Thursday, June 26, 2008

Celine Dion Destroying The Environment All On Her Own

I guess this came out a few weeks ago, but I never saw it. I don't think I would have seen it now except for the fact that the skinny, whiny, looks like she is giving birth when she sings chick known as Celine Dion finally thought of a way to respond to the fact that she used more water than any person in the entire United States last year. Yep. One person, and not even an American at that used 6.5M gallons of water in 2007 at her Jupiter Florida home. To convert that gallons for everyone, it is 29.5M liters of water. Florida officials say it was the most water used not only in the state, but the entire United States by a residence.

Now, remember, Celine wasn't even living there for all of 2007 because she was still finishing up in Vegas. How many hookers do you think her husband had sex with in Vegas during their entire run there? Any guesses?

Anyway, to put her water usage into perspective, the average resident in Celine's county in Florida used 120,000 gallons for the entire year. Celine used so much water in 2007 that it was enough to fill a large bathtub every four minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Now, Celine is not the only one who deserves scorn. Seems that Tiger Woods used 3.7M gallons of water in 2007.

Celine came out yesterday and started crying and doing a Tammy Faye (RIP) impression and her mascara was running and she shrilled and she whined and basically everyone just wanted her to shut the hell up so they just nodded their heads and ran and ran. Celine says that there was a broken water main and now that it is fixed she thinks she will be the lowest user in the county. Uh huh. Sounds like they dug their own well and so now know one will know how much they waste.

How much did this cost? To be the biggest water user in the country? $36,343.13. I know. It is disgusting that wasting that much water only cost that much. She makes that kind of money for 10 minutes of singing. She doesn't have any incentive to stop except for the bad publicity like this. Make her stop, and while you are at it, how about making her retire. Go off to Canada with your creepy wanted to have sex with you when you were 12 husband.


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