Friday, June 13, 2008

Four For Friday

I didn't do a Your Turn today because I couldn't think of a topic. Well, actually that isn't true, I did think of a topic and it was a pretty good one, but to make it work, I would have had to allow anonymous comments for the day and seeing as how someone is back who shall not be named, the last thing I wanted to do today was have anonymous comments. Maybe we can try it next week. I just wanted people to be able to participate, but not have to give their identity. I also feel since it is called Your Turn that everyone who reads should be able to participate. Like I said, maybe next week. On a side note, I just saw that R. Kelly was found not guilty. That is some f**ked up s**t.

Now, on with the show.

#1 - I think two days ago I wrote about the actress who got her first prescription filled for the herp. Well here is something else she got filled. A wedding license. I know, I know. I haven't even seen her with her dude in a few weeks, but apparently they tied the knot. Considering I haven't seen them together in a few weeks, it could prove to be a very short marriage. Wonder if the herp had anything to do with the wedding.

#2 - I have been meaning to share this one for the past week and I keep forgetting. You know the female singer dating the "porn star?" Yep, they made a sex tape. The last film the "porn star" made put us all to sleep. This one though should probably make for a really funny comedy. I cannot wait to see if this one comes out. I might actually buy it instead of stealing it from the internet.

#3 - At a recent party this celebrity chef was all lovey dovey to his no name girlfriend. Holding hands, kissing, everything. Really sweet. UNTIL, this celebrity with a famous body and famous ex boyfriend started flirting with him when the girlfriend was mingling with others. Quicker than you can say 30 minute meals, Bam!, Good Eats! or whatever the catch phrase that may or may not apply here, phone numbers were exchanged and plans to meet the next night when girlfriend was going to be out of town. This by the way is not the first time this has happened.

#4 - Speaking of affairs, this one is much juicier. I mean the one from above is kind of juicy, but it isn't like either party is married. Not so, the case in this one. First we have an actress. Young. If not in her teens, then she must be just out. C list actress, but on an A list television show. Recurring role. Almost every episode. She is single. Our actor is older. I'm thinking mid-30's. Married with child(ren). Been married for sometime. On set romance. He has been in some really BIG films. B- lister. Would you know his name? Probably if you read this blog. The average person would just know his face. He has been kicked out of his house. She still lives primarily at home with her parents. (Not Hayden P)


  1. 2 - whitney houston and ray j - lol!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Definitely Whitney for #2. I wonder if she has her teeth in & her hair on for this?

  4. Good God...the visual of Whitney with no teeth and hair...arrrgggg

  5. #3 hate to say it, but this sounds like Bourdain...

  6. #3 isn't Bourdain. He's married and has a young child.

  7. Please, not Tony......

    anyway, thought he was married.

    What celeb chef has a famous body?

  8. anthony bourdain is married....
    i honestly cannot think of any famous cooks other than emeril lagasse- (i think he's married also?)

    #1 cannot be pam anderson anymore... )i thought the other BI was... but this clarifies it since she has been seen with tommy lee recently.

    hasnt been seen with her boyfriend...
    mischa barton still fits the description but i honestly dont think its her.

    ill have to get back to you on the #4 thats a hard one!

  9. omg #2 is aubrey o'day. i went to elementary & middle school with her. She transferred out in 7th grade & the rumor was they asked her to leave because too many girls wanted to kick her ass. Probably true!
    once, her & i were wlaking to the YMCA after school & she told me i had "such high cheekbones".. even in 7th grade, she was fakey as they come!!!

  10. oh unless th eporn star is supposed to be male...then i'm totally wrong. but i think he;s saying "porn star" for jenna jameson because she is "never spreading her legs" for that "business ever again".

    anyway, now im gonna read the other three...i just got so excited, because i KNEW someone!!!!!!! lol

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Gossipmonger, I can almost guarantee its not Jenna and Aubrey. They were photographed together only once, and Jenna's only sex tapes have been professional ones, which were NEVER boring. On the other hand, the Ray J and Kim Kardashian tape is well known for being a snore, and plenty of black entertainment websites (as they call themselves, deliberately putting segregation into effect) have been hinting at this for weeks.

