Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Elvis Presley? Come On UK

Warner Video took some kind of poll over in the UK to promote their show Pushing Daisies. First of all promoting a show that has already died a death seems kind of a waste, but whatever. Anyway, they took a poll of people in the UK asking them which celebrity they would most like to see return to life. 25% of the people picked Elvis.

You can't be serious. Look, I've been to Graceland 5 or 6 times so I do enjoy the gaudiness of an Elvis. But, he wasn't that great when he died. The only good thing I can see out of it would be it would give him the chance to finish divorcing Priscilla.

I wouldn't want that fat f**k back right now in Vegas singing that schlock of his. Remember it is not bringing someone back at their height of fame, just bringing them back. So if you bring back Elvis, you are going to get the sitting on the toilet for four hours at a time Elvis.

Here is the top 10 list from the people polled.
1 Elvis Presley
2 Princess Diana
3 Marilyn Monroe
4 Winston Churchill
5 Bobby Moore
6 William Shakespeare
7 Henry VIII
8 Freddie Mercury
9 Albert Einstein
10 Kurt Cobain

Definitely Marilyn because I have some questions for her. Freddie Mercury because I think he should have a proper going away concert. Kurt Cobain for sure so he can go ahead and kick Courtney's ass and explain about the gun and the fingerprints. I'll take a little Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison with just a shot of Jim Hendrix. I would love some Phil Hartman, John Candy and John Belushi.


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