A Few Words About Justin Timberlake And Trace Ayala
For those of you clever enough to have found my Facebook page,. (Yes, it does exist and there is even a photo. Try enty lawyer) then you know that the situation between Justin Timberlake and Trace Ayala has been weighing on my mind heavily lately. Not like flooding in the Midwest or the inadequacy of our infrastructure here in the United States to handle rain, but still weighing heavily. I would say that on the scale it is about equal to deciding whether I should have Tommy's or In-N-Out for lunch today.
Justin and his "business partner" have basically kept quiet about their personal life until now. Seems that Trace gave an interview to In Touch and is not something you want to read while you are eating.
“I see the kid naked all the time, so if he is wearing a Speedo, I’m like ‘Yeah! He actually has clothes on!’”
The Speedo Trace is referring to is the one Justin is wearing in The Love Guru. That being said, do they take turns reenacting Zoolander without clothes on or something. Why on earth would Justin be walking around Trace naked all the time? Preening? Does Trace return the favor? Do they set up a webcam with Diddilypiddily and watch each other wax their balls?
Think this is bad? How about this? Jessica Biel helps Justin and Trace with their denim designs. Yep, the two are always running around squealing when they come up with some new denim design that will just drive the boys wild. They then call the boys over and have a runway show. The crotchless overalls are a big crowd pleaser. Not a big seller, but a big crowd pleaser.
Justin and his "business partner" have basically kept quiet about their personal life until now. Seems that Trace gave an interview to In Touch and is not something you want to read while you are eating.
“I see the kid naked all the time, so if he is wearing a Speedo, I’m like ‘Yeah! He actually has clothes on!’”
The Speedo Trace is referring to is the one Justin is wearing in The Love Guru. That being said, do they take turns reenacting Zoolander without clothes on or something. Why on earth would Justin be walking around Trace naked all the time? Preening? Does Trace return the favor? Do they set up a webcam with Diddilypiddily and watch each other wax their balls?
Think this is bad? How about this? Jessica Biel helps Justin and Trace with their denim designs. Yep, the two are always running around squealing when they come up with some new denim design that will just drive the boys wild. They then call the boys over and have a runway show. The crotchless overalls are a big crowd pleaser. Not a big seller, but a big crowd pleaser.