model. Hume, a successful runway and print model, is the big earner in the marriage.

    A recent interview with Kirsty Hume, who claims to be desperate for a second child. Despite rumors of Leitch's persistent alcohol and drug use, Hume states their union is "strong as ever". However, she also states that things have been "rocky". Hume is known to prefer Scotland to Leitch's beloved Los Angeles.


    The "very married" Leitch onstage recently with a cover band, looking fairly out-of-it and enjoying the hands-on attention of a scantily-clad backing singer.


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. "Most of Ione's family were on mushrooms," Australian singer-songwriter Ben Lee remembers of first meeting his wife, actress Ione Skye, on Christmas Eve in 1996 at Skye's house in Laurel Canyon.


  41. Ione Skye is Donovan Leitch Jr.'s brother. She dropped the surname.
    Can't blame her really, when unflattering comparisons are often made between Donovan Sr. and his namesake son.

    "Simp off the old block" was one such remark. Hard to argue with that.

    Ione herself seemed unfazed at Donovan's questionable judgment. Her comment on the photo of his daughter Violet Hume Leitch drinking was simply "a beer and crayons".

    Leitch's mother Enid Graddis expressed concern about said photo. She also commented asking what Donovan Jr. was doing in a bar at 11am.

  42. Gwyneth left Leitch for Brad Pitt. Their romance reportedly began on the set of the 1995 film Se7en.

    Less than 2 years after being ditched by his fiancée, Leitch married Gwyneth look-alike Kirsty Hume. Both Paltrow and Hume are painfully thin, with similar face shape and iron-straight dyed blond hair.

    People magazine wrote of the 1997 wedding, that "even though the couple had been living together for TWO YEARS, the groom says, "I was going nuts." Do the math there if you care to.

    Given that Hume, at her peak, brought in millions of pounds a year, and Donovan is famous for... well, at this point, scoring a twelve-year meal ticket and enjoying countless trips around the globe on her dime, I suppose.

    Hume was barely 22 years old when she married Leitch, who is ten years her senior.

    As for Hume 'desperate' for a new baby? A second child rarely saves a crumbling marriage. It's a classic tactic and a form of emotional hostage-taking for Hume to go to the press about a private matter that is, as she states, "really just talk just now".

  43. The cuckquean Kirsty Hume should consider looking into her husband's online habits... and penchant for a certain Canadian redhead.

  44. "The similarities between being a terrorist and being a male model are not that dissimilar, you know. It's like a certain pose, and you're sort of distant from your career and you're just sort of apathetic in a way." - Donovan Leitch Jr.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Donovan Leitch is a dog.

  47. Very recent Donovan Leitch on his drinking:

    "Me and Mark McGrath can slam a couple drinks back, and we can have a good time, and the sober guys can yell at us and say "hey, take it easy man".

    Donovan Leitch on Dave Navarro, who produces skin films in his spare time:

    "I love Dave and I'm...you know, very jealous of his...uh...multiple, you know...sexual dalliances."


    Way to go, Dono.

  48. The Dark Root Of The Dream Marriage

  49. I met Kirsty Hume once at a party, and this pretty much sums it up:

    "...the dully beautiful blond Scottish model, Kirsty Hume; and then Hume's pretty husband, Nancy Boy singer and sometime model Donovan Leitch. Bernhard greeted these demicelebrities expansively, lavishing them with show business bonhomie, air kisses, backstage invitations, etc. She returned to slurping her soup. "You don't want to hold onto anger," she said flatly, and belched.

    The dully beautiful Kirsty Hume. Vacuous, empty-eyed and tremendously dull, with Donovan puppy-dogging behind her, annoyingly energetic and in need of attention.


  50. Check the recent pictures of Donovan Leitch and family on wireimage. Kirsty Hume looking like she's about to burst into tears at having to pose with her 'man', Donovan looking out-of-it with that "deer trapped in headlights" look, unhappy Violet, and in another set, Donovan beaming and holding hands with a woman who is not his wife.

    Donovan seems to perpetuate this "pseudo-gay" image. Maybe he figures any publicity is good publicity at this point in his C-list career, but what about his kid? If Brüno showed us anything, it's that people react with vehemence and rage toward gay men, even in these 'enlightened' times. Sacha Baron Cohen has said that he was frightened of being physically assaulted playing this character.

    So, Donovan, if you're gay and in a 'lavender' marriage, (they do tend to be the type of marriage that outlasts conventional ones) why not come out and campaign for gay rights. If not, why the mimicry? Your kid's already got so much against her. Girls have more body image problems than ever (read: model parents, Hollywood). On top of that, she'll have to contend with "your dad's a fag". Maybe you don't care. Maybe you can pretend not to care, for what you believe is forwarding the cause of tolerance toward homosexuals? Or maybe you're just passing your daddy issues on to the next generation.

  51. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lVDox_aVrk

    Donovan "@ss licker" Lech and his space cadet sister make fools of themselves on network telly. Total IQ two digits.

  52. Violet. Lilac. Purple wedding party at their "picture perfect" lavender wedding. Fairytale wedding, fairystory marriage. I wonder if Donovan had to write Kirsty's name on his hand so he wouldn't call her Gwyneth. I hear they're suddenly looking to spend a month in London, wonder if the sex rehab link at his wife's facebook page holds any truth to the "why" behind that sudden decision to uproot their daughter in the middle of a school year.



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