Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Diddy Waxes His Balls

Actually according to Sean Combs he waxes everything except the hair on his head. He feels that all men owe it to the ladies to not have a hair on their body and that women appreciate it. According to an interview he just did with The Daily Mail he has a new regimen.

If you will recall I believe he said once that he would invite women over to help him get ready and that he would make an evening just out of getting ready.

Now, he has apparently modified that.

"While I'm getting ready I like to relax with a drink - vodka and lemonade - and listen to some James Brown.

Then I'll have a manicure and pedicure - and yes, I wax as well. Men owe it to women to make sure they are well-groomed."

To make matters worse, the Didster, splashes on his cologne all over his newly waxed genitals. That is going to sting, and also give whatever unlucky male or female is down there a really bad taste in their mouth. I mean I enjoy the smell of perfume on a woman, but I don't want to open my mouth and have you just spray it in my mouth. To me, Diddyliddy makes it seem as if no one has bought his damn cologne and so he is personally taking it upon himself to slather as much on as he can on his hairless, female like body.

Hey, for all I know, I could be wrong and Diddilypiddily could be right. I mean he has more money and chicks than me, although the chicks he tends to have sex with seem to be willing to have sex with almost anyone and are probably very complimentary so maybe they are just telling Staypuffmarshmellow what he wants to hear.

Ahhh, who gives a crap. The sad part is I don't think he is making any of it up.


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