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    #1 - I'm on the Mischa Barton train, toot-toot.

    #2 - Poor Whitney. Why would you trust that ass?

    #3 - Bobby Flay or the other guy who looks like him to me. How dare Ent suggest poor Alton Brown for this.

    #4 - no clue.

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    'Sides which, if it were Jenna, "porn star" would not be in quotations. Nope, this refers to someone who is not a professional porn star.

  14. #2. crazy whitney and ray j the user/cheat

  15. #4 is difficult because im trying to figure out A list TV shows with young teen actresses- and a Blist Actor who has been in BIG movies...

    my first guess would be Rob Lowe on brothers and sisters... with the teenage girl on that show who looks WAY young but she is 20. (emily van camp)

    what are some other shows (besides gossip girl and heroes) with teenage characters and an older movie actor?

  16. get a life:
    the blind from the other day said the herp star had a television show that is now cancelled.

    and drew barrymore is b list not c with b recognition.

  17. #3. Rocco de Asshole and some chick from the Bravo A-list awards after party

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Bobby Flay is married & he is too busy stalking me. ( is a long story).

    How about Tyler Florence?

  20. My first crack at this but for #3 Rocco DiSpirito jumped right into my mind.

  21. well, i explained why i thought he used the quotes around "porn star", but they were photographed more than once together & they went to a dancing with the stars taping together.

    but anyway, google aubrey & jenna in google images & you'll find at least twice they were photographed together.

  22. I thought of Emily Vancamp as well but she's too old and she's listed as a star on Brothers & Sisters now and not a recurring guest anymore.

    Andrea Bowen [born in 1990] from Desperate Housewives and maybe Kyle McLachlan? Andrea is listed as a star of DH too though and Kyle is indeed married.

  23. #2 Whitney and Ray j

    #3 Not Bobby Flay he is married to former Law and Order actress Stephanie March.

  24. i just found a third & fourth:

  25. haha i'm eating my own foot here, i know it's not aubrey & jenna, but at the same time, i so wish it was..
    i am onboard with the ray-j/whitney thing...only was the kim k tape known for being a total snoozefest?

  26. schneefloeckli :

    what movies has machlachlan been in that were big?

    the item says that the teen has a recurring role in the series- so i dont know why she wouldnt be in the running for this one- the blind doesnt mention guest stars or anything.

    i honestly cannot think of anyone else!!
    this one is gonna bother me all weekend.

  27. Gossip- If it makes you feel better this is from Perez Hilton's site..

    blah, blah, blah

    Can't Skanky go back to making out with Jenna Jameson???

    She's this close to starring in a porno herself!

  28. #3 doesn't specify whether the flirter was a male or female. It would be much juicier if it was a guy, such as Reichen (ex Lance Bass).

  29. what about?

    4.Minka Kelly and Kyle Chandler

  30. 1- Drew Barrymore
    2- Whitney and RayJ,its painfully obv.
    3- Rocco,that dick. Giselle?
    4- Snatcher's daughter from Desperate housebitches

  31. #4 Rocco de Asshole and Sarah larson, she just had the "boob job", (famous body), famous Ex- GEORGE....oh maybe not, ent said celebrity

  32. Pamela - you can't get off that easy....spill!!

  33. #4. maybe Lyndsy Fonseca(age 21)/Desperate Housewives ....storyline revolves around her now

  34. celeb chef = Todd English? I've seen him act quite the ladies' man even though he's supposed to be getting married.

  35. for the last time- it cant be drew barrymore on #1!!! she's not a tv actress!

    good guess with minka kelly for #4 but she is 20 just like emily van camp.
    perhaps ENT is going off of young looks and not off actual age.

  36. @notachance: lol. its not the chef the one with the famous body. :-)

    #3... celebrity with a famous bodx and famous ex boyfriend.

