Friday, June 27, 2008

Four For Friday - More Soaps

So, one week from today huh? To give you an update on what will happen next Friday. There will be reveals done, just the way they have in the past. In addition there will be some BIG FFF, and there will be one huge post of every photo that a reader sent in. So, if you want your photo included, you need to e-mail it to me prior to next Thursday the 3rd. K?

So the soaps seemed to be popular the other day so I called around and got a few more. I will say now that the cast of All My Children are safe...for now. The rules are the same as earlier in the week.

#1 - CBS actress. I didn't do them earlier in the week, but apparently this actress will because she has done almost every guy and even some of the girls on her show and others. She is single.

#2 - ABC actress. Divorced. At last count has been under the knife of a plastic surgeon 7 times and she is under the age of 40. She tells everyone that she has had only one operation, but everyone just goes along with it. Oh, and when she got divorced, everyone sided with the husband.

#3 - NBC actor. Not his first starring soap role. Been around forever. Also has a drug habit that has been around forever. Lives in a dump of an apartment because he would rather spend all his money on drugs.

#4 - CBS actor. This actor left his show recently even though he was a very popular guy. He said it was on his own terms, but he was actually fired. Seems that he had several warnings for sexual harassment but just kept doing it. Since then. Crickets make more noise than his career.


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