Edward Norton Pulls A Mischa Barton
I never thought I would actually be discussing something that Mischa Barton and Edward Norton have in common, but the day has come. Since I know that none of you really follow Mischa's career or what is left of it, I will remind you that she is in a film that premiered at Cannes. She showed up on the red carpet for other films in Cannes but had nothing to do with her film there or anywhere else she was supposed to be. Since then, she has not received any new offers for any new films because what producer or studio will ever want someone who won't do publicity for the film? Granted in Mischa's case, the audience will be more likely to see it if they don't know she is in it, so it could be a wash.
Edward Norton on the other hand knows better and so when he blows off every interview for Hulk you know it is because he hates the movie and is telling audiences to stay the hell away by his absence.
His rep says Ed never does any interviews which is a complete bunch of crap but he knows that no one is going to take the time to find each interview that Ed Norton has ever done for a film. Last I checked it was Ed doing the acting in the film. Whether he got along with the director or not, you signed on to do the film, you starred in the film and got paid more for doing that film than 99% of Americans will make in their LIFETIME. Suck it up and do an interview you a-hole. What? You think because you are an actor you don't have to work if you don't like it? Let me tell you something about the real world and "everyday people" (thanks Kathy Hilton). None of us like our jobs everyday. Most of us probably hate our jobs more often than we like them. But you know what? We understand we are getting paid for being there and so we go. Oh, we might hate it and call in sick frequently, but in the end we show up or we find another job. No one forced you to be an actor. Stop being a cry baby and start being a man, or whatever kind of man you can be after being Salma's bitch for all those years.