    Nr1. best bod: giselle bundchen
    Nr2. best bod: rebecca romjin
    Nr3. best bod: elle mc phearson

    my guess is romjin.

  37. oh, i definitely think aubrey & jenna had something going on. but, i dont think that they are the subject of this blind anymore. i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they DID veideotape it though.

    anyway, i have pics of aubrey at our 5th grade graduation & also some class pics. haha i've always wondered which gossip site i should send it to. cdan is my FAVE, but something tells me ENT wouldn't give a flying fuck about aubrey o'day at age 10.

    i think i am in one of them though, maybe i could get in random photos!!!

  38. chill the eff out.

  39. #3. rocco de asshole and karina smirnoff(ex- mario lopez) bravo A- list awards party???dancer/known for her body, she modeled one of the project runway dresses.

  40. oh no! not Kyle Chandler! that would make me sad!

  41. me chill out? but i can't!! it's not like i overabused my capslock or anything!!!

  42. Anonymous3:11 PM

    #4 Ben Affleck lol

  43. lol sylvia. i bet he's also 1, 2, & 3!!!

    that sneaky bastard...

  44. #4 might be Emily Van Camp, but probably not Rob Lowe because he's definitely over 40. So it has to be one of the other dudes on the show. What about Tania Raymonde & Mathew Fox. She got killed off in the last episode, but she's only 20.

  45. ok, i'm not jumping on the whitney and ray j train

    who is dating rick soloman (paris' partner) these days?

  46. Well.. first.. lemme just say I drastically reduced blogging at political blogs because of anonymous troll action. I am very sorry to hear that apparently happens here, too.

    #1. No idea but .. sad all the way around!
    #2. Def Jenna and Aubrey .. wasn't Jenna's last movie about an zombie Stripper??
    #3. I was gonna float Gordon Ramsay .. but he is married. Still ... he looks like a shag-aholic to me so some story like this in his future would not surprise!
    #4. Not sure .. but I don't think the guy would be Kyle Maclachlan - he's like 49 or 50 years old - isn't he?

  47. SP! Great catch on the lack of gender-specific pronouns for #3. I was going to say to an earlier guess that it can't be Rocco because he is gay for days (albeit trying to pretend otherwise). But Rocco and Reichen would fit the clue perfectly!

  48. #4 Balthazar Getty, Brothers & Sisters?
    33, married, 4 children, was in Natural Born Killers, and Judge Dredd
    Now was he ever on this blog?

  49. dschingis - good call. Elle McPherson has always been known as "the body." Her former boyfriend/father of her kids, Arun (can't remember his last name) is now Uma Thurman's boyfriend. Although I'm not sure what he's famous for other than being the boyfriend of someone famous.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. My two cents for #3: On the Elle MacPherson train: Her ex Brian Adams could be called quite famous, couldn't he?
    On the other hand, what about Gisele Bundchen? She sure is known for her body, the famous ex being Leonardo DiCaprio.

  52. #3 Rocc-EW Dispirito. He has done this before. In 2003, I was at the "South Beach Wine and Food Festival" and he was a visiting chef. A friend of mine (who was only 21 to Rocc-EW's then 37 years of age) got relentlessly HIT ON by him. Rocc-EW literally turned his back on his date while she was in the midle of a sentence to hit on my barely-legal pal. Nice guy

  53. The food was good though.

  54. For #4, what about CSI, without a Trace kind of shows? Any young girls on those? I would know the faces of the actors but not necessarily their names.

  55. p.s. like wasn't one of them from law&order in FFF?

  56. #3 - todd english. that guy is a ridiculous scumbag. he goes through young asian girls like kleenex.

    #4 - i just saw a pics of a guy from a tv show leaving the house of his tv daughter after they had spent the night together... now if i could just remember what website, we would have our answer. not sure why this is a blind item when i saw these photos the other day...?

  57. INTHEQ:

    It's the NEW "Dr. Who" TV show. The actress plays his daughter on the series.

