Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cameron Diaz Needs Help With Cussing

I really thought Cameron Diaz would have a dirtier mouth. I just always have expected that she is an every other word F bomb kind of lady. Apparently not because even when she gets royally pissed she isn't real creative with her choice of insults.

For some reason Cameron was in an Abercrombie & Fitch store. Even more surprising was she found something she wanted to buy. It was a t-shirt with the words "Jesus Goat" printed on the front. The store only had one left and Cameron wasn't getting it. Why? Well no one actually knows.

My guess? One of the guys or girls working at the store wants to do someone else who works at the mall and has promised them the shirt. Or, the staff could just be pissed that they make $8 an hour and so wanted to stick it to Cameron for no other reason. I guess they could have been big Justin Timberlake fans and somehow blame Cameron for Justin's descent into complete a*holeness as opposed to just being the partial a*hole he used to be.

So many possibilities. Well Cameron was ticked off and threw a tantrum right there in the store. She did the fake tears bit, did the don't you know who I am bit, and closed with the I'm going to call your boss bit. None of it worked so she stormed out as only she can and as she departed she uttered the words d**k fiends. D**k fiends? WTF kind of cussing is that? Is she saying the employees like d**k? Isn't that calling the kettle black?

If you want to get some attention you need to come up with something much better than that. More memorable. More, "I can't believe she just said that."

After Cameron left, she apparently realized there are 18,000 A&F stores just in the LA area and so went and got one.


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