Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dont Believe The Hype -Anne Hathaway Still Rocking The Criminal

I don't know what in the hell she sees in him, but the rumors about Anne Hathaway breaking up with her boyfriend are not true. Let me make this clear. He would break up with her, but she would never leave him. I think people ask her and plead with her everyday to break up with the douchebag, but when she tries to leave, he just sucks her back in. She gave up a long time ago trying to leave.

Plus, I think he is really cool with her side activities if you know what I mean and she is okay with his. I will say that I'm not sure of the exact hold he has over her. I don't know if it is a bad boy thing or if there is something more sinister or if he owes her a bunch of money and so she is staying until she has a chance of getting paid.

Just know this. That despite what you may read or even hear from PR people in the next few days, Anne is totally into this guy and isn't leaving. Wish she was, but she isn't.


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