    The actor's name is David Tennant (or is it Tenant??) The girl who plays his daughter is Billie Piper, and she's about 25 right now, but the photos INTHEQ is talking about show her leaving his home early in the A.M. The "walk of shame" if you will......

  58. Katrina Bowden and Will Arnett from 30 Rock

    It doesn't say he is a regular. However, is 30 Rock A list?

  59. Tennant (that's how ya spell it) is 37.

  60. Tennant has been in "Some really BIG films" Such as: "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" and "XMen: Last Stand"

    Nice FRICKEN catch INTHEQ

  61. Tennant is not dating Billie Piper, and Piper played Rose, his companion, not his daughter. She's pregnant by her new husband. He also isn't married. The girl that played his daughter was former Doctor Peter Davison's daughter. Tennant doesn't fit at all.

  62. Ragdoll---good catch!

  63. amy is right. Tennant is a notorious manslut for set people and is NOT married. It wasn't a surprise. Ent even reported on his "dating his daughter," it was funny. He doesn't fit. Give it a rest.

  64. I've just had fun watching David Tennant in Blackpool again. But it's not him since he's not married and as stated above huge manslut.

    Note that the BI for #4 doesn't necessarily say network show it just says A list television show - so it could be a cable show too.

  65. My friend fucked Bobby Flay.

    My friend is a guy.

    He also said that he went to snoop around in his refrigerator expecting some yum yums and it was bare!

  66. 1. Pamela Anderson.

    2. Whitney Houston / Ray J. I can't wait to see what random things Whintney is going to say on the tape. My guess, Ray J get the fried chicken!

    3. Rocco DiSpirito/Karina Smirnoff (how many men has Karina gone through? I guess we all know who Karina's next dance partner will be)

    4. Michelle Tractenberg (Gossip Girl)/Matthew Settle (Gossip Girl)

  67. Pamela s and coco! More details, please. Spill NOW! Thanks in advance...

  68. Settle isn't a face you'd really know and he hasn't been in anything BIG, unless you count Divine Secrets of the Ya-ya...

    Is the on-set romance on her show or on a film she's doing with the actor?

  69. Been outta town all weekend w/o internet...I agree--everyone PLEASE spill on all forms of Bobby Flay dirt!

  70. Hey guys - is there a reason no one has picked Emeril??? HE is the one who uses the catchphrase BAM!

  71. "jiggety said...

    celeb chef = Todd English? I've seen him act quite the ladies' man even though he's supposed to be getting married.

    My money would bet on Todd English and Sheryl Crow - famous for her hot body as well as her ex. There's pictures of them together with other celebs at his restaurant opening a few months back. He is muy handsome & tall - just her type.

  72. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I think #4 is Jamie Lynn Spears and Dan Schneider.
    Jamie Lynn has a recurring role as Zoey Brooks on "Zoey 101" (a very popular show on Nickelodeon). She is a c list actress, and barely out of her teens. She lives at mommy and daddy's house in LA now that she's preggers.
    Dan Schneider is a B-list actor (has always played supporting roles in big movies), and is married with one child. Not sure if he's been kicked out of the house yet. :)

  73. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Oh, and I forgot about the on-set romance thing. Notice it says something about the 'on-set romance' right after they talk abou this guy being married for a while? Schneider is married to chef Lisa Lillien, and I think I read somewhere that they met on the set of the former sitcom "What I Like About You" (the one with Jennie Garth and Amanda Bynes). He produced season one and two of that show. AND it was rumored that back when Amanda did her first movie, he allegedly had an affair with her too, and got her pregnant. Supposedly he paid money for her to get rid of the baby and keep quiet.
    If this is true, this guy is SICK.

  74. #4 what about Bill Paxton from Big Love and the girl that plays his 18 yo daughter ont he show? he's been in some hit movies but is def B-list...

  75. #3 definitely Emeril Lagasse. HINT: BAM! don't you remember that????????

  76. Pamela S, I'm curious to the story behind the Bobby Flay comment, is he really stalking you? And how do I get him to stalk me....?



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